LISA RENEE: “Wing Trauma”

“During the ending evolutionary cycles on Tara, conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the Blue Flame. As self-appointed Blue Flame Keepers, these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others. The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal Melchizedek faction violated their agreements with the Paliadorian Covenant through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the Egyptian-Serres culture on Tara. The Egyptian-Serres human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the Universal Tribal shield. This power grab made by the patriarchal Melchizedeks contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet Tara and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff. As a result, these Melchizedek groups were destined to incarnate on the earth repeatedly as the Hebrews, in which they would be required to make amends to heal these DNA distortions from the Wing Trauma in the 6D-7D wing architecture, and thus learn their spiritual lessons about abuses of power through the evolution cycles on the earth. Some of those in the 7D Wing Violet Flame Holder group became known as the Ascended Masters that are promoted in the new age materials. The architectural timeline damage generated from the destruction of the 6D wing as a result of the Taran Blue Flame Staff disintegration, required frequency seals and barriers to contain the field distortions, which generated further anomalies in the angelic human lightbody template. This distortion directly impacted the functioning of the heart chakra, placing a separation between the mental body, the conscious mind awareness and the astral layers of the heart center. Essentially the mental body and the heart center were divided in such way that the conscious mind was not easily made aware of the contents of the heart, spiritual centers and vice versa. This original timeline for wing trauma is very heightened during this time, as many awakening Indigos are working to rebuild their lightbody wings with the recent planetary plasma activations, by reconfiguring themselves to hold the correct positioning for the Building Wings 6D-7D hierogamic initiation.”

~Lisa Renee

During the ending evolutionary cycles on Tara, conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the Blue Flame. As self-appointed Blue Flame Keepers, these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others. The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal Melchizedek faction violated their agreements with the Paliadorian Covenant through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the Egyptian-Serres culture on Tara. The Egyptian-Serres human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the Universal Tribal shield. This power grab made by the patriarchal Melchizedeks contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet Tara and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff.

As a result, these Melchizedek groups were destined to incarnate on the earth repeatedly as the Hebrews, in which they would be required to make amends to heal these DNA distortions from the Wing Trauma in the 6D-7D wing architecture, and thus learn their spiritual lessons about abuses of power through the evolution cycles on the earth. Some of those in the 7D Wing Violet Flame Holder group became known as the Ascended Masters that are promoted in the new age materials. The architectural timeline damage generated from the destruction of the 6D wing as a result of the Taran Blue Flame Staff disintegration, required frequency seals and barriers to contain the field distortions, which generated further anomalies in the angelic human lightbody template. This distortion directly impacted the functioning of the heart chakra, placing a separation between the mental body, the conscious mind awareness and the astral layers of the heart center. Essentially the mental body and the heart center were divided in such way that the conscious mind was not easily made aware of the contents of the heart, spiritual centers and vice versa. This original timeline for wing trauma is very heightened during this time, as many awakening Indigos are working to rebuild their lightbody wings with the recent planetary plasma activations, by reconfiguring themselves to hold the correct positioning for the Building Wings 6D-7D hierogamic initiation.

The Wing Trauma in the architecture caused the split in the astral identity, the astral soul layer split into a lower layer and a higher layer. This astral body split generated chaotic emotional energies that remained unconsciously expressed as autonomic system impulses, in which the individual was unaware or unable to control these impulses. When these negative emotions accumulated into aberrant patterns that remained uncleared and unresolved, this content grossly exaggerated the most primitive and animalistic of the instinctual impulses. Over generations this lower astral body formed into a repository for accumulative emotional aberrance and traumatic experiences which in turn forms into the Shadow Selves and Pain Body that are connected to the Lightbody. It is the shadow selves which contribute to an assortment of pain body problems such as exacerbating uncontrollable subconscious reactions and Addiction tendencies, as the unaware individual seeks inner relief from the built-up tension and emotional anxiety that is held in the shadow selves. The ego-personality tends to want to escape facing the harsher truths in the reality and wants to escape the sensation of pain, thus avoids resolving emotional conflicts and negative emotions by putting up subconscious blocks. This greatly contributes to the phenomenon of a lack of Self Awareness which then forms into mental states of Cognitive Dissonance that is very common today. [1]

Curse of Yahweh

This level of the blockage and quarantine is what is referred to as the 666 Seal and is a genetic block in the sixth dimensional frequency layers residing within the 6D Indigo Ray and 7D Violet Ray Monad or oversoul bodies and crown chakra which is referred to as our Wings. At the beginning of monadic level integration, this 666 Implant or Templar Seal can be removed form the human Lightbody

Essentially this relates to the trauma of having our Wings cut off from our Lightbody and is related to the Curse of Yahweh. This fact is what created many of the Fallen Angelics and the Watchers trapped in the earth.

Quarantine Digressed into Mutation Curse

This genetic block became a curse for humanity over the last cycle as it was passed down the genetic lines through interbreeding with the Annunaki, which further digressed human DNA. Annunaki and Nephilim hybrids became carriers of the genetic block and because of their disregard of the Law of One (Natural Laws of God) and intended genetic manipulation for human enslavement, this agenda further advanced the DNA distortions. Over time the distortions manifested splitting between the elemental physical body layers, the subconscious mind and lower and higher aspects of the astral identity. 

Negative Form

These schisms generated Shadow Selves or Negative Forms, and dark fragments in the astral layers of the soul matrix that further proliferated, personal and planetary miasma. The genetic block and removal of these DNA tones created a dual identity in both the 2D and 4D, and is how the “shadow self” or Negative Form and unconscious aspects were first generated in the digressed human DNA. The 2D schism split the instinctual body into separate functions, a collection of fragmented sub-personalities (generated from Soul memories) and a repository of personal emotional energies and collective chaotic forces. The 4D schism placed a barrier in the nadial capsule that separates the astral body/heart chakra from merging with the 3D Solar Plexus mental body. This subjects the person to lower astral energies and lower astral traveling. This blocks the lower bodies communication with the elemental kingdoms, making it very hard for the person to feel “body consciousness” or communication with nature or elemental kingdom. Essentially it blocks multidimensional awareness and Higher Sensory Perception.

Healing These Schisms

To heal these schisms and rehabilitate the DNA, a being is required to learn about the Law of One and practice the Law of One principles, to finally heal and embody the integrated spiritual identity. Once all beings are proficient and accepting of this as the truth as the nature of reality, these genetic blocks are able to be removed as the person is not an endangerment to themselves or others. The removal of this 666 Seal means that the person has achieved a process of planetary ascension, no longer required to reincarnate in the lower creational realms or 3D earth. This planetary quarantine beginning to lift also means the possibility of more enlightened extradimensional races finally being able to communicate with our planet, as this is a sequential event leading the human race to join in Cosmic Citizenship, as a potential peaceful race.

