For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

Comments from the thread:

“Peggy nailed it. The interviews are so cringe. Cameras everywhere yet ZERO footage of anything real. Similar to the Joel Osteen footage. Those witness names are beyond hilarious.”

NOBODY reacts that way when their child has been murdered, unless they are a psychopath or… a crisis actor!”

“Funny that one officer referred to the shooter as a ‘bad actor’.”

“Was in the Navy, and that was NEVER something we trained for. ‘Active Shooter training’ was NEVER a term.”

“I was in the USAF for 20 years and we NEVER had active shooter training. Ever! Great video Peggy!”

“No question — this is complete propaganda.”

“Notice there us no background behind the witnesses. They could be anywhere. He looks like an FBI trainee.

“Look at his jacket!!! It says NASA! Which in Hebrew means ‘to deceive’!!!!!”

“Who goes to Superbowl parade in a NASA outfit?”

“I always watch these broadcasts on ‘mute’ because I find you can pick apart the expressions more easily. Thanks for the post!!”

“Valentines Day massacre.”

“Their symbolism will be their undoing. They sure do love their (black) magic.”

~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Staged Fake Shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl Parade”

“Here we go again with a pathetic fake ‘shooting’ staged during the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City, Missouri on February 14, 2024. This one, from the footage alone, is so obviously staged that a decode should not even be necessary to show you the metascript behind it. Still, I will do a short summarize, but first, let’s look at some of the footage from the scene, filled with crisis actors and Freemasonic police officers just running around, not really sure what roles they are playing. And as a note to the scriptwriters and the government Masonic officials, you need to hire better actors for these psy-ops, it’s getting embarrassing! Here we see some crisis actors trying to do CPR on another crisis actor, all while the Freemasonic police officers and medical staff just walks by or are standing in the background doing nothing. They just don’t care, as it’s actually a theatrical play, a movie, all fake. And here we have another scene with crisis actors and Freemasonic police officers just running around like headless chickens, not really sure how to act. All while the professional camera man treats it all like a movie set. While there is much more, especially in the hilarious news feed by CNN with silly scripted stories like a City Chiefs fan ‘tackle’ one of the shooters, let’s take a quick look at the script and the ritualistic side of this psy-op.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Here we go again with a pathetic fake “shooting” staged during the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City, Missouri on February 14, 2024. This one, from the footage alone, is so obviously staged that a decode should not even be necessary to show you the metascript behind it. Still, I will do a short summarize, but first, let’s look at some of the footage from the scene, filled with crisis actors and Freemasonic police officers just running around, not really sure what roles they are playing. And as a note to the scriptwriters and the government Masonic officials, you need to hire better actors for these psy-ops, it’s getting embarrassing!

Here we see some crisis actors trying to do CPR on another crisis actor, all while the Freemasonic police officers and medical staff just walks by or are standing in the background doing nothing. They just don’t care, as it’s actually a theatrical play, a movie, all fake.

And here we have another scene with crisis actors and Freemasonic police officers just running around like headless chickens, not really sure how to act.

All while the professional camera man treats it all like a movie set.

While there is much more, especially in the hilarious news feed by CNN with silly scripted stories like a City Chiefs fan “tackle” one of the shooters, let’s take a quick look at the script and the ritualistic side of this psy-op.

As usual, it happened on a Wednesday, one of the weekdays that are commonly used for larger operations with huge media coverage due to its gematrical value, sharing the same numbers in the most important ciphers — and especially during the scripted presidency of sleepy Joe Biden.

Wednesday = 44, 37
Joe Biden =
44, 37
Shooting =
44, 37
Gunfire =
44, 37

Kansas City, Missouri, was incorporated as a town on June 1, 1850. This fake shooting was staged 258 days after the anniversary of Kansas City’s establishment. 258 is one of the numbers associated with the Number of the Beast, hence the connection to Obama and their Antichrist script.
Also, Andy Reid and his Kansas City Chiefs was on 258 regular season wins at the time of this staged shooting.

Number of the Beast = 258

Of course, the only reported victim was a local-DJ named “Lisa Lopez-Galvan,” which in Edgar Joel Love’s KFW/Cipher X cipher sums to 258. Cipher X, a cipher based on Trigrammaton Qabalah, is relevant in Satanic practices, especially within Aleister Crowley’s satanic Thelema religion.

Lisa Lopez-Galvan = 258

And speaking of the Beast, this ritual was staged 172 days before the Beast Barack Obama’s August 4th birthday. Again, it was all about the Kansas City Chiefs and the only victim was some “Lisa Lopez-Galvan.”

