LISA RENEE on “Aryan Druids”

“Since the Luciferian Rebellion, the invasion of angelic humanity’s advanced culture was being infiltrated with Lunar Imposters wearing cloned solar garments such as Enki, by manipulating the planet’s sacred sound tones and holy names of God. By artificially wearing Holographic Inserts of the energy signatures of those whom we trusted because they were known to be the most benevolent, spiritually developed and holy among us, these imposter entities were decked out with cloaked lunar lightbodies imitating the spiritual jewels and Krystic frequencies of Aryans, as they were incarnated directly into grail lineages and then rapidly raised into global leadership positions. Since the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Luciferian Bloodlines were inserted by NAA in order to masquerade as humanity’s highest Solar Dragon Melchizedek Priests, Aryan Druids and Maji Grail Kings and Queens running our global civilization through their shared bonds of serving the Luciferian Covenant, carrying out the ongoing Mind Control methods and agendas for instituting consciousness slavery in the masses. Due to their Krystic and holy nature, their outward appearance and behavior reflected the highest qualities of human kindness, ethical conduct, refinement and intelligent nobility, which many thousands of years later led them to be referred to as the Aryans. The word Aryan is a description that originally held the meaning of being a respected compassionate teacher that leads by example, a self-actualized individual that presented as highly civilized, noble and free, without reference to any ethnicity or caste. Unfortunately, the term Aryan is an example of how words can be hijacked away from their actual meaning and further manipulated for the sinister purposes of promoting Mind Control ideologies used by the Controllers.”

~Lisa Renee

Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings / Emerald Heart of Eire

LISA RENEE on “Keepers of the Blue Flame”

Keepers of the Blue Flame (art by Elizabeth)

Subsequent to the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the females with original Staff Holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to disrupt the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, this lunar distortion would prevent the natural Rod and Staff Gender Principles from activating in the human DNA. The Lemurian Holocaust was a direct planned assault on the matriarchal society and Solar feminine, in which many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of the Paliadorian races, and were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines. Through the correction of the Lemurian timeline, many fragments in the 2D layers which represent the split body parts of the Mother known as the Achamoth, were reintegrated back into the Arc Zone. Starseeds with this lineage as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the hatred directed to the divine mother principle, and the waves of grief and sadness from this particular event. Through this event, the earth came to know Misogyny and extreme levels of hatred directed towards the divine feminine, as carried out by the NAA invaders. The Sophianic Template contains sequential stages of reassembling the Solar Feminine Christ architecture that is designed to repair the lunar distortion imprints, which include the magnetic reversals embedded within the female principle structures on the planet earth. The potential resurrection of the Solar Feminine Christ is made possible through the recent activations and anchoring of several Cosmic Diamond Sun body structures, such as the Holy Mother’s God seed code (the perfect proton) and the Krystallah matrix within the earth’s main grail point and Stargate system. The instruction sets for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ have begun to spiral through the energetic current traveling throughout the planetary grid network. As the female biology is able to pick up these transmissions, they begin to naturally repair the magnetic imprints of the lunar woman distortions in her physical matrix. The DNA-RNA imprint in a female biology is more suited magnetically to embody the Solar Flame codes first, that further ignite the inner vertical channels and this potentially ignites the Keeper of the Flame blueprint and thus, may further activate female Staff codes.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Solar Feminine Christ

LISA RENEE: “Cosmic Gateway”

Cosmic Gateway (art by Elizabeth)

