LISA RENEE on “Being Responsible for our Darkness”

“When we are blind to our mistakes in life that lead us down a path of suffering and disconnection, if we refuse to pay attention to these events and analyze our own behaviors that led down that path, we will never flourish. We must be willing to see our mistakes, the places where we can improve our competence in managing our lives, and where we can be as authentic and self-sourcing as possible. We cannot learn how to improve ourselves unless we are willing to face our darkness. If we can be objective and see our maligned thinking without judging ourselves as higher or lower, good or bad, just remaining open hearted and willing to evolve and change, then we can profoundly shift the quality of our life, and the life of others. Taking responsibility for the darkest areas of ourselves means that we are willing to look at the inner areas where we are doing things that commit harm and that we know deep down are not in our best interest. We make the choice to discipline ourselves into stopping harmful thoughts, behaviors and actions, because if we are being really honest with ourselves, we know they are not positive actions. With every decision we make, if we choose to listen to the truth within and be deeply honest with ourselves, we start to align even more closely to the positive presence of truth. This process reveals even more things that we may need to address truthfully, so that we can evolve into the highest expression of our personal potential. When we are feeling mentally disturbed or feeling emotional tension, in order to dissipate that internal stress that we are feeling, we need to learn how to clarify our thoughts and feelings that are producing that tension in our body. We may need to source recurring negative thoughtforms that are being stimulated automatically from frequency implants attached to our unresolved pain located in our consciousness body. The awareness to move towards more positive actions, starts to ripple changes out into the field that rearranges our lives to be based in truth and this also helps to clear out implants. When we have a better comprehension of how implanted thoughts and mind control implants are used in to produce a pathological society, we can better discern the agenda and refuse to participate with it. The antidote to mind control broadcasts and clearing implants is connecting deeply with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like unconditional love, compassion and empathy, and genuinely caring about what happens to the people and to the planet. When we live a pathological life we create a pathological society. When we ignore the presence of darkness and we continually tolerate harmful behavior of senseless self-destruction, we commit a sin against the eternal light that exists within us. We must become the love and light that shines from out of our form, in order to fulfill our purpose to become the authentic person we are meant to be. Thus, we all must put some effort into our life to be the kind of person that we really want to be, and we will need the motivation to take care of ourselves properly. Develop a vision of what you’d like your life to be in relationship to the kind of person you want to become as your highest expression in this moment and in the future. Then aim for that positive vision and break down the goal into smaller pieces that you can demonstrate every day in order to create a meaningful and spiritually connected life.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Being Responsible for our Darkness”

“Implants are specifically used to diminish perceived reality through the manipulation of the bio-neurological function of the person’s brain, to not actually perceive or see the unapproved topic, object or thing that the Controllers do not want them to see. This is similar to the effects of using artificial intelligence computer mediated reality to edit out, subtract, and remove information, or manipulate ones perception of reality through technology that acts as a visual filter between the real world and what the user perceives. In order to identify and locate the source of Implanted Thoughts, and refuse to become a slave to automated impulses, we must know that this technology exists. The mind control agenda is very complex, but it is important to realize that the use of artificial intelligence technologies designed to implant thoughts in the collective are what keep the AI timeline loops operating in the lower dimensional fields. Essentially, this is about blocking perception of reality by jamming neurological receivers and hijacking the brain so that the masses cannot decode or perceive what is really going on. Once the perception of reality is controlled, formatted into the majority consensus or the approved version of history that was devised by the NAA, then the common people self-enforce the same fabricated narrative, without knowing they are being used as pawns in the controller game that covers up the archon-alien deception. When we refuse to feed into the holographic insert or implant by holding neutrality and witnessing our pain body, making the effort to emotionally heal, the implant dissolves in the light you created in its place. Now is the time to reclaim our truth and to courageously face what has really happened to the earth and to all of humanity, while we were asleep and being implanted with thoughts that were not our own. When we have a better comprehension of how implanted thoughts and mind control implants are used in to produce a pathological society, we can better discern the agenda and refuse to participate with it. We cannot learn how to improve ourselves unless we are willing to face our darkness.”