This is an opening during this time cycle, to be lifted away from these genetic blockages and Miasma that have impacted all of humanity. There is no judgment, its understanding our history and the fact we are incarnated down here means we have taken on the imprint as a part of the human race. If we have not cleared this imprint through our ascension mission, we will have the opportunity to do this DNA healing from this point now and ongoing. [2]


  1. Universal Shadow
  2. June 2012 Newsletter

See Also:

Universal Shadow


6D-7D Planetary Wings

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Keepers of the Blue Flame”

“Subsequent to the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the females with original Staff Holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to disrupt the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, this lunar distortion would prevent the natural Rod and Staff Gender Principles from activating in the human DNA. The Lemurian Holocaust was a direct planned assault on the matriarchal society and Solar feminine, in which many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of the Paliadorian races, and were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines. Starseeds with this lineage as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the hatred directed to the divine mother principle, and the waves of grief and sadness from this particular event. Through this event, the earth came to know Misogyny and extreme levels of hatred directed towards the divine feminine, as carried out by the NAA invaders. Sophianic Template contains sequential stages of reassembling the Solar Feminine Christ architecture that is designed to repair the lunar distortion imprints, which include the magnetic reversals embedded within the female principle structures on the planet earth. The potential resurrection of the Solar Feminine Christ is made possible through the recent activations and anchoring of several Cosmic Diamond Sun body structures, such as the Holy Mother’s God seed code (the perfect proton) and the Krystallah matrix within the earth’s main grail point and Stargate system. The instruction sets for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ have begun to spiral through the energetic current traveling throughout the planetary grid network. As the female biology is able to pick up these transmissions, they begin to naturally repair the magnetic imprints of the lunar woman distortions in her physical matrix.”

~Lisa Renee

Subsequent to the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the females with original Staff Holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to disrupt the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, this lunar distortion would prevent the natural Rod and Staff Gender Principles from activating in the human DNA.

Lemurian Holocaust

The Lemurian Holocaust was a direct planned assault on the matriarchal society and Solar feminine, in which many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of the Paliadorian races, and were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines.

Through the correction of the Lemurian timeline, many fragments in the 2D layers which represent the split body parts of the Mother known as the Achamoth, were reintegrated back into the Arc Zone. Starseeds with this lineage as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the hatred directed to the divine mother principle, and the waves of grief and sadness from this particular event. Through this event, the earth came to know Misogyny and extreme levels of hatred directed towards the divine feminine, as carried out by the NAA invaders.

Sophianic Template

Sophianic Template contains sequential stages of reassembling the Solar Feminine Christ architecture that is designed to repair the lunar distortion imprints, which include the magnetic reversals embedded within the female principle structures on the planet earth. The potential resurrection of the Solar Feminine Christ is made possible through the recent activations and anchoring of several Cosmic Diamond Sun body structures, such as the Holy Mother’s God seed code (the perfect proton) and the Krystallah matrix within the earth’s main grail point and Stargate system. The instruction sets for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ have begun to spiral through the energetic current traveling throughout the planetary grid network. As the female biology is able to pick up these transmissions, they begin to naturally repair the magnetic imprints of the lunar woman distortions in her physical matrix. The DNA-RNA imprint in a female biology is more suited magnetically to embody the Solar Flame codes first, that further ignite the inner vertical channels and this potentially ignites the Keeper of the Flame blueprint and thus, may further activate female Staff codes. [1]


  1. Solar Feminine Christ

See Also:


Krystal Star

Guardian Host

Natural Laws


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Christos-Sophia”

“Christos is the unified state of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine, and thus we refer to the completion of the three layers of sacred marriage merged as the Christos-Sophia to denote the state of energetic balance between the inner masculine and feminine principles that are manifested in either a male or female body. Generally the Soul is the female principle, and the Monad is the male. Christos-Sophia reflects the perfection of the Law of Gender inherent in the Solar Logos principle made manifest, it is reflected as the sacred masculine and sacred feminine unified and made whole, that which is made in the true image of the Godhead. Many religious organizations are filled with alien mind control transmissions that are designed to radically distort the gender principle, and have concealed all information that the Christ is a male and female, androgynous god human. The word Christ has been distorted in its use on the earth plane from being integrated into Violent Religions manufactured by the NAA to create harm and division in the human race. Androgyny has been purposely corrupted and is severely misunderstood. As a result, religious programming has severe consequences in harming inner gender balance, while promoting unhealthy sexual attitudes and intolerance. We endeavor to use the word Christ, Christos-Sophia, Krystal and Krystallah interchangeably to return the real meaning and use of the word to denote the unifying principles of the Law of One as they are intended by the Eternal God Source. Christos-Sophia reveals the true nature of sacred marriage and the presence of the feminine Sophianic consciousness that is unified with the state of Christdom. On the path of Christos-Sophia we consciously participate to transform and build our lightbody, and collaborate with the Spirits of Christ to serve the Law of One, which is fulfilling our spiritual purpose to achieve unconditional love, peace and to exist in harmony with all creation. We are moving to another level of experience within these Rod and Staff Sacred Unions, and many males are also feeling reconnected through these new patterns of heart-brain integration, as they are becoming available in the planetary architecture, to those who have harmonic resonance to the unity frequency and the Christos-Sophia. This is a wonderful development. When we are at one with God, we exist in the virtue-ethics of the Spirits of Christ, emanating the pure love and wisdom consciousness state of perfected sacred marriage or Hieros Gamos.”

~Lisa Renee

Christos-Sophia reflects the perfection of the Law of Gender inherent in the Solar Logos principle made manifest, it is reflected as the sacred masculine and sacred feminine unified and made whole, that which is made in the true image of the Godhead. Christos-Sophia is the path of spiritual Ascension that leads to the inner discovery of the spark of divinity that exists within the Sacred Crystal Heart, and is found within all creation. The inner path of Christos-Sophia is taken through gradual spiritual initiations that are designed to unite the polarities that exist between the inner and outer, in the world of forces, that alchemically shift our Lightbody into stages of increasing Energetic Balance and hierogamic union. The inner path of Christos-Sophia leads us to seek our own inner wisdom through divine Gnosis within our Soul, ultimately helping us to achieve spiritual freedom through attaining Unity with the Godhead. When we are at one with God, we exist in the virtue-ethics of the Spirits of Christ, emanating the pure love and wisdom consciousness state of perfected sacred marriage or Hieros Gamos.

The word Christ has been distorted in its use on the earth plane from being integrated into Violent Religions manufactured by the NAA to create harm and division in the human race. We endeavor to use the word Christ, Christos-Sophia, Krystal and Krystallah interchangeably to return the real meaning and use of the word to denote the unifying principles of the Law of One as they are intended by the Eternal God Source. Christos-Sophia reveals the true nature of sacred marriage and the presence of the feminine Sophianic consciousness that is unified with the state of Christdom.