Kansas City Chiefs = 172
Lisa Lopez-Galvan = 172

What are the odds that the name of the only “victim” matches perfectly with the team that was celebrated during the fake shooting? Not to mention that it synched perfectly with Obama, their Antichrist’s birthday?

Also, the Kansas City Chiefs was established 64years ago and are in their current 64th season.

Kansas City Chiefs = 64
Lisa Lopez-Galvan = 64
Mass Shooter = 64

The shooting was also staged at a span of 109 days before this year’s anniversary of Kansas City being incorporated.

Shooting = 109
Gunfire = 109

Returning to the satanic ritual that this was, the governor of Missouri is Mike Parson who was born on September 17, 1955. This fake shooting and satanic ritual were staged 151 days after his birthday. 151 is the 36th prime number, and 36is symbolic of 666, the Number of the Beast, as 666 is the 36th triangular number.

The shooting was staged during a parade.

Parade = 36, 36, 151, 151

However, there’s more, as our Gregorian calendar was created by Jesuits, worshipping Saturn, as in Satan, the Antichrist. And that is also why this is so relevant to their script of Obama as the Antichrist.
Being 151 days after also means that it’s a perfect span of 216 days until the governor’s next birthday, and 216 is also a reference to 666, the Number of the Beast, as 6 x 6 x 6equals 216. In other words, February 14 or 15 were the only days of the year for such a ritual to take place in Missouri as it gives us both 36 and 216, two of the most common references to 666, the Number of the Beast.

6 x 6 x 6 = 216
216 is symbolic of 666, same as 36.

Continuing, Mike Parson is the 57th governor of Missouri and the Kansas City Chiefs just became 42 in Super Bowls on the 42nd day of the year. The only victim in this ritual in Missouri was Lisa Lopez-Galvan, labelled as the “local DJ.”

Missouri = 57, 42
Local DJ = 57, 42

And as we covered in previous decodes42 is in itself significant, as it’s the number of the Jesuits and their inverted sun god Saturn. However, 42 is also used in war and shootings.

Missouri = 42
Assault Weapons = 42

Gun = 42
Ammo = 42

Local DJ = 42
Saturn = 42
Jesuit = 42

Satanism = 42
Jesuitic = 42
Masonry = 42

Fabricated = 42
Freemason = 42

And as mentioned earlier, Obama’s puppet Joe Biden is already involved in this psy-op and satanic ritual. Remember the satanic Instagram that the Joe Biden administration made after the Chiefs won the Super Bowl?

According to the media, this staged and fake “shooting” was the “48th mass shooting” in the US, and it was staged 86 days after Biden’s November 20 birthday.

48th Mass Shooting = 86
Human Sacrifice = 86
Blood Sacrifice = 86

That also means that it was staged at the 87th day of Biden’s current age, and it was during a celebration of City Chiefs winning the rigged Super Bowl LVIII.
Of course, 87 is also another reference to the Number of the Beast.

Super Bowl LVIII = 87
Number of the Beast = 87

February 14 was also the 45th day of the year, which was fitting for a shooting’s ritual.

Shootings = 45
Ritual = 45

~via Joachim Bartoll Official


Ascension Avatar note: Peggy is astute, articulate, witty, and able to connect-the-dots, and that has a wide audience— hopefully she and her husband “Pastor Dave” will come to the full Light regarding religion, and that includes “Christianity” — since it IS and has been a mind-control institution itself, used against humanity— along with utterly convoluted “ask-no-questions” control-narrative called— “The Bible”. (Please read Lisa Renee’s latest Time Shift Blog , “Awakening Beyond Humanity as Sinners”.) Lisa also warned in her September blog that because the s-s-s-serpent NAA controllers are more desperate than ever— to stay “low on the radar” and avoid public events such as these, because the 3D-controller world is now highly weaponized: “If we walk into the line of fire, we can get seriously hurt or be taken out.” Of course these events are planned and staged, but being the satanists they are, they need to get their human sacrifices in there some how, some way, right? And unfortunately— they do.