~Lisa Renee


When we have a better comprehension of how Implanted Thoughts and mind control implants are used, we can better discern the agenda and refuse to participate with it. If someone set out to design a society that drives people to worship self-destruction, self-absorption, and materialism while driving them to escape the inner emptiness through self-medicating and addiction, you’d have the general blueprint of mind control that is used in our society. Essentially, this is about blocking perception of reality by jamming neurological receivers and hijacking the brain so that the masses cannot decode or perceive what is really going on. Many of us can feel the pressure to create soul disconnection and AI assimilation in the masses has been turned up. The antidote to mind control broadcasts and clearing implants is deeply connected with developing our spirit and refusing to become a slave to automated impulses.

In order to identify and locate the source of Implanted Thoughts, and refuse to become a slave to automated impulses, we must know that this technology exists. The mind control agenda is very complex, but it is important to realize that the use of artificial intelligence technologies designed to implant thoughts in the collective are what keep the AI timeline loops operating in the lower dimensional fields. When we clear Implanted Thoughts and Implants from out of our consciousness body, when we refuse to automatically play out mind control patterns of fear, violence and division, we are helping to collapse the collective AI grid. When we refuse to feed into the holographic insert or implant by holding neutrality and witnessing our pain body, making the effort to emotionally heal, the implant dissolves in the light you created in its place. When we choose love over fear, when we shift perception into higher virtues, when we 12D shield with our Avatar Christ, we can dissolve frequency implants and clear the painful triggers enmeshed within them. As you consider this information, hold awareness of these technologies so that if you need to locate them for dismantling, you are empowered to consciously participate with the process in partnership with your God self.

Essentially, this means that if we are exposed to concealed mind control tactics or allow something external to gain control over the thought impulses in our mind, then our beliefs, attitudes, instinctual drives and brain activity are not really our own. In people with weaker character development or unhealed traumatic injury, sometimes this also means that a person’s outward actions are not fully their own, because they are being physically controlled by Implanted Thoughts that are being externally projected into their unconscious mind. When people cannot control destructive impulses that generate outward destructive actions, they become an unconscious agent for spreading dark forces and dangerous chaos. Pushing people to the razor’s edge of insanity so they act out destructively is exactly what the NAA desires, as this is a potent divide and conquer tactic and it generates a lot of emotional pain and suffering, that can be harvested and used to further manipulate perception.

If our thoughts are not being carefully generated from our own self-determination and informed consent to make wiser personal choices, and we instead allow others to think for us, or we act from unconscious impulses stimulated by Implants, we lose control over our personal intent, consent and authority. If we cannot gain control and discipline over the content of our own mind, then we are forever consciousness slaves. Slavery and subjugation is the core purpose behind any agenda of implementing secret strategies for Implanted Thoughts and Implants within any population.

If people are left unaware that they are secretly being exposed to such mind control tactics, they become a slave to the most dominating force, which is exerting a non-visible control mechanism in their bio-neurology. This bio-neurological Implant mechanism is designed to manipulate their thoughts, motivations and desires, which further act to take over that person’s perception of reality. Once the perception of reality is controlled, formatted into the majority consensus or the approved version of history that was devised by the NAA, then the common people self-enforce the same fabricated narrative, without knowing they are being used as pawns in the controller game that covers up the archon-alien deception. Through the control and manipulation of the perception of reality, many earth humans self-enforce their own enslavement through the perpetual warring and exploitation of their own planetary resources.

Diminished Reality

As a result of exerting electronic control over a person’s brain activity and thoughtforms, our emotions, memories and the accumulated knowledge over lifetimes that form our mental map can also be manipulated and edited, in order to get us to believe in something that is not factual or true. This is similar to the effects of using artificial intelligence computer mediated reality to edit out, subtract, and remove information, or manipulate ones perception of reality through technology that acts as a visual filter between the real world and what the user perceives. When a computer technology or implant is being used by someone to edit out or diminish the reality perception of others, like consciousness wiping of previous memories, this has negative effects and consequences upon the individual’s internal functioning and their ability to maintain psychological and emotional coherence.