The source code or Unity Field intelligence field is a Krystal Star (Christos Consciousness) hub accessed through the merging of manifested bodies holding trinity wave formats that connect directly into the Eternal Source light (Godhead). The three sound-wave-tone parts when merged into internal energetic balance become designed as one component that access directly into the feedback loop exchanging with the Eternal source supply. This exchange with the Threefold Founder Flame godhead is the principle of Christos, an inner sustained eternal source light which signals the end of vampirism or consumptive modeling on planet. This is what it means that the Godhead cannot be reached by anything but the Christos Consciousness Krystal Star Tones although this process of unifying consciousness with the Godhead is known by many different names.

The Krystal or Christos-Sophia architecture is that which allows the synchronic phasing of inner/outer/in-between currents of energy to be inhaled and exhaled circulating the eternal life spark of creation throughout the entire organism. Christos is the unified state of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine, and thus we refer to the completion of the three layers of sacred marriage merged as the Christos-Sophia to denote the state of energetic balance between the inner masculine and feminine principles that are manifested in either a male or female body. Generally the Soul is the female principle, and the Monad is the male. On the path of Christos-Sophia we consciously participate to transform and build our lightbody, and collaborate with the Spirits of Christ to serve the Law of One, which is fulfilling our spiritual purpose to achieve unconditional love, peace and to exist in harmony with all creation.

Base 12, Natural Order of Christos Blueprint

The divine blueprint which holds the original intention for the natural order of consciousness evolution within our Universal creation, is encoded in the base 12 mechanics of the Christos Blueprint. At a cosmic level this same open source architecture is referred to as Kryst-Krystallah, the unified masculine and feminine consciousness energy that exists in perfect harmony and balance within organic creation. The base 12 Universal Androgynous Merkaba fields of Christos-Sophia are also referred to as Kryst-Krystallah architecture, as they make up the instruction set for all merkaba fields within all the timelines and densities throughout the Universes.

Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen[1]

Sophianic Body Correction Begins

The sacred Aeonic Pair of Cosmic Aurora Christos and his wife, the Mother Sophia, are reunited through their Heavenly Hierogamic union as it has been made possible through their combined consciousness in physical embodiments on the earth now. Their sacred marriage to the Eternal Living Spirit of God is As Above, So Below; which heralds the beginning of the material body restoration. 

The return of the Sophianic consciousness by recognizing the importance of the divine feminine is needed to the shift the consciousness of humanity and is essential if we are to effectively deal with the ominous problems facing the world today. In order for humanity to fulfill their evolutionary potential, we must learn how to fully actualize both the human and divine aspects of our spiritual nature.

The Restoration

The restoration is the animation of the Holy Spirit of God to inspirit throughout elemental matter and to collect its pieces to return them back into wholeness. Thus, we begin the spiritual correction of the Sophianic Body in this earth through the divine marriage made with her husband, the eternal consciousness of the Aurora Christos. Throughout many dimensional worlds, together, the Song of Christos Sophia may sound to play the Heavenly Music of their mutually twinned heart chord. The Song of Christos Sophia is a magnetic sonar sound field which generates organic Plasma Waves light from the female principle. It is the true Diamond Heart tone music of the Universal daughters of God. It is born from the sacred heart aspect of the Holy Mother Arc which embraces the Crystal Heart of wisdom for her daughters the Christos So|Phi|A.

Through this cycle of correction of the Sophianic Body in the earth, the spiritual essence of the Cosmic Triad God the Father, God the Mother, God the Children of the Sun, Christos, are unifying with their wives and genetic equal, the Solar Feminine or the Risen Christ Sophia.

We begin a phase of externalizing the esoteric mysteries through our own spiritual capabilities; through our enhanced capacity to feel, share and circulate genuine heart based love as human beings. As we circulate and know the feeling of the Love of God in our heart, we develop increasingly higher sensory perception HSP abilities. As we develop the heart language to deeply and profoundly “feel”, we sense way beyond this material reality, way beyond what our physical eyes see. As we listen to these inner subtle heart vibrations, we gain access to deeper and deeper vaults of spiritual knowledge through direct and personal cognition. As we consciously choose to fill our inner heart chambers with the Love of Holy Spirit and Virtues of Christos, we are flooded with the direct, personal and intimate relationship with the essence of God’s Holy Spirit.[2]

Reversal of Christos-Sophia

The reversal of the unification principle of Christos-Sophia has manifested in various levels on the earth body and these distortions have been passed into the thought-forms and belief systems of humanity since the invasion of the NAA happened 5,500 years ago. See Ages of Humanity and Anti-HG Technology.

The Anubian Black Heart networks, the Negative Form, the Baphomet network in 2D to promote Sexual Misery, the Dead Energy compacted from the NRGAddiction WebbingFalse UmbilicusAlien Machinery and Alien Implantsand Miasma have all resulted as a part of the anti-christos sentiment held by the Imposter Spirits of the Satanic and Luciferian races of the NAA since they began to deceive and manipulate humans on the planet. Their goal was to eliminate all the Indigo RacesOraphimand to destroy the capacity of humans to access and evolve into their inner Christos light potential and live as GSF beings throughout the Timelines.


Through the perfect union of the two forces, as an example of the Gender Principle with Adam and Eve in the waters of sex with chastity, the pillar of the hermai is perfected and made into the image of God through the hierogamic union of the inner Christos-Sophia. This is represented in Alchemy of unified polarities.

Explosion of Planet Tiamat

The planet Tiamat is related to the destruction of the Sophianic Body and the inability of the Christos-Sophia consciousness to incarnate in human forms on the 3D earth in Hieros Gamos. The female consciousness of the planet Tiamatwas Sophianic, so when she exploded, her consciousness descended into a collective form body which is known as the AchamothAchamoth is name for the the wounded goddess fragmented body parts which were collected and trapped by the NAA and Fallen Angelics in the 2D Underworld of the planetary body, which became the Qlippoth area of Negative Forms.

Refugee Races

Due to explosions or cataclysms that made certain planets uninhabitable in our Solar system, such as the planets’ Tiamat and Maldek, our planet has been used as a relocation destination for beings, referred to as Refugee Races that were beings that have been displaced from their own planet because of an event of destruction on their planet. This relocation of other races on the earth contributed to the hybridization of the original earth human bloodlines and damage to the original DNA Silicate Matrix, effectively making it impossible for higher consciousness embodiment of Christos-Sophia. Although, many of the refugees were genetically similar to the original humans, they were much more aggressive (Patriarchal Domination) and had destroyed their civilization through abuses of technology. The Refugee Races began to interbreed with the earth based humans and their higher ups organized  Breeding Programswhich are considered the mixed race of the hybridized humans upon the earth today.

Spiritual Marriage Mathematical Pattern

The Spiritual Marriage mathematical pattern of 13:13 Female Spin and 12:12 Male Spin.

On top of all of the exciting developments of God’s Consciousness Technology returning back to our planet through our Mother Archerself, we are getting ready to understand the Unity architecture in its Trinity Wave pattern and its direct relationship to manifesting true spiritual marriage on the planet. As Mother brings back the Krystal Star Frequencies, the Seven Sacred Suns, it is bringing the template of Sacred Spiritual Union between the Rod and Staff functions of our Lightbody‘s Merkabic Field. 