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “More Trump Nonsense by the Numbers”

Ascension Avatar note: So we have more bullsh*t news on the biggest bullsh*tter who ever lived and died… Donald Drumpf… who was all set for the Black Suns title of “Black Dragon” before succumbing to cancer…

Then next in line was Nancy Pelosi, who died too, now we have Illuminati “Poster Child” Elon Musk, bragging about being the next to ‘win the crown’ to be the reigning champion of evil, chaos, darkness and dirty deeds… But with this “Black Dragon” curse, they always seem to end up DEAD. Maybe Musk IS dead? 🤔 The show goes on as the world turns and sheeple will be sheeple… 🐑 I hope Joachim Bartoll has an awakening moment regarding all of these fake “Trump” clones, holograms, CGIs and masked men. I used the term ‘men’, but I beg to differ…

“On January 15, Donald Trump allegedly won the Republican caucuses in Iowa by receiving 56,000+ votes. Yes, the Jesuit number of 56 once again. The hoax-code used all through the stage and fake COVID-19 pandemic. They’re simply mocking the shit out of his gullible and deranged followers. Receiving just above 56,000 votes meant that Trump got 51% of the votes, and this was a ritual about the upcoming and rigged ‘2024 US election.’ Masonic Ritual = 56 (what it is), Society of Jesus = 56 (a.k.a. The Jesuit Order, the order in charge), Washington D.C. = 56 (the fictional seat of power), Freemasons = 56 (the actors on the world-stage). Also, January 15 came with a 51-date numerology… 1/15/2024 = 1 + 1+5 + (20) + (24) = 51. 2024 Election = 51, US Election = 51, Freemason = 51, The Masons = 51, Republicans = 51, Iowa = 51. Of course, January 15 came with a 60-date numerology, and this was all about Donald Trump winning in Iowa. 1/15/2024 = 1 + 15 + 20 + 24 = 60. Donald Trump = 60, 60, Iowa = 60. Now, moving on to January 16, Donald Trump was back in a New York courthouse Tuesday for his second E. Jean Carroll defamation trial. If you know your history, you should see the significant reference of using actor ‘Jean Carroll’ in this Trump ritual, as Georgetown University was founded by the Jesuit Catholic archbishop John Carroll (Jean is French for ‘John’), who also was the first Catholic bishop in the United States doing the bidding for the Italian Colonna family who founded Georgetown and has been one of the elite families that controls the U.S. ever since (with their Knights of Columbus (former part of Knights Templar,) CBS, Columbia Records, Columbia University and Columbia Pictures). What a coincidence that Trump and Carroll met on the day when Carroll was on her 36th day (666) of her age and it was 216 days (666) after Trump’s birthday. And they met on the one day out of the 366 days in 2024 it would have been possible. Oh, those pesky coincidences. Again, everything on the world stage is scripted theatre, all by the numbers. If you still follow any of these puppets, these actors like Trump, it’s time to wake up. Do not give them your attention, your energy, or your time — only give that to real people, to people that actually matter.”

~Joachim Bartoll

On January 15, Donald Trump allegedly won the Republican caucuses in Iowa by receiving 56,000+ votes. Yes, the Jesuit number of 56 once again. The hoax-code used all through the stage and fake COVID-19 pandemic. They’re simply mocking the shit out of his gullible and deranged followers.

Receiving just above 56,000 votes meant that Trump got 51% of the votes, and this was a ritual about the upcoming and rigged ‘2024 US election.’

Masonic Ritual = 56 (what it is)
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order, the order in charge)
Washington D.C. = 56 (the fictional seat of power)
Freemasons = 56 (the actors on the world-stage)

Also, January 15 came with a 51-date numerology…

1/15/2024 = 1 + 1+5 + (20) + (24) = 51

2024 Election = 51, 51
US Election = 51
Freemason = 51
The Masons = 51

All about the Republicans in Iowa.

Republicans = 51
Iowa = 51

Of course, January 15 came with a 60-date numerology, and this was all about Donald Trump winning in Iowa.

1/15/2024 = 1 + 15 + 20 + 24 = 60

Donald Trump = 60, 60
Iowa = 60

Now, moving on to January 16, Donald Trump was back in a New York courthouse Tuesday for his second E. Jean Carroll defamation trial.

If you know your history, you should see the significant reference of using actor ‘Jean Carroll’ in this Trump ritual, as Georgetown University was founded by the Jesuit Catholic archbishop John Carroll (Jean is French for ‘John’), who also was the first Catholic bishop in the United States doing the bidding for the Italian Colonna family who founded Georgetown and has been one of the elite families that controls the U.S. ever since (with their Knights of Columbus (former part of Knights Templar,) CBS, Columbia Records, Columbia University and Columbia Pictures).

The continuation of the defamation theatre continued on January 16, exactly 42 weeks on the day before the upcoming US elections on November 5, 2024. Again, this was a tribute to Carroll and Georgetown, founded and named by Jesuits for the Saturn cult, exactly 42 weeks before the US election.