“During this phase, the entire Solar System is undergoing its own level of solar initiation through the higher frequencies of the solar plasma emissions. These profound solar events announce the Cosmic Father principle returning the light codes of humanities original DNA architecture through the intelligent plasma forces transmitting Krystal geometric coding to the earth. Additionally, through the radical shifts occurring between the Earth, Sun and Intergalactic Magnetic fields, the Cosmic Mother principle is returning her original imprint for the corrected Mitochondrial DNA record. Together they bring the formation of the Cosmic Trinity principle that signifies the next phase of transmitting the Krystal gene coding to the Earth. This supports the ascending human’s bio-matter template for manifesting inner Hierogamy or Krystic consciousness, as well as constructing the consciousness travelling lightbody, the Merkaba. This intense cycle is an extremely powerful phase of energetic recalibration into the higher frequencies that build a balanced and strong foundation for the emergence of our Starseed spiritual identity and Diamond Sun body, both in the physical and non-physical planes. Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generate the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. The recent solar gateway initiation marks another delineation in the Bifurcation of timelines that extends even further into the Galactic planes and their portal systems. There is a frequency split occurring between the AI timelines that were generated from NAA dimensional blending experiments and the current availability to access organic ascension into higher dimensions and timelines, that exist way beyond the AI version of the 3D earth. As a result, many on the spiritual Ascension path are undergoing profound levels of solar body healing to unify their inner masculine and feminine, as well as reclaiming lost fragments, integrating consciousness memories and remembering their extended spiritual family. Through the process of integrating consciousness memories we may connect to several layers of the Historical Timeline Trigger Events, in which we had taken part during other lifetimes on Earth or in another location of the Universal Time Matrix. The first waves are preparing to exist in an ascended body prototype that is built upon a corrected blueprint that actually multiplies our life force energy and supports the foundation for expressing our higher spiritual identity. To embody our highest Krystic self, we transition into a reality that is freed from the energetic reversals that form into artificial intelligence networks that have been used to siphon and suppress our consciousness energy. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. However, in order to accomplish this we must distinguish the difference between Artificial Intelligence systems and organic consciousness timelines. We must know our true core selves deeply, and follow our spirit without hesitation, in order to break free from the fear based Mind Control bondage of the NAA and their AI systems.”

~Lisa Renee

During this phase, the entire Solar System is undergoing its own level of solar initiation through the higher frequencies of the solar plasma emissions. These profound solar events announce the Cosmic Father principle returning the light codes of humanities original DNA architecture through the intelligent plasma forces transmitting Krystal geometric coding to the earth. Additionally, through the radical shifts occurring between the Earth, Sun and Intergalactic Magnetic fields, the Cosmic Mother principle is returning her original imprint for the corrected Mitochondrial DNA record. Together they bring the formation of the Cosmic Trinity principle that signifies the next phase of transmitting the Krystal gene coding to the Earth. This supports the ascending human’s bio-matter template for manifesting inner Hierogamy or Krystic consciousness, as well as constructing the consciousness travelling lightbody, the Merkaba.

This intense cycle is an extremely powerful phase of energetic recalibration into the higher frequencies that build a balanced and strong foundation for the emergence of our Starseed spiritual identity and Diamond Sun body, both in the physical and non-physical planes. Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generate the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. The recent solar gateway initiation marks another delineation in the Bifurcation of timelines that extends even further into the Galactic planes and their portal systems. There is a frequency split occurring between the AI timelines that were generated from NAA dimensional blending experiments and the current availability to access organic ascension into higher dimensions and timelines, that exist way beyond the AI version of the 3D earth. As a result, many on the spiritual Ascension path are undergoing profound levels of solar body healing to unify their inner masculine and feminine, as well as reclaiming lost fragments, integrating consciousness memories and remembering their extended spiritual family. Through the process of integrating consciousness memories we may connect to several layers of the Historical Timeline Trigger Events, in which we had taken part during other lifetimes on Earth or in another location of the Universal Time Matrix.

