JOACHIM BARTOLL: “The Trump Colorado Puppet Show Continues for Gullible Zombified Adults and NPCs”

Ascension Avatar note: While Joachim is adept at connecting the Jesuit Gematria psyop-script dots, he’s apparently under the impression that Donald Drumpf is alive and well (as most of the world beLIEves), while he is continually being portrayed by CGIs, holograms, clones and masked men. Unless you are plugged into organic God Source consciousness, you won’t know this as FACT and could be fooled, but it’s very apparent — hard-core delusional Trump fanatics feel better when they’re still pretending he’s a living ‘savior’… 😇 Ah, sure he was! 🤥

by Joachim Bartoll

December 29, 2023

If you remember the December 19th ritual of Colorado disqualifying Freemason Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot on the day leaving a Skull and Bones Freemasonic 322 days until the U.S. election on November 5, 2024, then this second act should come as no surprise.

On this Wednesday, the Colorado GOP allegedly filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court after the state Supreme Court’s decision to remove Trump from the primary ballot. Following the appeal, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced that she will include Trump on the primary ballot on the January 5 certification deadline, unless the U.S. Supreme Court affirms the lower court’s ruling or declines to take up the case.

So, this announcement from Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold came on December 28, 197 days after Trump’s June 14 birthday, and 9 days after the December 19 Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling.

197 is the 45th prime number, and 45 is the 9th triangular number. Of course, on December 28, there were 3 days left in the year, and 9 is the 3rd square number. Very nice mathematical skills of breaking it down. Really ritualistic. Also, it’s 45 weeks until the 2024 election.

December 28 was a day with 47-date numerology, a number associated with the Freemasons and the government, making it a perfect day for political rituals.

12/28/2023 = (12) + (28) + 2+0+2+3 = 47

Trump = 47
D.J.T. = 47 (Donald John Trump)
D.C. = 47
White House = 47
Government = 47
Washington D.C. = 47
White House = 47

December 28 also came with a full 83-date numerology, which summarizes the theatre taking place in Colorado, involving the Secretary of State and the U.S. Supreme Court and the Election (all controlled by the Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church and the Elite families.)

12/28/2023 = 12 + 28 + 20 + 23 = 83

Election = 83
Colorado = 83
The Donald = 83
U.S. Supreme Court = 83
Secretary of State = 83
Society of Jesus = 83

And again, Colorado fits the bill for some ‘election’ drama for the sleeping masses who think that everything is real, when it’s simply staged theatre.
It’s the only state that is a perfect match with ‘election.’

Election = 83, 133, 38, 43, 38, 43, 363, 413, 798, 498
Colorado = 83, 133, 38, 43, 38, 43, 363, 413, 798, 498

And December 28 also came with a short-date numerology of 63, and this theatre is about the primary ballot.

12/28/23 = 12 + 28 + 23 = 63

Primary Ballot = 63

The choice of including Jena Griswold in this ritual about the election to the alleged “seat of power” in Washington D.C. is quite obvious.

Jena Griswold = 137, 187, 56, 65, 70, 557, 607, 1122, 822
Washington D.C. = 137, 187, 56, 65, 70, 557, 607, 1122, 822

Jena Griswold = 137
White House = 137
Government = 137

And going with the Jesuit’s 56 hoax number, December 28 also came with a 56-date numerology.

12/28/2023 = 1+2 + 2+8 + (20) + (23) = 56

Jena Griswold = 56
Washington D.C. = 56
Masonic Ritual = 56
Society of Jesus = 56

Also note that Fox News decided to publish the article at 1:19 p.m., as in the hoax code of 119, as in 911 or 9/11. Remember, Trump was called President elect on November 9, 2016, as in 11/9or 119.

Again, this is nothing more than a puppet show for the gullible zombified adults and NPCs.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

‘PSST! GET A LOAD OF THIS BS!’ ~ Joachim Bartoll: “DJT in Court on Passover with 34 Counts as Dow Jones Hits 34k after 34 Rockets Fired into Israel!”