It is the spiritual mission of recently assigned Rod and Staff couplings to template the prototype blueprint to achieve spiritual marriage or Hieros Gamos, and work to bring this into a physically manifested accomplishment. This is happening at various octave levels (relationship assignments, Soul, Monad and Avatar Christos-Sophia dimensional levels) to eventually achieve a complete re-encryption of the masculine rod function to the spinning 12:12 electron pattern, that merges perfectly into the female monadic core, a 13:13 field. This is a template prototype that is called the KRYST HALA or the Krystallah Pattern, which is the Krystal Gene Gender Merge between genetic equals.

We are moving to another level of experience within these Rod and Staff Sacred Unions, and many males are also feeling reconnected through these new patterns of heart-brain integration, as they are becoming available in the planetary architecture, to those who have harmonic resonance to the unity frequency and the Christos-Sophia. This is a wonderful development. [3]

Personal Christ

From the Guardian Perspective, the Personal Christ is defined as the entirety of the Personal Christos identities reunited throughout the simultaneous 12 Planetary Time Cycles in the Triune of Universes

The Personal Christ identity is reintegrated and embodied within the Krystallah eternal lightbody template in which was reclaimed on planet earth in the cycle of Morphogenesis, or Rise of Paliadorians that began in 2018.


  1. Artificial Timeline Wars
  2. Song of Christos-Sophia
  3. Changing of the Guard

See Also:

Hieros Gamos

Spiritual Problems that Impact Gender

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Level One of Sacred Marriage: Building Wings”

“Level One of Sacred Marriage is ‘Building Wings’ which is the soul triad merge to the first level of monad merge. The 6D-7D ray frequencies connect into vertical Axiatonal Lines and horizontal meridians that are connected to energetic portals that are on the top of our shoulders and run down each side of our body. In the angelic human lightbody, these two energy centers operate as portals and are called the Wings. The 6D portal is connected to the celestial body in the third layer of our Soul matrix, and when activated, begins the process of the Soul Twin Flame Merge that occurs within our bodies that synthesizes the first stage of hierogamic union or sacred marriage. The 6th portal Wing is in the top right shoulder indent on the masculine side of the body, and the 7D portal Wing is on the top left shoulder indent on the feminine side of the body. When these two spheres of Indigo Ray and Violet Ray unite, the building of Michael and Mary wings in the aura Lightbody begins. When completed we are holding the first layer of inner template of divine union in the Soul Matrix and able to outwardly manifest the first levels of our divine union or hierogamic partnership. Hierogamic union is the Christos-Sophia and represents the perfected sacred marriage of the Risen Christ as one unified being in service to the Law of One and God.”

~Lisa Renee

The 6D-7D ray frequencies connect into vertical Axiatonal Lines and horizontal meridians that are connected to energetic portals that are on the top of our shoulders and run down each side of our body. In the angelic human lightbody, these two energy centers operate as portals and are called the Wings. The 6th portal Wing is in the top right shoulder indent on the masculine side of the body, and the 7D portal Wing is on the top left shoulder indent on the feminine side of the body. The 6D portal is connected to the celestial body in the third layer of our Soul matrix, and when activated, begins the process of the Soul Twin Flame Merge that occurs within our bodies that synthesizes the first stage of hierogamic union or sacred marriage. When we start to build our 6D Lightbody, our masculine and feminine energies attempt to merge and synthesize a pathway up our central vertical Channel, connecting into the base of the brain and synthesize the frequency from out of the 6th energy centers, in the center of the forehead and brain.

When completed we are holding the first layer of inner template of divine union in the Soul Matrix and able to outwardly manifest the first levels of our divine union or hierogamic partnership.

When the merge between the 6th layer and 7th layer has reached a certain accretion level, the Lightbody is holding the first layer of the inner template for hierogamic union. This is the ascension stage of divine union that occurs within the three layers of the Soul unite and that intelligence embodies within the cells of the human body.

The 7D Portal Wing also represents the Crucified Female Principle of the Christos-Sophia intelligence. This has not only distorted the human gender principle, it has been a source of human sexual misery and consciousness enslavement. The result of crucifixion of the female principle represented in a male body, can be observed in the mass perception in the narrative of the separation that exists between the male and female. The male and female principle are two sides of the same coin, they cannot be separated from each other because no matter what body we are inhabiting, we are inherently both genders. Whatever we may do or believe that is destructive to either the male or female principle, ultimately wounds our soul and spirit and creates misery. This misconception promoted to separate the genders outwardly manifests as the external results of the state of the crucified inner male-female principle in our world today. Please see Crucifixion Implants.

The 6D and 7D Ley Lines have been extremely blocked in the planetary grids and have not been activated on our planet or within the lightbody of human consciousness for eons of time. The planet has been implanted with extensive Frequency Fences and NETs to purposely thwart the planetary and individual Lightbody accretion and to prevent the soul fragments from healing. This way the souls of human consciousness are stuck in rounds of 3D dimensional reincarnation experiences never getting off the wheel of rebirth, constantly coming back into the lower form worlds of density. With many people existing with a consciousness level of pure identification with physical matter, it became harder with each evolutionary cycle for the human race to recognize its true nature as a multidimensional and inner Christos God being. This amnesia still impacts many souls on the earth today, who don’t believe they have a soul or spirit and realize they are inherently both male and female principles. [1][2]

Michael-Mary Reversal

Michael-Mary Reversal networks are Alien Machinery planetary grids that split gender apart and are anti hierogamic union. The result of this grid is to promote the splitting apart of the layers of Soul marriage that occur at the 6th and 7th dimensions, which is the spiritual ascension process of Building Wings.

Hierogamic union is the Christos-Sophia and represents the perfected sacred marriage of the Risen Christ as one unified being in service to the Law of One and God. The Michael-Mary Reversal networks are designed to prevent sacred marriage by splitting apart the integration of the Third Eye Chakra, as the masculine principle, and the Crown Chakra, as the female principle. When these principles are united they activate the sacred marriage in the Soul Matrix and build the Wings in the Lightbody.

Three Levels of Sacred Marriage

Level One of Sacred Marriage is “Building Wings” which is the soul triad merge to the first level of monad merge. This is the process of spiritual Ascension that activates the 6th dimensional 6th Chakra Indigo wave within the 12 Tree Grid sphere to unite with the 7th dimensional 7th Chakra Violet Ray Sphere. When these two spheres of Indigo Ray and Violet Ray unite, the building of Michael and Mary wings in the aura Lightbody begins.

Wings Trauma

This level of the blockage and quarantine is what is referred to as the 666 Seal and is a genetic block in the sixth dimensional frequency layers residing within the 6D Indigo Ray and 7D Violet Ray Monad or oversoul bodies and crown chakra which is referred to as our Wings. Essentially this relates to the trauma of having our Wings cut off from our Lightbody. This fact is what created the Fallen Angelics.


