DANNI RAE: “Astral Travel Encounter With The Soul Of Famous Hollywood Actress”

I had an astral projection, which for me has happened before, but is not common at all. It’s rare, and the only few times I have had one all I did was “fly”…

I had an astral travel last Sunday evening. I felt my soul leave, and I didn’t know where I was going but I was in a hurry. I descended upon a beautiful multi-million dollar house. I saw a woman in a bathtub shaving her legs and singing to herself. I did not know her. Once I got closer, I realized it was Nicole Kidman. I was very confused. I knew who she was from movies and that she was “Tom Cruise’s ex wife” but that’s about it. I was not a big fan or someone who “followed” her. She was not someone I expected to see.

So why was I here?

I just watched her for a minute. Then, her soul escaped and we literally had this exact conversation:

Her soul: We are being held hostage. We are here but nobody sees us. I’m so glad you came! We need you to see us.

Me: (very confused) What do you mean?

Her: We are trapped. No humans can see. They think they know. They do not! They see an image. A hologram. An empty vessel! What they see is deception. Our outward perception is not what is real, yet it’s what people believe. Outward appearances are deceiving. We are still here here! Her physical vessel is empty.

Me: I’m so confused. All I know is I just flew here. I’m just a girl from Texas. I don’t even know where I am. I don’t even know what I’m doing here to be honest… but I will help you if I can.

Her: You need to hear, with her public persona, it’s all lies. All of it. Every bit of it is deceit. When people see her, they don’t see us. They see projection. People are spellbound, and they don’t really know. I am here, though apart of her, nobody can see what I am. I am lonely. I love her immensely but I have been willfully and painfully split by choice. A choice that was deliberate, yet manipulated.

Me: Wait… Am I talking to Nicole’s higher self? Her soul?

Her: Yes! We are still here. We have been always here. But on her human level, her own free will got cast out. However, we are still her and she is us. We cannot be separated for eternity but we are also not seen except on a soul level, because of a soul contract she signed and agreed to. We are covered, but the veil is lifting. The darkness is dissipating. You can see.

Me: So she as a human… or her ego cast you out by choice? Like she chose this?

Her: Yes. We cannot interfere with free will. But we are here. We are anxiously awaiting to be reunited. We love her. We ARE her.

Me: So she said no to the connection? But why? How does somebody do this? But eventually you will still connect, right?

Her: Yes. It is a stirring in her. She resists and fights, but it is because of dark manipulation. She is bound by lies. She, in the physical, is a prisoner bound by a dark contract. Dark energy. She was presented with a choice and she chose to split. We are lonely… but not angry. We love her so. She is us and we are her. She has chosen this life path but she can always change her timeline and choose to reconnect. She can create a new soul contract. We are ready to receive her back. We would love this so. She can return to one.

Me: You’re cut off… but not angry?

Her: No. We know and hold no anger. We cannot hold anger, it is not our nature. Only stillness. We are sad her choice was this, but we honor this, and wait for reconnection.

Me: If you’re her higher self and you’re in a better dimension, why can’t you just override this? Don’t you have veto power?

Her: Laughs… no we abide by universal law of free will. We do not intervene. We allow chosen soul contracts to play out. We stay connected always but when those connections are severed by choice…. we wait until the vibration aligns again.

Me: What if that is a long wait. What is she chooses to stay separated?

Her: We are outside of time and space but we do feel sadness and do feel the burden of her choice.

Me: Did she get tricked into this choice? What about other celebrities like her?

Her: Yes!!! Yes!!!! She was manipulated, but then came a choice to choose. The choice was hers.

Me: Who made her choose?

Her: There are other dark energies. Their purpose is to provide contrast and polarity. The balance of the universe intended this. But this energy became stronger than expected. This force also “feeds” or get nourished off of negative human emotion. They use earthly traps, such as wealth and fame, to lure souls in. Then, they convince certain humans to “choose” their agenda. It is all deceit. The vessel becomes empty while the real essence waits for reconnection. On another level, this reconnection will eventually happen.

Me: Wow!!!!! This is sad. She is one of those deceived. Is this how most celebrities are?

Her: Yes. Unfortunately, yes. Many made a dark and difficult choice. Not all have chosen yet, but many that you may recognize are very empty.

Me: Can you name names?

Her: Names are irrelevant at the moment. We cannot intervene in other soul matters.

Me: So, why can I see you?

Her: You heard our cry out.

Me: Were you calling for me?

Her: We cried out to our universe. We emit vibrations of which you were a match.