“On April 13, the last day of the Jewish holiday of Passover, Trump was back in New York for questioning in the state civil fraud case against him. Remember, on the first day of Passover, 34 ‘rockets’ were allegedly fired into Israel, all in synchronicity with the ‘34’ cases against Trump. And, now on the last day of Passover, D.J.T. is back in court with the ‘hush-money’ case and the 34 charges against him. As we know from the earlier decodings, this fake theatre in the court is a Freemasonic ritual and distraction that serves to portray Trump as some kind of martyr. Remember that he had ‘34-counts’ against him, which could give him ‘136 years’ in prison. Both those phrases reduce to ‘33’ in gematria. Also, that day the court started at 2:15 p.m., which also equals ‘33’ in gematria. And Trump being, allegedly, a 33-degree Freemason was now back in court in New York on April 13, exactly 303 days, like ‘33’ after his last June 14 birthday. And, of course, if we count the end-date, it was 304 days, like 34, connecting back to the 34 charges and the Passover. Such a perfect day to stage this! And counting forward, including the end-date, this second court meeting was 2 months and 2 days before Trump’s next June 14 birthday, like ‘22,’ the second Master Number, aka., the Master Builder Number within Freemasonry. Also, this is all about ‘The Storm’ and the next election where Trump wants to ‘Make America Great Again’ (MAGA), by serving his masters, the Jesuits. And speaking of the MAGA-movement psy-op, this was staged on the 13th of April, as in 13/4, like 134. And one of the roles of Trump is being the Seventh King. Make America Great Again = 134, House of Cards = 134 (symbolic reference of the political theatre). Seventh King = 134. Now, going back to the fact that this court hearing was on the last day of Passover (which equals 34), it was, if we count the end-date, 304 days, like 34, after Trump’s birthday, it comes as no surprise that on the same day, and in the same city of New York, the Dow Jones climbed to 34k. On the last day of Passover, while Trump is back in New York to face his 34 charges, the Dow Jones climbs to 34,000. Passover = 34. Such a coincidence. Or is it? The world is a stage and all markets are rigged to fit their rituals.”

~Joachim Bartoll

On April 13, the last day of the Jewish holiday of Passover, Trump was back in New York for questioning in the state civil fraud case against him. Remember, on the first day of Passover, 34 “rockets” were allegedly fired into Israel, all in synchronicity with the ‘34’ cases against Trump. And, now on the last day of Passover, D.J.T. is back in court with the ‘hush-money’ case and the 34 charges against him.

D.J.T. = 34
Passover = 34
Jewish = 34
April = 34
Hush Money = 34
Stormy = 34

As we know from the earlier decodings, this fake theatre in the court is a Freemasonic ritual and distraction that serves to portray Trump as some kind of martyr. Remember that he had “34-counts” against him, which could give him “136 years” in prison. Both those phrases reduce to ‘33’ in gematria. Also, that day the court started at 2:15 p.m., which also equals ‘33’ in gematria. And Trump being, allegedly, a 33-degree Freemason was now back in court in New York on April 13, exactly 303 days, like ‘33’ after his last June 14 birthday.

New York = 33, 33
Lawsuit = 33, 33
34-Count = 33
136 Years = 33
Masonry = 33
The Masons = 33

And, of course, if we count the end-date, it was 304 days, like 34, connecting back to the 34 charges and the Passover. Such a perfect day to stage this!

Now, April 13 came with a Freemasonic 22-date numerology.

4/13/23 = (4) + (13) + 2+3 = 22

And counting forward, including the end-date, this second court meeting was 2 months and 2 days before Trump’s next June 14 birthday, like ‘22,’ the second Master Number, aka., the Master Builder Number within Freemasonry. Also, this is all about ‘The Storm’ and the next election where Trump wants to “Make America Great Again” (MAGA), by serving his masters, the Jesuits.

2 months and 2 days, like 22, before Trump’s birthday on a day with 22-date numerology.

MAGA = 22
Storm = 22
Jesuits = 22
Donald John Trump = 220 = 22 (zeroes hold no value and can be removed in numerology)

And speaking of the MAGA-movement psy-op, this was staged on the 13th of April, as in 13/4, like 134. And one of the roles of Trump is being the Seventh King.