Technology that is used to diminish the perception of reality actually fractures the multidimensional consciousness body, where portions are connected into the augmented virtual reality, while other sections exist within the layers of organic consciousness timelines.

This is also referred to as soul fragmentation. Implants are specifically used to diminish perceived reality through the manipulation of the bio-neurological function of the person’s brain, to not actually perceive or see the unapproved topic, object or thing that the Controllers do not want them to see.

Essentially this is about blocking perception of reality by jamming neurological receivers and hijacking the brain so that the masses cannot decode the data stream or specific frequency of that content or thing, which was selected to be intentionally erased from memory.

If the accumulated information that we have available that educates and informs us about life is based upon a foundation of intentional lies and deceptions, filtered through Implants that diminish reality, we are at a severe disadvantage in making clear, intelligent and informed decisions that impact our future wellbeing. One example is the false information given to humanity by the NAA during World War II that established the convention for public curriculum within the academic institutions. The falsified version of scientific and historical data that was written into the educational textbooks to establish the fabricated curriculum of approved topics, are still currently endorsed by the primary academic institutions. By managing intelligence and controlling access to information that diminishes the perception of reality, as well as supplying the perceived human enemies with disinformation, this keeps people ignorant in order to trick them into making the wrong decisions based upon lies.

The manipulation of a person’s perception of reality by getting them to believe in deceptions and illusions that are created through a lengthy series of false impressions over time, is a method used to diminish perception and control access to accurate information and higher knowledge. Everyone on the earth is subjected to the continual stream of disinformation and implanted thoughts, the attempts to manipulate our perception while being blocked from accessing truthful and accurate information. Now is the time to reclaim our truth and to courageously face what has really happened to the earth and to all of humanity, while we were asleep and being implanted with thoughts that were not our own.

Being Responsible for our Darkness

We cannot learn how to improve ourselves unless we are willing to face our darkness. If we can be objective and see our maligned thinking without judging ourselves as higher or lower, good or bad, just remaining open hearted and willing to evolve and change, then we can profoundly shift the quality of our life, and the life of others.

Taking responsibility for the darkest areas of ourselves means that we are willing to look at the inner areas where we are doing things that commit harm and that we know deep down are not in our best interest. We make the choice to discipline ourselves into stopping harmful thoughts, behaviors and actions, because if we are being really honest with ourselves, we know they are not positive actions. The awareness to move towards more positive actions, starts to ripple changes out into the field that rearranges our lives to be based in truth and this also helps to clear out implants. With every decision we make, if we choose to listen to the truth within and be deeply honest with ourselves, we start to align even more closely to the positive presence of truth. This process reveals even more things that we may need to address truthfully, so that we can evolve into the highest expression of our personal potential.

When we are feeling mentally disturbed or feeling emotional tension, in order to dissipate that internal stress that we are feeling, we need to learn how to clarify our thoughts and feelings that are producing that tension in our body. We may need to source recurring negative thoughtforms that are being stimulated automatically from frequency implants attached to our unresolved pain located in our consciousness body.

When we live a pathological life we create a pathological society.

When we ignore the presence of darkness and we continually tolerate harmful behavior of senseless self-destruction, we commit a sin against the eternal light that exists within us. We must become the love and light that shines from out of our form, in order to fulfill our purpose to become the authentic person we are meant to be.

Thus, we all must put some effort into our life to be the kind of person that we really want to be, and we will need the motivation to take care of ourselves properly. Develop a vision of what you’d like your life to be in relationship to the kind of person you want to become as your highest expression in this moment and in the future. Then aim for that positive vision and break down the goal into smaller pieces that you can demonstrate every day in order to create a meaningful and spiritually connected life. If you live in service to the greater whole, your life will work out in the best possible way. There is nothing more practical in creating the best quality life for yourself, then to solve the problems and obstacles that come as a result of committing to be the best person that you can be in this world.

