LISA RENEE: “They Are Doing This While We Are Sleeping…”

“As the hidden war heats up, Silent Weapons are being generated to carry on to the masses’ brain waves through Frequency Following Responses during sleep state, which has surfaced for greater awareness in order to be made aware that this tactic is currently being used in wide swathes of the population. And of course, they have expanded this technology to the general public now with customized brainwaves that are being designed to influence and control people’s thoughts when sleeping. These include the transmissions of blatant electronic harassment, microwave weaponry for nano-bot assembly and for building the internet of human bodies as the partnered strategy for further activating the bioweapons [C**VID vaccines]. These energy weapons are real and not imaginary, they are covertly targeting humanity to vanquish the inner light of the awakening soul-spirit, in order to weaken, oppress and conquer the masses at this juncture where humanity is dangling on the precipice of changing world history as the result of the upcoming collective awakening event. And through our direct knowledge of this agenda, it leads to greater awareness and then we are empowered to mitigate and neutralize these impacts by observing and setting space with intention during our nightly shielding procedure to include statements to nullify brain wave harnessing attempts during sleep state. Now, what a Frequency Following Response means is that if a targeted person or a subject hears a sound that is produced at a frequency, which emulates one that is associated with the human brain, the brain will try to mimic the same frequency pattern by adjusting its brain wave output to synchronize with that input of frequency that the brain is being exposed to. Now to comprehend the problem of hidden technological mind control on the Earth plane, this Frequency Following Response is an important concept to grasp. And my personal opinion is that if you understand how this works, you are now empowered to switch gears in your brain so that your Brain will not synchronize to any input frequency that comes in while you are unconscious or asleep so that you can neutralize these effects of which the Controllers are attempting to exploit at this particular stage. Now, what is becoming obvious since the rollout of the global Plandemic psychological operation, is that the smaller population of Targeted Individuals that were being experimented upon through the Secret Space Program — largely without their Consent or knowledge — over the past 25 or 30 years, that this was the dress rehearsal for bringing in the same mind control tactics into the entire human population, except that it would be controlled by cybernetic AI systems and related methods. So, although some degree of this was already happening, it is more customized now to the individual brainwaves as the result of the build out of the Internet of Things, and the Digital Twins and the mass amount of personal data that has been harvested off of humanity through, not just social media sites, but everything else, such as collecting blood types and genetic cataloging. So this agenda to capture brainwaves during the sleep state has reached another level, at least in the US, where the negative alien groups are attempting to scale their Black Sun MK Ultra mind control methods upon large amounts of the human population while they are sleeping. Frequency Following Response means that if a subject hears a sound produced at a frequency which emulates one associated with the human Brain, the brain will try to mimic the same frequency pattern by adjusting its brainwave output. To impact and manipulate human consciousness, all that is required is to create a complex signal through a Frequency Following Response when the brain locks on to an external signal coming from the environment, and the neurons began to mirror that signal. The signal can be a carrier wave in a spectrum, a frequency that is designed to create emotional feelings of anxiety, distress, or trigger deep emotional pain. As a result, the brain chemistry alters and changes, generally plummeting the person’s consciousness, into a range of lower negative emotions with confused and fragmented perceptions. And when the brain chemistry is altered, and when the brain waves have been switched or altered, this is when the brain is suggestible to insert thought forms, or instigate other behaviors for shaping or influencing or grooming that individual to carry out some harmful thoughts or criminal actions against others, in which, in mob rule, they believe they are justified as the ends justify the means. Now with all of these examples, you will find Frequency Following Response method as a type of mind control technology, as a strong case study for noting how successful this full spectrum military grade assault against the weakened minds of children, young adults, senior adults, and how this was used in order to subjugate them through threats of infectious diseases, such as the claim of a Pandemic. Now, the agenda is to interfere with the process of how your brain maintains short term and long term memory recall through sleep state by purposely interfering with our sleep, and generating disruption in our thinking via manipulation of brainwaves whereby they attempt to trigger emotional reactions in order to generate interference, so that the informational experiences that are recorded in your brain through important events, they want to interfere with those memories, so that you will forget about important things, such as those things that are in opposition to their anti-human agendas. Now, the more out of balance we are inside of ourselves, the more out of balance we are with nature, and natural laws, and thus the more diseased we humans become. When the synaptic signaling is interrupted through toxic electrical frequencies, now, such as the technological mind control of low electromagnetic field pulsing or harmful radiation, or synaptic signaling, is interrupted through an introduction or exposure to toxic chemicals, heavy metals, such as aluminum, mercury, in Vaccinations, or strontium, and bromium, in chemtrails, that interferes with the synapse. And the synapse will not signal. When the synapse stops functioning because it has been poisoned or interfered with in this way with a toxic chemical or heavy metal, the neuron will eventually die. When neurons die, humans get motor neuron brain diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s and ALS. Neurons generate brain signals between synapses, which connect into other brain cells. We can exhibit assortments of all kinds of thinking disorders or personality disorders or mood disorders, bipolar or mania or chaotic, disordered thinking, an host of autistic spectrum disorders— all of this is related to dysregulated brain waves. Because the Brain Signals composed from electrical and chemical reactions are not healthy, or they are not firing correctly. Now, this is largely because of unhealthy input and unhealthy