Me: (Starting to panic a bit) So, does this mean my soul is sad too, and maybe I just don’t know it? Do you need me to know something? Am I supposed to help? I don’t even know her or why I’m here..

Her: Dear one, stay calm. We suggest you connect with your ego and show love to others always. Do not become lost in this game. Do not be fooled or manipulated. Trickery and deceit lies are everywhere. Trust yourself. Know you are a sovereign being. Live as one. Be safe, my friend, and be well. You are safe. You are whole. We just want to remind you to never give up sovereignty. We are glad you came. Thank you for connecting…

Her spirit starts to fade…

At that moment, I feel like I’m “materializing” (that’s the only way I know how to explain it) but getting more “solid”. Then, I look at Nicole. Literally, she looks directly at me and gets this shocked look on her face. She is in awe and complete disbelief. I think she can actually SEE in the physical me because she gasps in horror, drops her razor and shrieks. At this exact moment, I feel like I am SLAMMED into my body. I woke up in such a start. My heart was beating so fast but not out of fear, but like I just ran 10 miles. Usually, I can only remember pieces of a dream but this was crystal clear.

So weird, huh? I literally have NO reason why I went there or what the purpose was. As I said before, I have no reason why her, of all people. I generally avoid TV (occasionally the weather channel or cooking channel). I don’t follow celeb stuff. I found it very confusing to be honest, but it was a very real experience. I’m hoping that maybe I helped somehow. I pray for her soul and whatever circumstances she may have gone through to choose to disconnect. There’s always a choice for her to reconnect. I hope she does.

Update: I did some research on Nicole to figure out what the heck is going on as to why I, of all people, would connect to her in that way. It seems (at least from what I read) that her father was DEEP into Satanic and pedo stuff. I learned that she grew up in a very satanic atmosphere and was terribly abused (allegedly). This is all new to me as I never had reason before to look into or care about her personal life.

IF this is true, this is very sad and she should not be judged, but receive deep compassion, and love.

Danni Rae


~via In5D.com

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Planetary Gridworker”

“Most Planetary Gridworkers that are active now on the earth have come from the future time cycle from other Star systems, universes, planets and even from the future earth, in order to help the lowest density fields of the earth and humanity undergo Ascension and/or liberation from the NAA. As a result of the Starseed mission, many Star people are more aggressively targeted with psychotronic mind control, psychic attacks or dark interference from human or non human sources, in order to prevent that person from awakening and realizing their specific mission. Our service mission with the earth is generally co-created in pre-birth agreements that are written into our Lightbody via the core manifestation body template or 12 Tree Grid.”

~Lisa Renee


What an intense week it has been leading up to the lunar eclipse event. I’m hoping that sharing more about what defines a gridworker is supportive to help connect in with the many layers of emotional and spiritual processing that is occurring now, as the field is shifting and many of us are reclaiming our lost pieces of identity and undergoing deeper self realization. As we find that deep connection with our spiritual core, we stabilize our lightbody in that we can more gracefully endure some major shaking and quaking in the planetary grid network. This appears to be due to the accumulation of many ongoing gridworker projects coming to a head over the last week, leading up to the Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st, and a recent showdown for eviction that occured in a centralized hub for the Caduceus network that is located in the center of the United States. This week felt extremely important in the alignment of future timelines, meeting into a crossroads that presented as either anchoring in more deeply the descending AI phantom timelines, or rising into a better alternative or option beyond the mind control. This week was a shift in realities, changing of reality bubbles, and this may have been felt as deeply transformative, even life changing. This event is incredibly impactful in the change of the bodily functions, shifting metabolism, shifting bio-rhythms, the intense pressure that is exerted when a physical thing has to transform and shift into another format, another option, another direction. Sometimes, we need a major spiritual catalyst that provides intense heat and pressure, in order to provoke major changes that impact our lives and transform our consciousness forever.

The planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of our mission as Starseeds is to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct, siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of our planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of our Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos. When we are describing planetary grid work, we are describing the consciousness body (holographic geography) which is representing the map of the Galaxy on earth. When we consciously understand this interplay, we can help support consciousness evolution by dedicating ourselves as conduits to express the divine plan for planet earth. We currently refer to this level of participation or conduit, as a Planetary Gridworker. Over the ages the spiritual science of gridworking has also been referred to as the “Templar”. Templar defines a person who comprehends planetary architecture, and the math behind the geometries of earth consciousness that is built in the geomantic structures. Templars can sense how the spiritual-energy current moves in the earth and how to create or work with the geomantic structures to help increase or direct that energy for the greater good of the whole planet.