When we have a better comprehension of how implanted thoughts and mind control implants are used in to produce a pathological society, we can better discern the agenda and refuse to participate with it. The antidote to mind control broadcasts and clearing implants is connecting deeply with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like unconditional love, compassion and empathy, and genuinely caring about what happens to the people and to the planet.

(Source: ES News – Implanted Thoughts)


~via – Time Shift Blog – published April 21, 2020

“DEAR LISA RENEE” (Q & A) ~ Lisa Renee on Isolation

“As Starseeds, our surreal multidimensional experiences are that which commonly lead us to the experiences of isolation, even deep loneliness for being unseen, while being on the earth during these timelines, when there is a hidden war happening to suppress and steal the consciousness of the people. First and foremost, when addressing those groups of awakening people that are feeling very frustrated, angry and at their wits end, dealing with the dark forces, the people on the planet, in the chaotic state that it exists today, I hope to remind you of an important reality check. You must never give up, you must never give your power away to the dark forces or other people, even when everything looks really grim and depressing. I must stress you cannot be lazy, you must face fears, you must get out there and face things you do not want to face, build strength in facing the darkness, no matter what it dishes out. We did not come to the earth to party on vacations and drink Margaritas on the beach. We did not come here to make millions of dollars and play out fleshly fantasy games of the Luciferian elite. We did not come here to get lost and taken off spiritual direction in the many delusions of self-importance that are played out with the reptilian version of the negative ego mind. We came to the planet during the timelines of Ascension, we came from the future into the past, when we could make a massive difference in the fields to shift the future direction. We came when the Universal Gates were opening, while the war over the earth was raging in the higher dimensions, and battling was occurring in the lower hidden planes of which most of the humans here cannot sense or see. We came here to do the spiritual work and to make the effort to work together in group consciousness, to be of service to others, to honor Universal Laws, that help take this planet into the higher frequencies and to reach spiritual liberation in the future Timelines.”

~Lisa Renee


Isolation – Isolation is the state of being in a place or situation that is separate from others, the condition of being or feeling isolated.


Dear Ascending Community,

This is a good time to publically answer the many different emails that I receive from nonmembers all over the world, such as the above email I received today. They share the same common threads that many awakening people or Starseed people experience on the earth. That common thread and theme is experiencing a sense of deep Isolation from other people that leads to feelings of frustration, depression, loneliness and sometimes anger. This Isolation, is also the desire to become socially isolated from the accepted standards of insanity and barbarism that make up the current social engineering tactics that are used to maintain the Mind Control structures on the earth. In order to attempt to meet this need of supporting a sense of deeper connection to the purpose of spiritual Ascension and to support the awakening community, so this group can openly discuss and find spiritual tools for the many varieties of issues that we deal with, and to help remove these feelings of Isolation, is the primary reason that the ES online community was created. It was the only way that I could reach out to the Starseeds that existed worldwide, that would be able to find the energetic space for advocacy, to be in a safe place of which to be understood and accepted, to study and learn among those who are on the same path, and to be able to share many multidimensional experiences. As Starseeds, our surreal multidimensional experiences are that which commonly lead us to the experiences of isolation, even deep loneliness for being unseen, while being on the earth during these timelines, when there is a hidden war happening to suppress and steal the consciousness of the people.

