JOACHIM BARTOLL on “The Beast System and their World Stage”

“In mainstream media, the main stage actors playing roles of ‘authority figures’ were all Jesuits of the Saturn Cult. For example, we had Jesuit-trained media actor Anthony Fauci (married to Jesuit Christine Grady), Jesuit Robert Redfield of the CDC, Jesuit- and Zionist-trained Justin Trudeau, Jesuit-trained Freemason Donald Trump as the bad guy, Jesuit-trained Joe Biden and Young Global Leader Emmanuel Macron as good guys. And of course, controlled-opposition on the media stage with Jesuit-trained Robert Kennedy Jr (son of Robert Kennedy, brother of Kathleen Kennedy of Center for American Progress), governor Andrew Cuomo (married to Kerry Kennedy and the brother of CNN host and Jesuit Chris Cuomo). We saw the mind-controlled actor Bill Gates announcing the prison society with vaccination passports in march of 2020. Bill Gates played the role of authority on vaccines and on ‘the science’ in the media industry, and the role of the villain in the camp of controlled-opposition and alternative media. Bill Gates was an easy target, scapegoat, and distraction for controlled-opposition as he strategically sponsored WHO and were connected to Pfizer and various vaccine projects through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. However, Bill Gates, as with Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, George Soros and other targets of the controlled-opposition and alternative media, they were simply actors on the world stage, puppets playing their assigned roles. They were part of the distraction, part of the game of opposites, something to point fingers at, something to blame and hate instead of people simply saying ‘I will not comply, I do not consent.’ and then going on with their lives without the interference of the beast system and their world stage.”

~Joachim Bartoll

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

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