Planet Grid Shifts

Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the Earth Elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.

Gridworker Mission

As a Planetary Gridworker there are a variety of possible tasks and jobs that may be presented during phases of the Starseed mission that are relative to the current planetary crisis or issues that are directly impacting the earth body and collective consciousness, at any given time. Many of us work with past, present and future timelines simultaneously, to effect positive changes in the future evolutionary direction of humanity on the earth, and beyond. We each have a personal mission directive based on our special talents and skills, and those skill sets fit into the position we have that connects our service work with the larger group in the Starseed and Indigo mission. Most Planetary Gridworkers that are active now on the earth have come from the future time cycle from other Star systems, universes, planets and even from the future earth, in order to help the lowest density fields of the earth and humanity undergo Ascension and/or liberation from the NAA. As a result of the Starseed mission, many Star people are more aggressively targeted with psychotronic mind control, psychic attacks or dark interference from human or non human sources, in order to prevent that person from awakening and realizing their specific mission. Our service mission with the earth is generally co-created in pre-birth agreements that are written into our Lightbody via the core manifestation body template or 12 Tree Grid. To activate the Starseed potential, many of us will be led to the Law of One, 12D Ray platinum white or rainbow field, Alien Implant removal as well as studying the 12 Tree Grid, in order to stimulate our spiritual awakening and consciousness memory to activate our higher potentials or skill sets. The written instruction set included in our Lightbody contains the information that defines our Consciousness history, Blueprint, star origins, spiritual purpose and role with the earth to serve the divine source plan for activating the higher evolution potentials for all of humanity. As an example, a Planetary Gridworker mission may include such tasks as:

  • Providing conduit while in a body for higher frequency transmission or for the direction of running energetic currents, working to align the multidimensional connection and correction of the many planetary grid networks. The physical body acts as an acupuncture point for the earth to run higher frequencies and DNA star coding for a variety of positive applications.
  • Traveling to assigned locations or remote viewing to observe consciousness records or energetic signatures that manifest impacts in the earth’s holographic Lightbody, to view false or real Timelines inserted into the field that reveal the historical record of the planet, track the source of major trigger events in the timelines, such as tragedies, war, holocaust, genocide, Blood Sacrifice, Alien Implants, abduction, breeding-hybridization programs, to recollect accurate historical records, reorganize the time fields, measure energetic impacts, and track the causality of events that manifested destructive or harmful events in time.
  • Survey energetic current and spiral forces, recode EMF ray spectrum, observe how energetic current is running in horizontal Ley Lines and vertical Axiatonal Lines that impact the black and white hole spin and their systems of energy. Many of us are recoding the planetary grid network from running bi-wave code to elevate into tri-wave code or to run Trinity Wave frequency sets that feedback into the source fields.
  • Reconnect Geomantic Structures, holographic geography or build light networks to help open portal systems, activate power vortices or hubs in megalithic or ancient builder race structures hidden throughout the earth, reconnect to celestial bodies and stars in collaboration with the Guardian Host. Clear black magic grids and alien technological abuse of these systems.
  • Inspect, recon work or take inventory of extremely damaged planetary grid networks, damaged areas of the earth field, dormant or inactive portal systems, Alien Machinery, Holographic Inserts, and artificial intelligence technology networks used by NAA or human military organizations working with the NAA. Examples: Crucifixion Implants, Anubian Black Heart, Metatronic Reversal, Black Magic Grids, Thothian Grid, GEG, Alien Machinery.
  • Identify, locate, remove and repair false records implanted in the timelines, clear out destructive events that have manifested DNA damage, as well as biological and neurological damage to the earth and humanity.
  • Provide transit services for many human and non human entities that must be moved out from that time space continuum, or sent back to the Mother. Many people have been stuck in Consciousness Traps or are confused souls that do not know how to leave or evolve beyond where they have been trapped in time.
  • Provide reading of rights, eviction notice and transit services for Imposter Spirits, Negative Aliens and other entities.

You may not feel you are a planetary gridworker, but are experiencing some of the major effects that have occured in the field over the last week. We all act as acupuncture points for the ascending earth, as she rises in frequency, when she shifts timelines, when she sheds alien machinery and evicts entities, so do we. Take good care of your physical body, and know you are not alone in this process.

Much Love,


(Source: Ascension Glossary – Gridworker)


~via EnergeticSynthesis.com – Time Shift Blog – January 22, 2019