First and foremost, when addressing those groups of awakening people that are feeling very frustrated, angry and at their wits end, dealing with the dark forces, the people on the planet, in the chaotic state that it exists today, I hope to remind you of an important reality check. We did not come to the earth to party on vacations and drink Margaritas on the beach. We did not come here to make millions of dollars and play out fleshly fantasy games of the Luciferian elite. We did not come here to get lost and taken off spiritual direction in the many delusions of self-importance that are played out with the reptilian version of the negative ego mind. We came to the planet during the timelines of Ascension, we came from the future into the past, when we could make a massive difference in the fields to shift the future direction. We came when the Universal Gates were opening, while the war over the earth was raging in the higher dimensions, and battling was occurring in the lower hidden planes of which most of the humans here cannot sense or see. We came here to do the spiritual work and to make the effort to work together in group consciousness, to be of service to others, to honor Universal Laws, that help take this planet into the higher frequencies and to reach spiritual liberation in the future Timelines. The only way we can do that is to do the negative ego dismantling, and emotional pain clearing, that would extract the falsity and make room to allow our higher spiritual self to embody while on the earth. For that purpose of ultimate spiritual embodiment, we make it our life priority to do the Ascension clearing and healing inside ourselves, every day. We cannot help ourselves, or the planet if we refuse to look at our own responsibility in the awakening process, which requires we do the inner emotional clearing work, that we change the way we think and perceive, as we are the microcosm that reflects into the macrocosm. It all starts from within us.

Let me remind you, we are in a consciousness war over the earth. Do you hear me? Can you understand the implication of what that means for all of us and the entire planet? What are you going to do about this? Are you going to cry, point fingers at other people, have a tantrum and complain about it, or are you going to get serious and take care of your own inner spirit and personal business? What do you think we do over here in this community, drink tea all day? We’re working very hard to keep this information available online, and as much for free access, as possible. There is a lot that I cannot share publically because of what I will have to deal with if it goes outside borders of where I have a structure to hold that information for those who ask for it in the community area. I must conserve energy to serve a group that works hard with the community objectives, and not a person who is demanding help, but will not help themselves. We all have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. DO THE CLEARING WORK. If you do not know how, then join the community and you will learn how. If you want to learn how to do gridwork, you can learn it here, but it will require 100% spiritual dedication to learn how. There are many people in the community who work very hard to learn, work very hard to understand and work hard to participate with this process of clearing and healing themselves and the earth, and it is through the spiritual dedication of the entire group, that this content and service is made available to the public. Without the dedication of the group to be of service and take responsibility for their own healing, this would not exist.

As sensitive and caring people, we all have been at the point of incredible frustration and feeling despair about the state of unconsciousness that plagues the earth. We’ve had the exact same feelings of frustration at what we see operating in the worldscape today, the hatred, the wars, the Blood Sacrifice, the continual torturing of the men, women and children of this earth. We deeply cry out, when will this war matrix of world torture end? All of us who are incarnated to help the earth become liberated from the dark oppressors are harassed, stripped of resources, and attacked again and again, when we rise to help the earth and its people be released from the planes of bondage and servitude. None of us get away from that harassment, all of us endure some kind of forms of dark attack or spiritual oppression when we do serious clearing. You are not alone in that, we all share this burden together. That’s why we must learn how it works in this mind control matrix, because once we see how it works, we can work around the attacks, we can work around the mind control system, but we must study it to comprehend it, and do the clearing of our negative ego, in order to be successful so that we can truly actualize our purpose of service. This is the key to attaining inner peace, comfort and spiritual fulfillment while we co-exist in the fields of Insanity and chaos.