exposures. The individual may have a genetic predisposition, but overall, many problems are caused from being imbalanced and unhealthy between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers, the more integrated and balanced we are throughout our multi-dimensional layers. So, as we think on this concept, from the controller’s vantage point, at the root source of all of our thoughts, the way we think, that which comprises our belief systems, our attitudes, our behaviors and our actions. More control over our emotional body is directly related to our spiritual connection. So, you can see the Controllers’ agenda, why they they have created people that are emotionally traumatized, and not competent emotionally. They don’t know how to manage their emotions. They are easily led by their emotions. They’re very impulsive through their instinctual emotions, and that has been cultivated in the masses because that blocks our spiritual connection. So, earlier this year, it was observed that they were experimenting more with animals. And you may remember, it was discussed a few months ago, to be aware that some wild animals and pets were suddenly acting aggressively predatorial. And this was a first stage of rollout of this next generation brainwave harnessing tech, mind wipe and forgetting previous memory recall that is connected between owners and their pets, as well as larger animals in the wild that were suddenly attacking humans when they were not known to do so before. They have discovered that by using brainwave interference directly during an individual’s sleep state, that they could more effectively manipulate the memory storage ability of the brain. And thus, this is the FFR during Sleep State agenda being observed more recently. Now, some issues of the mind control, they want you to forget that the vaccine they sold the masses is a bio-weapon and forget their major crimes made against humanity. They want you to go to sleep, forget about it and not seek justice or accountability. And to forget information that you may have gathered or known on some unapproved topic, they want you to forget all about the effort that you’ve placed in knowledge gathering in which to interfere with the recall of long-term memory of information that you have stored in your brain and within your spiritual blueprint. And when you try to remember it, they want you to not to be able to access that information anymore. Now, the brain wave harnessing tech is a frequency following response that is highly attracted to Heavy Metals, especially aluminum and graphene. So this is something to understand again about the bioweapon; we know it has a lot of graphene among many other toxic types of exposures. But when we think of brainwave harnessing, the people that are the most susceptible to this, as conductors to this silent weaponry are going to be people that have high heavy metal toxicity, high chem-trail, or heavy metal, food or GMO food exposures. Again, Heavy Metals in our bloodstream, mouth, teeth and body make us more conductive to these silent weapons as well as prone to receive these assorted brain waves programmed with distorted thoughts. Now, sometimes with those of us that are of the Christos family, we’re Starseeds, we’re from the Paliadorian family, this mind control does not work as well on us. So, they know this. Instead, they go to harass our family members or someone around us, such as someone in the inner circle in which to wreak their havoc. Again, with this knowledge you are going to flip the inner genetic switch. Now that you know that this is the agenda—- you have the personal power to take control over the brain switch and the brain waves and use the sovereign brain command of which to neutralize and nullify these particular effects. The healthier we become, the healthier we are, and the faster we heal our brain wave signals, which helps our entire body to become healthy and spiritually whole. So, please know that it is the Secret Space Program bases that are covertly controlling the DoD military and the National Atmospheric Administration, that are implementing a lot of the brain wave harnessing tech. Brain Waves are at the root of all of our thoughts, all of our emotions, and all of our behaviors and is the communication between the neurons within our brains that create the brainwaves and the brainwave pattern. Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other. Brainwaves are special and unique to our spiritual consciousness. That means every single brain, and every single brainwave pattern is uniquely individual. There is no one with the same brain waves that you have. Your brain is configured to your Soul and spiritual Blueprint. Thus, no one can emanate brainwave patterns in the exact same way that you do. Even if your consciousness was cloned, the difference can always be detected. Although captured mainstream science will not admit this publicly. But this is a phenomena that we may see increasing around people that are near to us. This particular method of frequency following response mind control is also how they may try to break up relationships, generate False Reality Delusions or turn your casual friends into enemies overnight, or working towards divide and conquer in communities or groups. Now, the people that are unaware and that actually succumb to this implantation of thoughts, they generally are weak-willed, strongly ego-based and spiritually disconnected. But still, if this happens, it can be shocking when this kind of rupture happens so quickly to end relationships or social connections— and it can be with family members or anyone else that you may have trusted. And if that particular emotional connection was not deep, genuine and authentic, this person may show their true colors, and it may be exaggerated and amplified, especially if they have been targeted in this way. And thus, the controller or the Black Magician, or the military grade handler, has zero resistance to inserting their mind control or manipulating the brainwave patterns when they are interfering directly with an individual’s brain waves. Now, this happens to all high-profile people that they want to exert control over such as politicians, government or heads of state, celebrities, news anchors, etc. So, our goal, dear family, is to not Consent or comply with this blatant crime against humanity by knowing sleep state capture of the brainwaves exists, and refuse to allow silent sound weapons to harness our brain waves by setting that intention before asleep, commanding your personal space with the intent to only process organic brainwaves that are natural and aligned with you and your true core self, spiritual self. With this awareness, it becomes obvious why the negative alien agenda and controllers and their various armies want to capture, control and harness our brainwaves, and that they use many different means to try to get us to comply with their mind control methods by implanting thoughts throughout our day-to-day exposures. However, they are doing this while we are sleeping.”