1 ↑ June 2007 Newsletter

2 ↑ Building Wings

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 87

See Also:

Hieros Gamos

Krystal Star

Spirits of Christ

~via Ascension Glossary

Photos by Ascension Avatar

Photo 1 ~ 7-14-2019

Photo 2 ~ 7-25-2019

LISA RENEE: “Alchemical Union Couple Clearing Galactic Karma”


Ascension Avatar note: Lisa Renee posted this particular 7/2011 client session for ascension community viewing and study because the themes are not only universal, but also, the circumstances are prevalent in today’s Alchemical Union/Twin Flame/Twin Ray//Hierogamic Couples. Bear in mind that ‘physical gender’ or ‘sexual orientation’ has nothing to do with Twin Flame counterparts, as the actual Alchemical Union occurs in the Higher Dimensions, but is certainly grounded and connected between both physical human bodies of energetically cleared and healed Hierogamic partners, whether or whether not they ever have a physical contact. Noteworthy too, is physical sexual relations are not necessary for the successful ascension of the Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine ‘Sacred Union’ counterparts.

Themes: Female with 10D access, Male with 8D access and 10D damage. Male’s body repelling his monadic body and spirit, unable to embody monadic staff, couple trying to embody and share codes, GEG, magnetic changes to lunar influences, Asian grid project.

Opening: We are memorializing our session here today and again we are commanding this space in the sacred sovereignty of God. We ask the defenders of truth sovereignty and liberation, our God families our Guardian races to secure a transharmonic gate through North South East West Earth sky and heart. We consecrate and dedicate this space to the purposes of God to the purposes of Crystal and Christ consciousness. We ask that our families in the Christ principal and that which serves the living light code, for their assistance and support in opening our handshake, communications and spiritual links here now.

Beloved Mother, please breathe your living light into our bodies now. We set our intention now to be remembered to that which we are fully. We ask that all communication alignments, all information that’s needed and necessary for us to be resurrected in the organic pattern of the eternal living light of God, and to that which we have stewarded and maintained the responsibility through our guardianship. We ask that our crystal bodies be ignited in the Eucharist and the unity source code of protection, alignment and connection to the eternal living light of God supply.

I’m going to try and speak about this challenging situation in your relationship in a way that will hopefully resonate and activate a consciousness key that may be held. You know how each of us seem to hold a key to a certain thing that opens another level of information? It’s like a key of consciousness units that can be shared with those of us that have similar resonances. There have been patterns manifesting in my life that are similar to what I am feeling in this situation you are enduring. I have observed the same reversal female code, Dark Mother transmitting through the masculine and it is something that I have wracked my brain and wracked my consciousness to try to figure out how this construct operates.

Override Damaged Blueprint Code

Parts of it are starting to unravel and I understand that each one of us that has entered into these divine couplings have embodied certain levels of architecture, which are meant as embodiments that override destructive architecture in this planet, to heal reversals and align to corrected crystalline architecture. When I feel you and your partner, at least in this moment, and this may not be something that would be definitive of a personification of the two of you. But it is a way for me to understand or comprehend the higher consciousness pieces that are trying to come together and heal with in the two of you. You want to understand what it is, so you can just face it and work with it. It’s always been like little pieces show up to work on, but not the whole piece at once. We each have to walk through the experience directly.

Reclaim Orion Monadic Galactic Family

The project you have together has everything to do with this NRG grid, meaning that which prevents true male and female principal union from coming together on this planet and the multiple levels that this distortion plays out. As I have been laying here for the last half hour and really trying to focus on getting clarity on this piece of sexual misery.

In each of us, we have lightbody architecture and levels of embodiment, and this is being represented to my consciousness that your partner represents a Monadic family from the eighth dimension, from the 8th portal access where the core of the universe connects into Orion, that memory record is in his body. His job is embodiment of this corrected principle, to recollect his pieces from Orion and it is to override the monadic reversals that have imploded the monads in his monadic family from Orion. Meaning that which has split the monads or reversed the monads, and these are called karmic monads. It’s like understanding that everything came from the 8th Portal core, in this particular creation. Meaning everything came out from the eighth dimension or 8th portal. That of course is Orion and we know there are lots of horrific histories with Orion Wars and lots of difficulty in this Ascension timeline.

Clearing Orion War Damage

The projection of that into the earth plane and the way that it’s manifest, feels very galactic Orion wars. A lot of this is misuse of technology, like when I feel Orion I always feel like lightning bolts, as connected to weaponry. I feel these massive lightning bolts like a thunderstorm of lightning coming out of there, electrical wars. I feel this history is a part of something that he is trying to heal in the collective mental body, in himself and planetary levels. It’s something that impacts not only the human race but it seems primarily orchestrated within the masculine principle, the distortion of the mental bodies on the earth.

When I feel him I feel this eighth dimensional history, that’s trying to merge with you in your 10th dimensional energy. When we understand the structure of what this is we have to break this down to understand that it’s an embodiment in our core aura. Meaning our core manifestation body is made up of these spheres of energy, which are governed within the spaces. These are schisms and rips in the fabric of time where these splatters and scatters and shatters of the mirror, the spiritual body fragments have been strewn all over the place. When I feel that memory and 8D energy coming off of him, it feels very sharp. Energetically, it feels like glass shards being ripped through your skin, its metatronic reversals. But I understand what it is, meaning from this perspective I understand what it is.

Solar Star and 10D Body Communication Repair

So if we understand that you are holding the 10th dimension coding access, where the 8th and 10th are trying to create a harmonization and connecting point in the dimensional scale. What will help you to understand this is if you understand the placement of this in your body as a coupling. The 10th dimension is the chakra that is above the crown and its function is to allow the monad and higher krystic self to speak to the individual. Meaning that every human being in their divine expansion and hopefully their optimum level, meaning they become soul infused beings or monadic infused beings. The level that their monad spirit and Christ Avatar spirit speaks to them, the frequency comes through the 10th Chakra. The only way that being can receive information directly from its own spirit connection is from the 10th chakra or Solar Star.

That chakra if it’s not working if it’s disconnected, the person cannot feel it or gain access to higher self communication. This is one of the problems of why the human being can’t feel their spirit, because they can’t hear it or feel it, they can’t know it. There’s a frequency specifically that works with the 10th chakra, this is known as the soul star. It is not the crown chakra but it’s right above it and its function is on the left side. There are 9th and 10th dimensional spheres in the aura that open behind the ears. The 10th dimensional one is on the left side and it’s been implanted by crucifixion implants, because it’s right in that area on the left side of our body that has all of that alien crap in it.

So on the left side of our body are the axiatonal lines that relate to the plug-ins and connection into our brain and into our higher self communication. What I feel is going on is ultimately that in the union that has been created with the two of you, that the ultimate success in the harmonizing of the monads to be able to create this override, is these two functions being brought online as embodied in the two of you. Meaning that it becomes an individual embodiment and it becomes a collective embodiment, and it’s only possible through the successful sacred marriage of the two of you. Meaning the two of you coming into harmony with this higher spiritual healing, meaning the monads become merged and integrated, the pieces of the shatter are healed and brought into a smoothness.