When we awaken into an higher awareness of our surroundings and we gain more accurate perceptions of what is actually behind the upside-down state of the world today, we can observe and feel the energetic contents of the collective unconscious spill out into the environment of the earth surface. Then we can discern who is who and what is behind the facade. When we gain clarity and sensitivity through heightened states of consciousness, many of us can feel the state of the pain and depravity that is circulating in the world, and as a result, awakening people feel isolated. Many will choose to isolate themselves out of necessity, because our society does not support awakening or higher consciousness, in fact the culture persecutes people like us. Isolating is a coping mechanism for our continued sanity, to stay low on the radar, and to restore Energetic Balance to our body from our ability to self-source. Most of my life, I was isolated and very alone, with little help. I received attack, after attack, trying to take me out just when creating this online community for Starseeds. Are you aware how many obstacles we have to get through, how much we have to master in the world of forces and how much we devote our life stream to serve the God force, to get this far? It is very difficult for us when we gain clarity and connection, as we awaken our hearts, awaken our minds, awaken our higher sensory ability and then to be met with an onslaught of dark forces projecting negativity and very low frequency into the environment designed to suppress mass awakening. Many Starseeds are fully capable to feel the massive amount of people and entities writhing in agony, as it is presently in the collective consciousness, seeing how dark forces have created agony so that it operates in the people and world at large. Thus, Starseeds have to master these forces as they exist within themselves, in order to actualize their true spiritual purpose and to build spiritual power while on this earth. If you do not do the inner clearing work, you will not have spiritual power, and you will circle in circles, chasing tails, until you really figure this out. There is no way to get out from taking responsibility for yourself, taking responsibility for the quality of your life, and removing blame from other people and how they may impact you. We came to this earth to be of service, build group consciousness, and totally give every ounce of our being to surrender to the higher plan of God, while we endure the war over consciousness on earth.To dedicate ourselves to the higher purpose, it is critical that we change the way we think, the way we behave, and our motivations and perceptions of life on the earth. Otherwise, if you do not change the way you think, you will be slowly driven crazy from the intense pressure that the higher frequencies and purging of the dark forces create on the earth.The light and plasma force of Cosmic Christ is beginning to run current and embody here, and it is waiting for you to wake up so that you are spiritually strong enough to actually embody its massive force of God’s spirit. If you have negative ego outbursts and pain is running you, it cannot embody, you must purify yourself of these traits.

As many of you, I have been on this awakening path for what feels to be a very long time, and have endured obstacle after obstacle, dark attack after dark attack, running through the 3D maze like a laboratory rat, and the whole time wondering where the rest of us on this path are, who are REALLY doing the work. I established the online community ten years ago, while I was homeless, using every last dime I had to make it a reality, working on it day and night while I was getting attacked and intentionally humiliated by others repeatedly. In order to set up the ES structure to be able to exist, it has to set up in many layers of field architecture in so to protect it. I cannot advertise, I cannot market, I cannot superimpose, I cannot do random youtubes and facebooking, I have zero social media presence and there are critical reasons for that. I cannot come to you, and I cannot collaborate with any structure or person that does not have the same GSF alignment that I have worked many years to embody. I have a responsibility to serve the entire field of the community container, and this Ascension content, and I am sorry that I am not personally available to you. I cannot answer every plea for help, as much as I wish I could. I have a very large workload already. What I ask is that you do the investigation, do the study, look at what is on this site in every nook and cranny, talk to God every moment and ask for help and direction from God all the time, and dedicate your life to your highest expression of embodiment on the earth.

You must never give up, you must never give your power away to the dark forces or other people, even when everything looks really grim and depressing. I must stress you cannot be lazy, you must face fears, you must get out there and face things you do not want to face, build strength in facing the darkness, no matter what it dishes out. You are a warrior of the light, serving freedom and liberation for all beings, and we are in a war over consciousness, travelling together.

I may not be able to answer your emails, but I feel you and I know you are out there, and I am deeply sorry you are in pain. If you cannot be here with us right now to learn and study, then do the best you can to find your aligned path and get to it. Do the work, use our free tools every day. If you do not resonate with our tools or community, then find something that you can work with, or create as your own. If I did this from nothing, so can you. We need you to pull out every last drop of pure heart and spirit, the massive strength within your spirit, in order to make it happen. I am right here working by your side, in the trenches, cheering you on, but you must do the work yourself, no one else can do it for you. Search for tools here, and take them, make them your own, and use them every single day. Things can change, and I am living proof that massive obstacles can be overcome with 100% dedication to serve God. The Christ forces are here, but you must purify your body to commune, embody and speak with them directly. I Love you and We are in this together.

~ Lisa Renee, GSF Steward




  1. Isolation

See Also:

Where Can I Start?

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

Dark Night of the Soul

Ego Death


~via Ascension Glossary