SUNANDA SHARMA: “Twin Flame Telepathy & Third Dimension”


One may question why would twin flames choose to live on the edge?  Well, it is more like they are divinely tested to that extent that they exude crystal light and pure unconditional love.  To really exude unconditional love, one needs to refine one self and let the diamond within unfold.  Doing so is quite a path!

With that being said, what is the level of telepathy one shares with their twin?  The head connection or telepathic connection is so strong that one twin can read the mind of the other even if they are based in two different continents across the globe.  They can almost hear each other out loud and sometimes even see each other across distance.  This is possible because both the twins are highly evolved human beings with strong psychic senses and sometimes very powerful psychic ability.  If for some reason they do not join together for the incarnation, they will be a walking, talking guide to the other through their journey in this lifetime.

Does the third dimension reality support such unconventional relationships and unions?  It’s very difficult for the people who are still restrained by the third dimensional facade to welcome or comprehend the twin flame reunion.  Twin flame unions are the union of energy, which is the merging of the shiv and shakti as they say in Hind.  Such mergers are not for the faint hearted, but for the non-conformists.  This is the real true merging of souls in divine timing and in accordance with an outstanding divine plan.  That is why the pretenders, conformists and the body lovers may not stand a chance here.  For here, physical appearance does not matter;  the energetic wavelength is what pulls the twins together — one just knows the readings and every beat of the other beyond the comprehension of all the physical senses!  Those who have walked this path would vouch by its feel.

Twin flame reunions have a divine purpose to live by.  Universe will heed their plea once both acknowledge and realize that they are incarnated here for fulfilling a very spiritual mission and agenda.  They are individually very powerful beings, once together the power is manifested.  Similar to two laser sharp rays merging and decrypting the profane from the planet, some metaphysicists have pronounced the twins as ascension masters.  Their reunion all over the world will replicate the source energy and ascend the planet to higher dimensions.  More reunions of these divine mates is now taking place on Earth as our planet is gradually lifting its vibrational frequency to fifth dimensional frequency.  Hail the twins, for they are the fore runners to the next dimension!



About the author: Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author and life coach. A published author, she has written two books titled, Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, which are available on and ~via

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