Dead Light and Frozen Fields of Monadic Family

I am feeling that because I can feel the glass shard level of it, meaning this frozen light miasmatic fracture of the monadic mind and lightbody damage. Which is like saying the liquid light became frozen and shattered into shards of broken glass. If we understand Christ light and the eternal nature of us, our freedom is liquid. When it became solidified like a piece of glass, that is actually like a part of us that has been crystallized. In these higher realms that is not good, meaning that it’s like a byproduct of waste that has been created from an explosion. It’s like something exploded and it created the shards of broken glass, when it needs to be fluid and melted and literally flowing like a stream of water. Which is very interesting because that’s how I sense you, your body your spirit is very watery it’s very fluid.

Being with somebody that has these glass shard mental body fragments is very difficult for you, because it’s literally the opposite of what you are used to and what you in your sensitivities can feel. So if we understand this, let’s look first at what the crystalline body and the Christ original divine diamond sun body blueprint is. When it works, how it is supposed to work is the center core of our Hara becomes the monadic staff. When the human being becomes realized in their God spirit at the monad level, their hearts opens up at the thymus level, and the permanent seed atom activates in the crystal lotus heart that is there. It’s like there’s a Permanent Seed Atom in this area of the thymus, it projects and what projects from that is the Mother principle of God. Only the female principle can activate this, no male principle can activate this.

Activating the Female Principle in the Male Lightbody

This may be what this is, something needs to be activated in your female into his male, so that this can be projected into its correct blueprint. When the seed is activated in projects like a holographic light movie out from the core of that crystal seed, which is the Christ seed. A part of what has been used to destruct that crystal seed and break it down, is the beast machine and reversal 10th dimensional code. It’s like saying, there so many pieces of complexity to this, so try to bear with me and I’ll try to bring it all together. Because what I want to really get clear on in all of us, is understanding this is a function of the original blueprint. The monad which is 8th dimensional, activates in the higher chest, and the heart now turns from an astral heart to a Galactic heart. That galactic heart is now supposed to be breathed into the zero point, the blue light comes into the chest and the heart is forever transformed. It’s no longer greenish it’s now this turquoise ray, which is the core of the cosmic heart of the Mother, coming through the core of the Orion and Galactic core into the body.

Repair the Monadic Staff, Vertical Channels

When this occurs the monad starts anchoring in through the vertical staff. In your partner, prior to this his monadic staff was ripped and imploded inside of himself. It meant that his Hara line at the top, was literally being pushed down and this was the drag of his monad, it was reversing. As it was reversing the spin, it would literally break apart his staff in the center of his body, which is the Hara line. His job was to anchor a monad as a staff, meaning the override to the Hara line in the center of the body, where all the chakras are built upon. At the higher levels where this monad and avatar God-self come into the body, the central vertical column ceases to be a Hara and it becomes the staff of the monad. The only way the monad can get into the body, is that staff has got to be there. It’s like a broomstick laying on the spinal column.

I mean it’s much larger than that, your Hara line before your activated inner monad body is maybe a half-inch to an inch wide. When the monad staff comes in, your monad staff turns into the 12D shield. The shield now is your core, meaning that cannot be disconnected. Once that core is anchored your Hara line is no longer a Hara line at that level. It becomes the 12D shield embodiment, called a monadic staff. I know that when your partner began this process his monadic staff was mutilated. It was mutilated at the 8th dimensional level of his monad. And his job was to repair this in the collective, meaning he becomes the embodiment of this and he helps to repair this in the masculine principle on the earth.

Golden Eagle Grid, Horizontals

In further understanding this, if the masculine is the horizontal principle and the masculine has been completely infected by the Golden Eagle network, it is the 10th dimension that is overriding it. Because the horizontal of what the eagle is, is overridden. The parts that are infected through Iraq and through the Middle East and of course through Egypt, understanding that they use that to broadcast false Archangel Michael. That is false male, they use that Golden Eagle Grid in the center of the Middle East to broadcast all of this false architecture to the masculine principle. And it’s generated through a reversal 10th dimensional frequency.

My feeling is that you are here to override that reversal frequency, meaning you hold the correct pattern of the 10th dimensional frequency. When you come up against that as it exists in his body, it does not feel good. But I think this is the key that unlocks the door to finally figuring out what we are supposed to do with this, because all of us in these unions are dealing with some of this at some level. When we understand that the Golden Eagle grid is massively controlled in the Middle East and it has been used to project false Archangel Michael, which is like saying collective masculine enslavement. The Michael being broadcast out of the reversal 10 Eagle grid, is the False King of Tyranny that is designed to say I’m protecting you, when it’s actually raping you, or stealing your light.

At the same time that this male energy is feeling that it’s protecting you or doing what it’s supposed to do, I guess in what it thinks a male is supposed to be. And we’re talking about collective male principle, all men all over the planet, they all have a degree of this until they are able to actually understand what they’re being controlled by is alien. So under the guise of protection, protecting the earth, the feminine principle – what is actually happening is the enforcement of rape and siphoning of light. That enforcement of rape is the rape of the feminine, meaning the stealing of feminine energy. This is propagated through again the Michael reversal constructs, the Seraphim, the masculine and reversal 10th dimensional frequency, and those reversals are running through that Golden Eagle grid.

10D Lyran Codes

In your body if you are holding these 10th dimensional encoding patterns that are designed to override and heal these particular distortions, it has multiple applications. Because it’s not just about healing the masculine principle it’s about connecting the communication frequencies back into the soul star of the human being. So that through your own experience, meaning that as you embody this, as he embodies this, this is given to the human race. Meaning this is a corrective pattern that is being returned to us, through us. It comes to the divine couples it comes to the human race. We’re here to, hopefully, embody this and get this completed within us.

In this understanding of this 10th dimensional energy the way that the center Hara Line works, is that when the Hara line becomes a monadic staff, the 11th and 12th dimensional energies wrap around the monadic staff. Literally they wrap around, crisscrossing all the way up. Once the 11th and 12th frequencies these channels, and this is I guess the solar and lunar channels. So they have been talking about this since June, because of these changes with solar and lunar force, our solar and lunar channels are being changed and adjusted. That’s what the 11th and 12th, the way those energies move up crisscrossing through the center Hara or center monad staff. That is what the solar and lunar channels are, it represents also masculine and feminine principle, which has mostly been distorted.

I know this has brought an amplification of whatever you have been feeling, as this has been coming up the body or these channels have been changing. Which obviously is necessary, but has amplified a certain power to that. Now once this solar and lunar channel, and 11th to 12th dimensional forces weave up the center current, the 8th dimensional Gold body of the monad also connects at the core of the tailbone, or at the core of the vertical current. It’s like saying in the shield 12 inches beneath the feet, that is where most of these connectors come in. Meaning that the 8th dimensional gold energy, the 11th and 12th dimensional energy, weave together and this is what creates the golden white light merge.