~Lisa Renee, via FFR during Sleep State, Taurus Solar Alchemy

“Watch out! They get you while you’re sleeping!”

Photo and video links by Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE on “Do Not Give Up — We Are Almost There!”

“Many people are unaware that humanity is in an active spiritual war taking place on multiple fronts. For many of us right now, it feels that we are being held hostage in a strange situation of wait and see, held in void of nothingness, some of us may feel isolated, imprisoned and immobile while many people around us still do not register that we are in an active spiritual war that is raging against everything that is authentically human. As we enter phases of the breakdown in society as it is currently happening, it means that the energetic fields get more destabilized and the outer conflicts and chaos increases. The mainstream sources of news are fully controlled Propaganda machines run in coordination with military intelligence run by the Controller groups. This makes this time very difficult because we are being weakened by not having access to current information or knowing the position of hot warfare when it is being carried out. As an example, sadly, all the statistics we are given about the bio-weapon pysops are largely manipulated and skewed making it nearly impossible to tell what is what. Currently, the World Slavery system is used to parasitize soul energy but also to superimpose karmic exchanges on the masses, and is an important reason the NAA fight so hard to retain their control and access over earth and the inhabitants. The humans controlled by the NAA have Stockholm Syndrome, and have been dehumanized to such levels of fragmentation they act like a feral animal cornered in a cage, defending their enslavement, not comprehending how they can exist any way else but to be in the Mind Control matrix enmeshed in a codependent Parasitism with these dark forces. This is the important phase of the falling dominoes and wild cards, and noting that the Controllers have been doing all they can to hide the truth, subvert this benevolent agenda, re-direct and distract the masses so they will not figure out what is happening and who is behind all of the divide and conquer and bioweapon psyops. Those of us that can still think in the fog of war can see clearly the injection symptoms are the promoted variants. Observing the breakdown of mental faculties and vaccine related accidents happening around us is something that those awakened to this harsh reality must prepare for in coming months. The outer environment is shifting with the increased onset of strange or unusual behaviors linked to social situations which surface sudden physical, mental or emotional impairment. Additionally, there are the harmful effects of the toxic substances being put in some of the injection lots along with the inorganic and artificial magnetic nanotech frequencies that are digressing mental faculties through a gradual deterioration over time that is similar to Sponge Brain symptomology. Mental and physical abilities deteriorate and many tiny holes appear in the cortex causing it to appear like a sponge when brain tissue obtained at autopsy is examined under a microscope. The disorders cause impairment of brain function, including memory changes, personality changes and problems with movement that worsen chronically. The bio-weapon was designed with many experimental mind control nanotech elements which were intended to degrade the human target’s Bio-Neurology during real time mental and emotional body processing which can suddenly reach startling levels of incoherence, mental fracturing, memory problems and confusion happening mid-dialogue. My information comes from field work from over 20 years when reluctantly asked to look at world events in energetic terms so that I can see what is happening in detail and help the Cosmic Founders when they ask. They made it clear that it is for that reason, the US is important strategically in this spiritual warfare as well as global warfare against the Controllers — these are the handpicked bloodlines and aliens working at the top of the pyramid of global control. We must remember that many of these people running this NAA agenda look human but they are not, they are the ones put in control by their superiors to farm humanity for their kind. Thus, this