Saturn = 42, 42
Georgetown = 42, 42
Jesuit = 42, 42
US Election = 42 (Saturn/Georgetown tribute 42 weeks before the US election)
Freemason = 42

E. Jean Carroll was born on December 12, and January 16 was 35 days after her birthday, on the 36th day of her age.

Catholic = 35 (John Carroll was the first Catholic bishop in the US)
Jesuitism = 35

Masons = 36, 36, 36
IHS = 36 (the symbol/Christogram of the Jesuit Order)

And as you know, 36 is also a symbolic reference to 666, the Number of the Beast, as 666 is the 36th triangular number.

January 16 also came exactly 216 days after Donald Trump’s birthday, and as you should know, 216 is also a symbolic reference to 666, as 6 x 6 x 6 is 216.

What a coincidence that Trump and Carroll met on the day when Carroll was on her 36th day (666) of her age and it was 216 days (666) after Trump’s birthday. And they met on the one day out of the 366 days in 2024 it would have been possible. Oh, those pesky coincidences.

Of course, 216 days is the same as 30 weeks and 6 days, like 36. And it’s also 7 months and 2 days, like 72, another number associated with the Jesuit Order. The Jesuit Gregorian calendar is sneaky like that.

On January 16, 2024, it was also 54 months since the June 21, 2019, accusation by Carroll against Trump. Again, this was a ritual to honor the archbishop John Carroll, the founder of the Jesuit Georgetown University.

Archbishop = 54
John Carroll = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
University = 54
Mark of the Beast = 54 (the 666-connection between Carroll and Trump on this date)

Again, everything on the world stage is scripted theatre, all by the numbers. If you still follow any of these puppets, these actors like Trump, it’s time to wake up. Do not give them your attention, your energy, or your time — only give that to real people, to people that actually matter.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Musk Names Fake COVID Lockdown Propagandist & WEF Puppet Linda Yaccarino CEO of Shitter”

“Remember the ritual back on December 19 of 2022, when Musk polled himself out of Twitter by asking if he should step down as CEO? Well, that ritual, which was part of UN and WEF’s infodemic, was continued this Friday. This Friday, Elon Musk, named WEF-puppet Linda Yaccarino, with the masonic double ‘cc,’ as new CEO of Twitter. Just hours before, Yaccarino announced that she was leaving her role as chairman of global advertising at Comcast NBCUniversal. If you do not know, Yaccarino is a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and serves as the Chairman of the WEF’s Taskforce on Future of Work and sits on the WEF’s Media, Entertainment, and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee. In other words, Yaccarino is the perfect puppet to drive the infodemic and internet censorship – and to develop WeChat for the West, as in Musk’s X, the Everything app, which I called out when he bought Twitter — and now you have it in black and white, as he mentioned it in his tweet above. You might remember some of the profane and evil brainwashing advertisements during the staged and fake pandemic and the Covid lockdowns, such as ‘Staying home saves lives’, ‘We’re in this together’, ‘Mask up or Pack up’, and ‘#AloneTogether’. This is beyond evil and destroyed many lives. Yes, those brainwashing ads were from the Ad Council where Linda Yaccarino was Board Chair and one of the driving forces for lockdowns and vaccination. What an evil and vile creature. She should burn in hell where she belongs. Also, keep in mind that Elon Musk was a member of WEF and WEF-educated. This confirms everything we’ve said about Musk and Twitter from the start. As for the ritualistic nature of this part of the script, this announcement came exactly 47-days before Elon Musk’s June 28 birthday. As you know, 47 represents authority (CEO), the government, the Freemasons, and is also the number of Twitter. Twitter = 47. If we take CNN’s headline, that are always coded by the numbers, Linda was the ‘NBCU ad chief’ and will now be ‘Twitter CEO.’ NBCU Ad Chief = 47, 47. Twitter CEO = 47, 47. The number 47 is also related to the beast and to technology. That is why they equal 47 and technological inventions such as the computer and the internet equals 666. Beast = 47. Technology = 47. Computer = 666 Internet = 666. Of course, if we count the end date, it was 6 weeks and 6 days until Musk’s birthday. 66 is the gematrical value of the Number of the Beast, and ‘Elon Reeve Musk’ and ‘Linda Yaccarino’ are sure a match made in the depths of hell, as they share the same 66. Clearly a ritual and why these two Jesuit- and WEF puppets were put together. And again, that is tied to the Beast. And again, that is tied to the Beast. Do you remember Elon Musk’s Halloween costume that resembled the Beast? Well, Linda Yaccarino is the perfect match for the Beast. Such a couple. And, if you still believe in Jesuit- and WEF-puppet Elon Musk and think him a good guy (or any other world stage character), you’re beyond helping at this point, you’re an NPC, if even that.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Remember the ritual back on December 19 of 2022, when Musk polled himself out of Twitter by asking if he should step down as CEO? Well, that ritual, which was part of UN and WEF’s infodemic, was continued this Friday.