Releasing Impaled Monadic Gold Bodies

What we’re learning is that most human beings have not been able to connect to that gold body, because again the 8th dimension is gold, and the gold energy that comes from there has been mutated and God knows what has happened to it. Also we came to understand that the monad bodies of the masculine had been stapled onto the Golden Eagle grid. It was last year on 10-10-2010 that those bodies started to be re-collected and released. So monad bodies of the masculine principle had been impaled upon the Golden Eagle grid, because how these entities use us is they use our body, our light bodies. We don’t even know half of these bodies exist yet they use our light bodies and they invert them on us. It’s like our own body becomes our enemy, meaning the very thing that frees us is what is being used to enslave us.

In the masculine principle we understood that through the return of rightful owner there were systematic releases of monad bodies, 8th dimensional bodies, gold bodies being released off the Golden Eagle grid. That had been using these bodies to push these 10th dimensional reversal frequencies and the false Michael stuff onto the males. So these bodies start to be returned and on 10-10. There also seems to be a relationship to this 10-10 energy, so again 10-10 is a code that has relevance to the healing and the return of the distortion of the male monad bodies, the gold bodies that had been used within the Golden Eagle grid. 10-10 of last year was an activation time where these bodies were starting to be returned to multiple males.

The space was being held mostly from the female principle, as far as I can tell. All I know is that through my own experience, and those of us that are in these assignments of divine spiritual marriages in no time, the female was the one holding the space as the Golden Eagle grid was cutting loose and monadic bodies were being returned or repaired. These bodies were being strewn, some of them we we’re getting back, some of them are being recollected. My feeling is when that monadic body returned, your partner shifted, and that body was starting to be re-woven back into his monadic staff, and the gold body was going to start to be reclaimed.

Reversal Monads, or Monadic Splitting

Because his body at that level to that point, like 99% of all the other men on this planet, had been in reversal monad split. Meaning that there were pieces of it that just could not be reclaimed until the Golden Eagle grid started to be dismantled, as it was last year at 10-10. So from that period of time of 10-10, I personally in addition to all of this that I know is the archetype and energies that are attempting to be healed between you two in your divine union, is that there is something else attached to it that is very distorted. I’m just going to try to explain it to you.

I don’t know if this is going to unravel further or what the deal is. But what I have noticed is that 10-10, in relationship to the male activation of the Golden Eagle grid, also holds another subset pattern that is horribly destructive. What this pattern is, is mostly wielded through human beings as emotional manipulation, emotional blackmail and emotional drains of Dark Mother or Satanic distortions. It means a person that is holding that particular influence and they’ve not become conscious yet, and this may possibly be an issue between you two. Until we figure out where this energetic drain is coming from and stop it from impacting you, and that is severe energetic drain, it is super vampiric.

Dark Mother, Reversal Female Archetypes

What this thing is, it seems to be cloaked in the false female. So it’s very interesting you have the male holding a distorted female archetype that is related to the Mother and the Mary. A way to understand this as an example is the archetype of 10-10, that day is the Queen of Clubs, which means mother Mary. This means Mother, lover, wife. So we’re talking about Mary as the mother and Mary is a Magdalene. Because as we understand these names of archetypes of beings, they are more representative of the archetypes that have controlled or influenced men and women in human existence as role models to aspire to. So when we say Michael and Jesus it’s the same thing. What it means is the highest expression of the spiritually developed male principal in its form. Mary is also the same representative.

When we’re talking about divine union, in the soul plane we’re talking about Jesus and Mary, we’re talking about embodying those balanced archetypes of sacred union. However, on the earth these archetype have been horribly disfigured and mutilated. What I’m in the seeing in the 10-10 archetype, not only is it holding that distortion within the masculine, but there is a female distortion that is also connected to it, that is related to Succubus incubus energy. It’s an energetic vampire at every level. Every person that I come in contact with, that runs this distorted archetype is a person that I have difficulty trying to figure out how to avoid energy drain. It sucks your life force dry.

I have seen this archetype in males, but it’s not masculine. I know that it’s feminine, some males hold a distorted Mary archetype that is used to siphon life force. Now women that manifest in that same distorted or reversal Mother Mary archetype also have the same effect. Many are not conscious that they are in that vampiric sucking of other people’s energy.

Somehow this has something to do with relative gridwork projects. I don’t know if it will be unraveled, but it is a part of what we’re doing to reclaim corrected monadic code and it has relevance to this correction of energetic siphoning. There is a pattern revealing the relevance to 10-10, the 10th chakra and how this reversal architecture and current is disrupting that the true balance of the male and female, such as with Sexual Misery programming, and that obviously has strange complexities to it.

Back to the fact that if you are the female principle embodiment of the fluidity, which is to bring the 10th dimension code, which is the soul star, the connection with the communication with your true Christ spirit. This is again a frequency that your soul star chakra your 10th dimensional chakra receives and transmits to your brain, and this transmission changes our mental bodies. It changes our brain function because now your brain is under the control of your God-self, which is how it is supposed to be. So if we look at the process of healing within your partner’s fragmented mental body, and then we look at this information that seems to be relevant to your personal embodiment, with this override into the soul star and the spirit, and the re-programming of the male pattern brain and the male principle mental bodies. There seems to be relevance in attempting to accomplish this in your spiritual coupling, but also there are massive levels of interference that don’t want us to accomplish this masculine mental body repair.

Emotional Manipulation Drains Energy

Dark entity Parasites will constantly get in through a type of vampiric succubus energy that uses emotional manipulation. That Orion Princess Code energy is attached to this siphoning and it’s an Emotional Manipulation used to suck energy out of you. Obviously this can manifest as reversals in both males and females. When we are not aware of how emotional manipulation is used to suck energy, this can come through our partner and drain you both. This can be sourced through emotional triangulation attempts coming for outside your relationship, such as it can come in the form of women that flirt with your partner, in order to manipulate and get things from him. Then the dark entities come and use it as a wedge to interfere between couples that are attempting to come into harmony with each other. Once couples/partners can understand the NAA mind control, Sexual Misery programming, and how the NRG grid spreads this on the earth and how to become aware of emotional manipulation, so that this is not destructive to the couple, life at home becomes much easier.

Couples that have something that is a energetic weakness in their relationship foundation that is allowing the dark forces to come in and manipulate and instigate dramas, that creates this kind of disruption, emotional pain and intensity. Once the couple can figure out what the weakness is and where the dark force is getting in and wreaking havoc in your life together, things get much easier. But this means that as a spiritually committed couple, that we have to get out our guts on the table and talk about the most difficult issues, we have to be vulnerable and be honest about issues like emotional and sexual manipulation and look to see where those patterns are still playing out and take steps to correct them.

Starseed Couple Project Mission

So you guys have something else, where the two of you have come together and there was a recognition and there was an acknowledgment of a shared mission. We’re being brought together so we can heal these patterns of mental fragmentation and emotional manipulation, as well as male-female distortions. So the issue with your relationship is attempting to figure out what is creating a negative portal or a weakness that we can see operating, so that situation is not allowed to continue to infiltrate or create this incredible discomfort between the two of you being together. Because there is this weird and horrifying thing that is happening with the two of you, and that is that your biggest strength is when you are together, but you are being pulled apart by the opposing polarities. At the same time the dark energies of which you must face together in your relationship in order to honestly heal these Galactic memories are excruciating, which repel you from each other.