covert situation would be a shocking revelation to the general public when awakening to the mind control reality of lies to find out the world is being run by a bunch of negative aliens wearing cloned Enki Skins as cloaking devices. Guardian Host mentions that there are ongoing operations to extract alien bases using assorted mind control technology in APIN’s or wireless technologies, including human and nonhuman groups working in pods of 10 or more that unify their psionic ability to control others telepathically or with assorted psychotronic technologies. The recent bio-weapon includes instructions for complex building materials to reassemble in the human bloodstream for the purpose of energy conduction and bio-neurological attunement to these same psionic group pods collective mind control messaging. Many in these pods have implanted thoughts to take over the minds of the so-called Power Elites, politicians, entertainers and celebrities used to enforce the NAA narratives. Dragon Moth and their chimera creatures were using powerful psionic abilities magnified by the APIN’s to mind control their own underlings and surface inhabitants. These nests are being systematically identified for extraction and the entire system is being removed from certain underground bases, where the hierarchal order of their workers started to disintegrate and more of these entities went rogue or surrendered to Emerald Guardian protocols. Some of the Annunaki groups have discovered the actual source of their consciousness enslavement, and are choosing to evolve beyond the genetic digression of mind control programming that instilled them with the violent impulses for war mongering against the Christos lineages. This means in the massive fog of warfare the defectors from many of these warring factions are surfacing in ways we have not seen before. Thousands of Annunaki hybrids are awakening to the reality of their consciousness enslavement and having greater realizations of their current situation, are refusing to accept military orders or tasks from their higher ups, instead they are choosing to face their actions by surrendering to Guardian forces. As miserable as it can be at this time watching the harm and devastation that is happening in the world at large, and the fact humanity will have to recover from PTSD from all that has happened plus living through a real time Genocide. During the planetary ascension cycle, if the consciousness becomes phase locked into the physical 3D layers, the being will need to drop their physical body in order to continue their spiritual evolution in another body, one that is made upon the future dimensional plane their spirit has chosen for them. Although when and if they leave their body it will be in a much better space as it will be a briefing life review and release of the mind control suffered on this reality plane. At this point, it is hard to tell what can be enacted to neutralize the effects of the bio-weapon, as we are seeing many benevolent actions and clearings happening en masse. I feel this is to prevent large die off of the injected population, but unsure of how much can be neutralized and what needs to happen as many souls will choose to leave. Humanity does prevail in a much better timeline where the truth is able to be spoken and we regain our freedoms when emerging into a completely new version of this reality system. The biggest challenge we all have is the immense grief of those people we love and care for being taken in by the darkness deceit and lies, and that many hurt themselves when believing these lies. It does appear that when the time comes for the change and tipping point in the collective it will have basic themes, and those themes are presenting this week as being escalated, so I am sharing this with you now. Do not succumb to the fear based narratives of what it looks like on the outer, as it is not the truth! There are many good and positive things happening for humanity that we cannot see on the outer yet. It will come in divine timing, and this shift will bring us to explore a new society so we will need to be flexible, adaptable, and connected to our heart and God’s holy spirit. Your intention to connect with God and have a good loving heart is enough, use common sense, listen to your loving inner Christos spirit and do not give up — we are almost there!