This Friday, Elon Musk, named WEF-puppet Linda Yaccarino, with the masonic double ‘cc,’ as new CEO of Twitter. Just hours before, Yaccarino announced that she was leaving her role as chairman of global advertising at Comcast NBCUniversal. If you do not know, Yaccarino is a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and serves as the Chairman of the WEF’s Taskforce on Future of Work and sits on the WEF’s Media, Entertainment, and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee. In other words, Yaccarino is the perfect puppet to drive the infodemic and internet censorship – and to develop WeChat for the West, as in Musk’s X, the Everything app, which I called out when he bought Twitter – and now you have it in black and white, as he mentioned it in his tweet above.

You might remember some of the profane and evil brainwashing advertisements during the staged and fake pandemic and the Covid lockdowns, such as “Staying home saves lives”, “We’re in this together,” “Mask up or Pack up,” and “#AloneTogether.” Yes, those brainwashing ads were from the Ad Council where Linda Yaccarino was Board Chair and one of the driving forces for lockdowns and vaccination. Also, keep in mind that Elon Musk was a member of WEF and WEF-educated.

This is beyond evil and destroyed many lives.

Here’s Linda herself, telling you to “mask up or pack up,” to wash your hands and get tested often. What an evil and vile creature. She should burn in hell where she belongs.

This confirms everything we’ve said about Musk and Twitter from the start. As for the ritualistic nature of this part of the script, this announcement came exactly 47-days before Elon Musk’s June 28 birthday. As you know, 47 represents authority (CEO), the government, the Freemasons, and is also the number of Twitter.

Twitter = 47

If we take CNN’s headline, that are always coded by the numbers, Linda was the ‘NBCU ad chief’ and will now be ‘Twitter CEO.’

NBCU Ad Chief = 47, 47
Twitter CEO = 47, 47

The number 47 is also related to the beast and to technology. That is why they equal 47 and technological inventions such as the computer and the internet equals 666.

Beast = 47
Technology = 47
Computer = 666
Internet = 666

Of course, if we count the end date, it was 6 weeks and 6 days until Musk’s birthday. 66 is the gematrical value of the Number of the Beast, and ‘Elon Reeve Musk’ and ‘Linda Yaccarino’ are sure a match made in the depths of hell, as they share the same 66. Clearly a ritual and why these two Jesuit- and WEF puppets were put together.

Elon Reeve Musk = 66
Linda Yaccarino = 66, 66
Thirty-Three = 66, 66 (code for the Freemasons)
Number of the Beast = 66
Saturn Worship = 66

This ritual is tied to Elon Musk’s upcoming 52nd birthday, a number that fits the theme of technology and the origins of Yaccarino, all in the same ciphers as well.

Technology = 52, 52
The Ad Council = 52, 52

And again, that is tied to the Beast. Do you remember Elon Musk’s Halloween costume that resembled the Beast? Well, Linda Yaccarino is the perfect match for the Beast. Such a couple.

Linda Yaccarino = 66, 87
Number of the Beast = 66, 87

Also, Linda Yaccarino sums to 129, which is the very Jesuit 201 in Octal, 8-base counting. That is a perfect number for a puppet of the WEF, an organization led by Jesuit Klaus Schwab.

Linda Yaccarino = 129

129 = 201

The Jesuit Order = 201
Saturn Worship = 201 (again)

And if we count from Musk’s last birthday, including the end-date, we get 10 months and 15 days, as in 115. Again, this number summarizes the same script.

1015 = 115 as you can drop the zero, which has no value, in numerology

NBCU ad chief Linda Yaccarino = 115
Twitter = 115, 115
The Ad Council = 115
Yaccarino = 115, 115
Twitter CEO = 115
Freemasons = 115
Masonic = 115

Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the Wiki for Linda Yaccarino was just created and has very little factual information and no specific date of birth. They simply claim she was born in 1962 or ’63. But once revealed, you can bet it was coded to death in this ritual, and all the coming events she will be part of.

And, if you still believe in Jesuit- and WEF-puppet Elon Musk and think him a good guy (or any other world stage character), you’re beyond helping at this point, you’re an NPC, if even that.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official