The first waves are preparing to exist in an ascended body prototype that is built upon a corrected blueprint that actually multiplies our life force energy and supports the foundation for expressing our higher spiritual identity. To embody our highest Krystic self, we transition into a reality that is freed from the energetic reversals that form into artificial intelligence networks that have been used to siphon and suppress our consciousness energy. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. However, in order to accomplish this we must distinguish the difference between Artificial Intelligence systems and organic consciousness timelines. We must know our true core selves deeply, and follow our spirit without hesitation, in order to break free from the fear based Mind Control bondage of the NAA and their AI systems. [1]


  1. Historical Timeline Triggers

See Also:

AI Timelines of Fallen Earth

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Protecting our Sacred Crystal Heart from the Onslaught of External Dark Exposures”

“During this turbulent phase and ongoing, the direct assault against the human heart is becoming more aggressive in order to attempt to annihilate it completely. For all of us that are dedicated and aware to serve our Spiritual Source, we know that this is a component of our Sacred Crystal Heart undergoing Spiritual Warfare. Under no circumstance will we allow anything to harm our Sacred Heart or take away our humanness, which is the love, the kindness, the compassion and the empathy that we have for each other, for this Earth and for the creatures of this planet. This, while devoting ourselves to lead a heart centered lifestyle based in compassion, are supreme energetic protectors of the human Bio-Neurology, thwarting and neutralizing Artificial Frequencies and harmful Electromagnetic Mind Control Weaponry, such as AI Signals. Thus, we must do whatever we can to protect our Sacred Crystal Heart from the onslaught of external dark exposures and unethical people that incite all forms of betrayal, especially spiritual betrayal and heart break. You are not alone; we are doing this together. The soul wounds we carry have closed down our true divine nature, and each of us must choose to place effort in order to heal ourselves from our personal traumas and emotional injuries, to open our Crystal Hearts and reveal the true spiritual purpose and destiny in which we are serving the cosmic order. As when they are reconnected to the Cosmic Christos, and fully healed when rejoined with their Divine Counterpart, the Hierogamic Union extends their perfected Rainbow Aura of Ascension to nourish and heal the lands and the Tribes of humanity under their energetic stewardship.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Blue Rainbow Bridge

GIF courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE: “Gamma and Brain Hemispheric Unification”

“The current gamma oscillations are rapidly shifting the planetary matrix and crystal core, which are also unifying the north to south hemispheric layers within the planetary Albion into the Golden Gate portal located in the Galactic Center. Gamma wave oscillations stimulate higher consciousness states in the human brain and lightbody that function to entrain the mind with the collective consciousness in the planetary, galactic and universal matrix of life, in which we receive deep insights of unity, the interconnection with all of life. Further, this cosmic energy transmission through the galactic center has gamma waves pouring through the Sun Disc network of many constellations of sun-stars, which are simultaneously generating energetic impacts that are unifying the hemispheres within the human brain and shifting consciousness perception. During the Ascension Cycle, many people being activated by gamma waves during plasma activations or when moving kundalini spirals up the spinal column, may experience some form of life review, ego death, near death or out of body experiences. This is described as when portions of our life experiences flash before our eyes, within inner vision, one becomes aware of emotional perceptions held when retrieving memories during certain life events; from the past, present and future. Guardians have repeatedly expressed that during the Ascension Cycle, those on the ascension path will undergo a death-like transition where they may remember this level of ego death has happened to them before in previous lifetimes. Further, they may see their deceased loved ones, or perceive their own death and rebirth cycles on the earth plane. However, they are not dropping the physical body at that time, but continuing on the consciousness growth cycle in order to integrate all stations of identity into the ascending vehicle, which is the current personality stationed in the present time that is taking part in the planetary ascension. This means that gamma waves are generated and increased in the brain during meditation practice. This, while devoting ourselves to lead a heart centered lifestyle based in compassion, are supreme energetic protectors of the human bio-neurology, thwarting and neutralizing artificial frequencies and harmful electromagnetic mind control weaponry, such as AI signals. Thus, to heal and protect the brain and nervous system, it is highly suggested to practice daily meditation with heart centered self-compassion, as this activity will help support brain entrainment to the gamma wave activations which in turn, can begin to spiritually heal the entire body.”

~Lisa Renee

Gamma wave oscillations stimulate higher consciousness states in the human brain and lightbody that function to entrain the mind with the collective consciousness in the planetary, galactic and universal matrix of life, in which we receive deep insights of unity, the interconnection with all of life. The current gamma oscillations are rapidly shifting the planetary matrix and crystal core, which are also unifying the north to south hemispheric layers within the planetary Albion into the Golden Gate portal located in the Galactic Center.

Further, this cosmic energy transmission through the galactic center has gamma waves pouring through the Sun Disc network of many constellations of sun-stars, which are simultaneously generating energetic impacts that are unifying the hemispheres within the human brain and shifting consciousness perception. The planetary brain’s hemispheric unification is causing deeper harmonic resonance shifts that activate the human brain’s hemispheric unification and may initiate sudden and spontaneous gamma wave oscillations in the bio-neurology, which lead to sequences of unexplainable higher consciousness events. Additionally, there are major shifts within the white plasma sound waves that are connected directly to the Cosmic Mother’s Elaysian fields that are also generating harmonious resonances within the human brain in order to attune with the organic tri-wave consciousness fields that are resetting the planetary grid network.

During the Ascension Cycle, many people being activated by gamma waves during plasma activations or when moving kundalini spirals up the spinal column, may experience some form of life review, ego death, near death or out of body experiences. This is described as when portions of our life experiences flash before our eyes, within inner vision, one becomes aware of emotional perceptions held when retrieving memories during certain life events; from the past, present and future. This is connected to the death process where the soul matrix flushes ranges of gamma wave frequencies into the bio-neurology in order to initiate the separation of the physical body from the consciousness body layers. So, gamma waves also induce higher consciousness states that happen during the death transition; thus, some people may undergo similar sensations where it may be felt that the body is dying, when in actuality, the consciousness is being internally transformed within the physical vehicle via awakening into deeper connection with the higher spiritual self.

Guardians have repeatedly expressed that during the Ascension Cycle, those on the ascension path will undergo a death-like transition where they may remember this level of ego death has happened to them before in previous lifetimes. Further, they may see their deceased loved ones, or perceive their own death and rebirth cycles on the earth plane. However, they are not dropping the physical body at that time, but continuing on the consciousness growth cycle in order to integrate all stations of identity into the ascending vehicle, which is the current personality stationed in the present time that is taking part in the planetary ascension. The point is to understand that the rapid increase of gamma rays into our system may initiate sensations that feel like the soul or consciousness body are leaving a dying physical body, or some level of surreal physical disorientation, which can lead to assorted spiritual phenomenon that are associated to major shifts in human consciousness.

It is important to know that gamma wave oscillations in the human bio-neurology, actually act to organically bring in the protective plasmic sheath of the Cosmic Mother’s Azothian firewater elements in the opalescent white Elaysian fields, which function to supremely protect and coat the brain and entire nervous system. This means that gamma waves are generated and increased in the brain during meditation practice. This, while devoting ourselves to lead a heart centered lifestyle based in compassion, are supreme energetic protectors of the human bio-neurology, thwarting and neutralizing artificial frequencies and harmful electromagnetic mind control weaponry, such as AI signals.

The challenges of the non-experiencer with a dogmatic mind and closed heart, is that this disconnects them from perceiving the spiritual reality, and as a result, greatly increased gamma wave transmissions can accelerate aberrant gamma oscillations in the brain. This distortion may also accelerate brain inflammation, oxidative stress and metabolic imbalances which further cause the gamma network in the brain to malfunction. Gamma waves unify the brain hemispheres and control the connectivity between all of the brain regions, in which abnormal gamma oscillations have been known to lead to diseases of the brain, nervous system and mitochondria. Thus, to heal and protect the brain and nervous system, it is highly suggested to practice daily meditation with heart centered self-compassion, as this activity will help support brain entrainment to the gamma wave activations which in turn, can begin to spiritually heal the entire body.

~via Blue Rainbow Bridge