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary / Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “A Plague All of Humanity Suffers From as the Result of the NAA Invasion and Recent Injectable Bio-Weapons”

“The Negative Aliens and Satanic Forces, in their quest to survive and achieve immortality, are attempting to hijack human consciousness and ultimately take possession of the human host’s body. For those that are willing to seek truth and research the piled-up evidence provided by many whistleblower’s testimony behind the aggressive global mass enforcement policy of the series of genetic modification bio-weapons, it becomes clear that the end result desired for the injected population is the very same agenda they have employed while secretly experimenting on targeted individuals. This is militarized psychotronic warfare technology that is primarily sourced from Orion Groups consortium of Black Sun Program. Primarily, the Black Sun groups have been experimenting on humanity for many years with an assortment of artificial intelligence and black box quantum computing technologies for the purpose of moving the collective consciousness towards AI controlled Groupthink, which is similar to connecting human brains to the internet. This system is referred to as the Brain Net or Hive Net. The NAA want to connect all human brains to Artificial intelligence systems as the means of total and complete human consciousness enslavement, in order to monitor and manipulate all electromagnetic activity of the human Brain to fully collect the data for the purpose of controlling the timelines. People that have been identified as Targeted Individuals are the first waves of humans being secretly experimented upon for testing out this AI surveillance system, by using an assortment of automated SRA methods for subjugating group consciousness via remote device or satellite. The planned expansion of this AI system through the reset into Techno-Totalitarianism is to eventually connect every living human brain to Artificial intelligence networks that build out complex simulations of the entire genetic library on the earth. The AI Signal prepares the body to host Metatronic Reversals and the AI parasite technology, which is to control the human being and prepare the body for dark force control or Imposter Spirit possession. The AI parasite is also referred to as a Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE). Effectively, this is integrating AI technology and bioengineering to damage human DNA signals, as preparation for complete mind control and body snatching. The fundamental basis of the Transhumanism agenda is to take possession, by downloading AI into the human brain and neurology. Currently, they are desperate for total control and pushing hard for the next generation of weaponizing AI controlled Groupthink in order to completely enslave the masses, by covertly and secretly plugging people into the Hive Net and running kill command codes. This is planned to be achieved through a variety of means connected to GMO’s, chemicals and nano dust, but the mandated vaccination agenda being aggressively spread for the purpose of injecting nanochips and biosensors directly into the blood stream of children and all of humanity, it is the holy grail of this anti-human propaganda. The SPE is one of the main sources of voice recognition mind control that is implanted most commonly through the Gallbladder Meridian. It is a parasite, so its life cycle and how it burrows into the bodily matrices, is exactly like a physical parasite. In understanding how Alien implants and SPE’s function, is to understand parasites. A very important thing to understand is that physical parasites in the body create disease, energy blockages and increase the body’s vulnerability to mind control technologies. This is what the Archons want, to weaken our bodies with parasites to be subservient to their control. This is why the medical system will not apply live blood microscopic analysis, frequency testing, or acknowledge pleomorphic change of microorganisms inside the human body as responsible for disease. If this became medically acceptable it would reveal parasites and toxicity as the cause for all disease and we would eradicate the need for synthetic drugs and medical barbarism. Energetic parasites are the source of physical parasites and pathogenic microorganisms. The more alien implants we have, the more energetic parasitism happening in our life force and vital body essences. If we are covered with infection and parasites we are living in a rate of decay which greatly impacts the quality of our bodily function, to which we are not made aware. The NAA need their human