Make America Great Again = 134, 134
House of Cards = 134 (symbolic reference of the political theatre)
Seventh King = 134

And this continuation of the theatre was staged on April 13, the 103rd day of the year. Although a very Jesuit number, it summarizes the whole script in the Elizabethan cipher. Donald is questioned in a $250 million business fraud lawsuit in New York that all began with Stormy Daniels (‘The Storm’.)

Donald = 103
$250 Million = 103
New York = 103
Stormy = 103
Jesuits = 103

Of course, in the same cipher, being acted on the 103rd day, leaving 262-days remaining in the year, we have a reference to the ‘calm before the storm.’

Calm Before the Storm = 262

Now, going back to the fact that this court hearing was on the last day of Passover (which equals 34,) it was, if we count the end-date, 304 days, like 34, after Trump’s birthday, it comes as no surprise that on the same day, and in the same city of New York, the Dow Jones climbed to 34k.

On the last day of Passover, while Trump is back in New York to face his 34 charges, the Dow Jones climbs to 34,000.

Passover = 34

Such a coincidence. Or is it?

Well, the climb was 383 points, the 76th prime number, and the number of Donald John Trump and Skull and Bones Freemasonry. And let’s not forget, Trump is currently 76-years old.

Skull and Bones = 76
Donald John Trump = 76

That climb is equal to 1.14%, like 114, like The Masons.

The Masons = 114

And they closed the Dow in a Masonic Ritual at 4:56 PM, the 56th minute of the hour.

Masonic Ritual = 56
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order)
Freemasons = 56

And remember, this all started with Stephanie Gregory Clifford, aka., the pornographic actress Stormy Daniels, and the Dow rose by 383 points.

Stephanie Gregory Clifford = 383

The world is a stage and all markets are rigged to fit their rituals.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Ivana Trump’s Funeral a Jesuit Ritual on the 201st Day of the Year”

“For my first simple decode of Ivana Trump’s alleged death, just follow this link. In that decode, we revealed the important Jesuit number of 201, as the media was very careful about telling us that she ‘fell down stairs’ and was found at ‘bottom of staircase’. Notice that they did not use ‘the’ in any of their wording, as that would not generate the correct numbers for the ritual. And let’s not forget that ‘fell down stairs’ is a perfect match with ‘Jesuit Order,’ as I decoded in the previous article about Ivana’s alleged death. The media also reported that 911 received a call at 12:40 p.m. ET about Ivana. Not that they put the ‘ET’ for eastern time, something they seldom do unless it’s for the coding… Fell Down Stairs = 201. Bottom of Staircase = 201. 12:40 p.m. ET = 201. Her alleged death happened on July 14 and they staged her funeral only 6 days later, on July 20, the 201st day of the year. This is not only significant because of the ‘staircase’ ritual as decoded above, but also consider that Donald Trump was born on June 14, the day of the year leaving 201-days remaining in the year if you count the end date. Actually, the Jesuit number of 201 is a recurring theme with their puppet Donald Trump, a way of showing his allegiance. As I decoded in my article about Ivana’s death, her and Donald’s wedding was at the ‘Marble Collegiate Church’ officiated by ‘Norman Vincent Peale,’ of which both sums to 201 in English Ordinal Gematria. Quite the feat! And then we come full circle as Ivana’s funeral was held on July 20, the 201st day of the year. And it was of course held at a Catholic Church, quoted as Donald’s favorite property. If you still think that these ‘elitist’ puppets are your ‘saviors’ and not controlled by the hidden hand that rule the world, you need to think again. Think really hard, if you’re capable. Everything they do is ritualistic and coded by the numbers, as many of us has exposed hundreds, and thousands of times. It’s all a stage and the theatre will continue as long as you keep watching and believing in the act, in the deceit.”

~Joachim Bartoll

For my first simple decode of Ivana Trump’s alleged death, just follow this link.

In that decode, we revealed the important Jesuit number of 201, as the media was very careful about telling us that she “fell down stairs” and was found at “bottom of staircase.” Notice that they did not use ‘the’ in any of their wording, as that would not generate the correct numbers for the ritual. And let’s not forget that ‘fell down stairs’ is a perfect match with ‘Jesuit Order,’ as I decoded in the previous article about Ivana’s alleged death. The media also reported that 911 received a call at 12:40 p.m. ET about Ivana. Not that they put the ‘ET’ for eastern time, something they seldom do unless it’s for the coding…

Fell Down Stairs = 201
Bottom of Staircase = 201
12:40 p.m. ET = 201

Her alleged death happened on July 14 and they staged her funeral only 6 days later, on July 20, the 201st day of the year. This is not only significant because of the ‘staircase’ ritual as decoded above, but also consider that Donald Trump was born on June 14, the day of the year leaving 201-days remaining in the year if you count the end date. Actually, the Jesuit number of 201 is a recurring theme with their puppet Donald Trump, a way of showing his allegiance. As I decoded in my article about Ivana’s death, her and Donald’s wedding was at the ‘Marble Collegiate Church’ officiated by ‘Norman Vincent Peale,’ of which both sums to 201 in English Ordinal Gematria. Quite the feat!

Also, their first “son,” Donald Jr., was born on December 31, 1977, the last day of the year, or if you pay attention, exactly 201-days after Donald’s birthday.

The Jesuit Order = 201
The Rays of the Sun = 201 (the Jesuit logo with the ‘IHS’ inscription)
Order of Illuminati = 201 (created by Jesuit priest Weishaupt and key to the birth of Freemasonry)
Ignatius of Loyola = 201 (the founder of the Jesuit Order)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201 (our current and first Jesuit Pope)
Domus Sanctae Marthae = 201 (the guest house at the Vatican, where Pope Francis lives in suite 201)

And then we come full circle as Ivana’s funeral was held on July 20, the 201st day of the year. And it was of course held at a Catholic Church, quoted as Donald’s favorite property.

If you still think that these ‘elitist’ puppets are your “saviors” and not controlled by the hidden hand that rule the world, you need to think again. Think really hard, if you’re capable. Everything they do is ritualistic and coded by the numbers, as many of us has exposed hundreds, and thousands of times. It’s all a stage and the theatre will continue as long as you keep watching and believing in the act, in the deceit.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL on “Ivana Trump Dies in Obvious Ritual”

“Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana, has died in her home in New York City. Ivana was the mother of Donald Jr, Ivanka, and Eric Trump. Ivana was born on February 20, 1949, and allegedly died on July 14, 2020, exactly 144 days after her birthday (the second most important Jesuit number)… Keep in mind that her maiden name was Zelnickova. Zelnickova = 144. Ivana Zelnickova = 144. Jesuit Order = 144. Donald and Ivanka was married on April 7, 1977. April 7, as in 4/7, like 47 – a very Freemasonic number, as their compass on their logo is set at 47 degrees. Ivana = 47. Trump = 47. DJT = 47 (as in Donald John Trump). Ivanka Trump = 47. President = 47. White House = 47. Government = 47. Republican = 47. Democrat = 47. D.C. = 47. Vatican = 47. Francis = 47 (as in Pope Francis). France = 47 (where the Jesuit Order was formed). And remember that Donald Trump, during a Nevada Rally in September of 2020, said the following, ‘I’ve done more in 47 months than Joe Biden has in 47 years.’ Donald and Ivana married in the ‘Marble Collegiate Church’ officiated by Norman Vincent Peale. Keep in mind that the Trumps are puppets of the Jesuit Order, and we know all about their most important number 201. Marble Collegiate Church = 201. Norman Vincent Peale = 201. The Jesuit Order = 201. Order of Illuminati. And for the numbers so far, 47, 201, and 144… Time = 47, 201, 144 (her ‘time’ was up). Counting the end-date, her alleged death came 222-days before her next birthday. This is a very important number in the occult and secret orders. Ivana = 222. Trump = 222. New York, New York = 222 as in New York City, where she was found dead. And she allegedly died at 73-years old. Ivana Marie Trump = 73 (her full name). Ritual Sacrifice = 73. And July 14 leaves 170-days remaining in the year. Sacrifice = 170. That was the simple and obvious ground work.”

~Joachim Bartoll

~via Joachim Bartoll Official