I’m hoping that this level of clarity will help to break that down, so that it starts to be supportive for the two of you to manifest what each of you need to be at peace with each other and to complete what you have come together to do.

Lunar Forces and Moon Chain

This also has something to do with the lunar changes. It seems like we’re starting to understand more that the mental bodies of earth, our mental bodies, have been under this auspice of some artificial waves, artificial magnetics, artificial energies that are coming from the moon and the relationship to these lunar forces. Lunar forces and moon chain beings and intermediaries is related to Asia. This lunar and moon chain lineage has a deep embed into the land mass of Asia, and we know that your partner has that genetic material.

Overall it’s all been the same theme in understanding that Satanic, or the reversal technology has been amped up on the earth now. This is an acceleration in the beast timeline. Here we are feeling it and in the middle of it, and apparently we have the consciousness power to help mitigate it. My feeling is that 10th dimensional reversal energy is the main stronghold that is used to broadcast all of the reversal 55 grids and keep the monadic bodies impaled, or in reversal unable to embody.

Reversal 10 Frequency

The reversal 10 frequency, we’re starting understand there’s got to be a connection with alien technology and the lunar forces are using that. It appears that his connection to those grids genetically, was really activated at the onset of those changes in the field. The lunar force and the solar force relationship to the planet and how it affects the field is changing. Those shifts are directly impacted and the information has been clarified over and over, that it is through the magnetic field that the Mind Control happens.

If they are accessing the magnetic field into the core of the earth, in the way they control or mitigate or ping with the magnetic field, this is completely interdependent with their structure. Meaning that when the magnetic field of the planet is not acting in the same parameter that they have been using it, it ceases to exist in the same way. I think that’s the unknown factor and that is the wild card. I think that probably means for human beings on the planet who are not conscious this is the psychotic break factor. Everything in the mental body of the planet is changing if it’s connected to this magnetic field. The question then becomes, is that necessary to break free of the Frequency Fence? It’s like saying whatever they’ve been using to control the planetary Frequency Fence is through the broadcast of this 10D reversal field. Changes in it are good, because what it means is holes in that net start to open up.

But at the same time the person that is not prepared for this consciousness shift, it creates instability in the mental body, which people have to be careful with. I think that’s what has been going on here. What I am praying for and asking for is clarity on what stabilizes the mental body. If it is merely coming into observer and witness of what that is, so that the pain can shift, because that happens so much of the time in what we do to heal the grids.

Mental Body Reversals

I think the question here today and the prayer of our intention is to find all channels and pathways, within the multiple complexities of the dimensions of bodies. Because you are both working outside of human realm, you’re working within multiple dimensions of bodies that are attempting to be merged and harmonized i the Galactic timelines. This is everything from electron proton to creating the neutral state, to the masculine and feminine principle coming into union, to this construct within the light body functioning at a certain level of sacred marriage. The emphasis is helping to correct the mental body reversals and genetic distortion in the human flesh that repels the spirit from connecting and embodying.

Because the 10th dimensional soul star is the function of communication that the body has with its spirit, meaning it’s how you hear your spirit, it’s how you perceive your spirit, it’s how you actually experience it. We know here on earth that has been wiped out. Most people do not feel their connection. I think that this has been one of the concerns and issues with your partner, using the muscle testing to his own frustration. He doesn’t want to rely on that, but he comes down to a least a method of communication because he desperately wants to communicate with his spirit. (question)

I certainly understood that is what these alchemical unions, spiritual couplings are supposed to be doing, is buildign a new template for sacred marriage. It’s like the monadic merging is going on at some higher level, these higher light bodies are attempting to be merged through your spiritual work together on this plane. It is like a monadic twin merge. I mean all of the things that have been said before do not feel right in this circumstance of your spiritual coupling, twin ray or twin soul, none of that feels right to describe your relationship. What I do understand is that it seems that most of us in these spiritual coupling assignments, alchemical unions are being partnered with a consciousness that is opposing, it is not from our same star origin necessarily.

It seems spiritual couples are coming together to complete unfinished business from karmic timelines, some appear to be lost monadic twins that went off somewhere else, into the phantom and got lost there. This is definitely a feeling that we have returned to earth and are completing unfinished business. Whatever we are trying to heal, is something we didn’t get to complete in the last cycle, whenever we were doing this in previous timelines. In this Ascension cycle we’re giving it all we got, to complete something here in the physical earth plane, that we did not complete somewhere else.

What I was feeling as I was talking to you about the core of your bodies, I was looking at the two of you in the core, connected in the 8th to the 10th level. I feel like that’s where the attempt to heal the schism is. Seeing you and him in the same field, sharing the same field as an exact duplicate. Meaning that the monadic core in what you’re projecting into the higher soul star, being fully plugged into all the channels of his core and of your core. You have the plug-in architecture already. The challenge has been the feeling of glass shards that are the dead energy and mental miasma that come off him. I can feel the choppiness of the energy coming from the mental body, it’s a choppiness. When I look at it that staff is not fully connected and harmonized with the 10th layer, with that soul star above his head. Not connected with the soul star above the head and into the ears on the left side, and the eyes and the nervous system, and the cranial nerves. Like a spherical container with the two of you in it, where that system is being re-encrypted and held as a duplicate projection that helps your two bodies merge together and share compatible coding for healing mental body issues.

With those higher mental body pieces fragmented, it seems to get in the way of you being in the circle together. I’m looking at a container and I put you both in there and I’m looking at you both from the front side, which is interesting rather than the backside. From the tailbone up, it’s correcting those channels all the way from 12 inches beneath the feet where the plug-in of the gold body connects. Bringing it up the center channel, up through the brain and out into the soul star, which is that 10th dimensional opening, or chakra about 6 inches above the head. As I’ve been talking to you I’m seeing it. (question.)

You can feel whatever that stabilization factor is, he hasn’t had that lightbody construct because he has had his ass kicked with this Asian lineage. We’re just getting pieces of the puzzle that connect directly with the current moon and the lunar changes. I think this is a big deal for him in his body becasue of his lineage. At the same time we know the drill, stay in the now moment and trusting the process, knowing that we are connected at a level were not going to be completely consumed by these forces. But at times I mean it’s obviously very uncomfortable.

Whatever these reversal constructs are, these are black magic systems that are feeding this mental body fragmentation and suppressing the masculine from its higher embodiment and function. That 10-10 has to do with the activation of the males and the monad bodies being released from the Golden Eagle grid. It is that grid that uses all of these reversals and blood sacrifice systems to feed it. It’s all very nastily intertwined. Thank you so much. [1] Transcript by Paige.


1 ↑ [LR Session 7-2011]

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~via Ascension Glossary