puppets to mass produce and promote nanochip laden and poisonous vaccinations as healthy immunization practices, through the global medical tyranny network, as this is the keystone to their future success with carrying out the next stage of the transhumanist agenda. Current examples of ‘The Reset’ are being made through the intended operation of using the internet-hive net for global surveillance, data collection, mind mapping, economic restructuring, and facial recognition systems that are designed to be fully functional within the complex infrastructure build out of the Internet of Things and smart cities by 2030. This wish list plan for Technocratic Totalitarianism supplies an unlimited range of possibilities for the Controllers to manipulate the data in these AI transmissions for the purpose of Implanting Thoughts, eliminating dissenters and gaining complete control over human brains, essentially creating a synthetic hive mind and compliant population. The goal of the NAA’s reset into Technocracy is to eventually have billions of nanotech bots and sensors running throughout our Bio-Neurology communicating with each other over a wireless network that directly connects our brains with the internet, so that human consciousness will be completely immersed in a virtual reality that is experienced through all of our biological senses. The structure is entropic and parasitic as it must rely upon an external power source through which to siphon energy to continue to exist, and this is where human brains and human bio-energy are currently being set up to be merchandised by the Controllers for energy extraction by rolling out the vaccination and Transhumanism agendas. It is more effective if they can inject these nanobots into our Blood stream directly via the false front of vaccinations for public health. At this NAA wish list planned stage of nanotech infection with AI Signals, an asleep human being will not have any perceptual awareness that the external experience is happening through an artificial intelligence simulated reality interface and that the original connection into the organic consciousness reality will be effectively eliminated, thus disconnecting the Soul and spiritual body from the biology of that physical person. This is a part of the transhumanist agenda to create cyborgs in the human population through AI, to be used for a variety of purposes on Earth, such as slave labor, sexual slavery and food source, as well as be taken to other planets by the NAA. This is the diabolical plan of the Black Sun Satanists and NAA entities that intensely hate humanity and desire to destroy the original Diamond Sun template and the God given spiritual connection to Christos that inherently exists in human beings. This is a plague that all of humanity suffers from as the result of the NAA invasion and recent injectable bio-weapons, and this problem will be addressed through the release of advanced healing technologies made available to the masses during the global Awakening stages of the disclosure events in the reasonably near future.”

~Lisa Renee

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‘THE CLOT IS IN THE SHOT!’ ~ Watch “Died Suddenly”— A ‘Must-See’ and ‘Must-Share’ Documentary About ‘The Jab!’

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Sponge Brain”

“Observing the breakdown of mental faculties and vaccine related accidents happening around us is something that those awakened to this harsh reality must prepare for in coming months. The outer environment is shifting with the increased onset of strange or unusual behaviors linked to social situations which surface sudden physical, mental or emotional impairment. Mental and physical abilities deteriorate and many tiny holes appear in the cortex causing it to appear like a sponge when brain tissue obtained at autopsy is examined under a microscope. The disorders cause impairment of brain function, including memory changes, personality changes and problems with movement that worsen chronically. Additionally, there are the harmful effects of the toxic substances being put in some of the injection lots along with the inorganic and artificial magnetic nanotech frequencies that are digressing mental faculties through a gradual deterioration over time that is similar to Sponge Brain symptomology. The bio-weapon was designed with many experimental mind control nanotech elements which were intended to degrade the human target’s Bio-Neurology during real time mental and emotional body processing which can suddenly reach startling levels of incoherence, mental fracturing, memory problems and confusion happening in mid-dialogue.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary