STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Surviving Twin Flame Relationships – 4 Tips for Mindfulness”

 Twin Flame Relationships

There’s nothing more surreal, ethereal, or divine than two harmonious lovers walking the journey together. Two cosmic flames reuniting physically on the earthly plane in search of Source, the Higher Self…to rediscover what is there all along but has been obscured by the human experience and its trials.

Twin Flames and Soul Mates can meld seamlessly for the first few weeks and months or even years, but as the flames grow higher and burn stronger, you and your mirror image will begin feeling the heat in areas beyond the boudoir.  Yes, some fiery confrontations can occur in twin flame relationships, especially once the ‘bubble love’ phase transitions into a deeper realization of your cosmic connection.

Why? Because as exhilarating as it is, discovering your twin can be an intimidating experience. Theoretically, you’re in relations with the other half of your soul essence, so resisting the urge to have expectations and fears that can lead to disagreements can be ‘simply irresistible.’  Before calling it quits or calling the fire department on these occasions, here are a few ways contain the heat of these cosmic connections.

Twin Flame Relationships

Balance Intimacy with Spirituality

Anyone can fall in love. That’s the easy part. But, it’s going to take work – really challenging work on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels – to make your partnership succeed and for you to STAY in love. Now, if you’re truly with your Twin Flame, you shouldn’t be having any issues with intimacy. In fact, you may be enjoying that connection so much that spiritual connection time together is being neglected. Of course, intimacy IS spiritual in twin flame relationships. It’s the spirituality involved in spending time together soul gazing, meditating, communing in nature, doing yoga, developing your Kundalini presence or exploring the amplified healing abilities TFs are purported to have. These types of practices are what allow you to have balanced, positive energy so you can nurture not only your soul but to also tend to your partners when needed, In short, don’t neglect the SOUL work.

Twin Flame RelationshipsBe Open as Both a Student and Teacher

These special partnerships are of cosmic design, and they are intended to help us assist one another in becoming everything we are meant to be both as individuals and as a union before the process of ascension. Your partner mirrors your own issues back at you, and naturally, we can be resistant to these lessons because they are typically painful for us to see – especially once we consider ourselves to be ‘above’ those places we once were. There is no direct path to our final destination, and our human selves may refuse to see and acknowledge that dark side… to bare ourselves down to the core where both the darkness and light coincide so we can learn those tough lessons – sometimes over and over again. Don’t be afraid to be naked in your relations with your partner… let your beloved also be your teacher and guide. In return, allow them to be your student by letting them know who you really are and be honest in communicating your lessons.

Hold Back with Hypersensitivity

When times are trying it’s tempting for Twin Flames to Run in Troubled Times, but true twin flames must realize that they are a mirror image of one another, reflecting their own personal issues back at their partner, so naturally there is sensitivity to seeing those weaknesses. You’ll be hypersensitive to each other’s energies, both high and low, positive and negative – especially when those ‘lessons’ and ‘mirror’ issues crop up. This is the time to truly evaluate the role of the Ego, of YOUR Ego, and let it go. Choosing to communicate in a productive, kind, and loving way when disagreements arise rather than taking offense opens the door for healing. However, times when you realize your reaction was less impressive or productive, try to see your reaction as an opportunity to look within yourself and address any old baggage you’re harboring that fuels any undesirable responses.

Twin Flame Relationships

Live, Laugh, Love

As you ease into the comfort zone with your twin flame relationship, you will propel beyond being in love to just BEing LOVE. You’ll enjoy life more as you laugh and love together, allowing your relations with one another and the actions you bring into the world will to be like a mesmerizing song, an eloquent dance, a meditation or prayer, honoring and appreciating each moment with grace and humility. Be that LOVE, and all of your relationships will thrive even in the toughest of times.









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