LISA RENEE on “False Flag Events”

“When gaining clarity about the Controller motivations to maintain and advance power and control in the global scape, to dominate world economies and further the master-slave narrative, the concept of carrying out covert military operations or False Flag Events to serve these agendas becomes increasingly evident. False flag operations are designed to create a false narrative designed to deceive the masses, while disguising the actual source of responsibility, in order to hide the real organization behind the attack or operation. In warfare, false flags are generally considered acceptable to deceive the enemy and to gain strategic advantage. False Flag attacks are a method of psychological warfare in which the public reaction is led to follow the bread crumb trail, to be much more likely to support their own government and military forces, especially if the operation is blamed on outsiders. Without full disclosure, however, most of the general public does not understand that a small band of power elite families coordinated a plan to declare war on the rest of the earth population many years ago, with the greater assistance of non-terrestrial entities exploiting their power and greed. Earth humans have been sold out by a small power elite group of Psychopaths. Currently, our world governments are embroiled in a hidden war between these cabal factions, that include off planet and on planet groups. They are using every strategy of Psychological Manipulation and emotional exploitation against the public, and they are using every media forum, in order to gain full spectrum dominance over the timelines in the future. As we gain more understanding about the propaganda model and how it is used to manipulate and manufacture consent, we can avoid the pitfalls and open ourselves to promote open discussion and informed debate on many topics that are labeled as unapproved or conspiracy theory in the mainstream. Conspiracy is fact on planet earth, and there are many pieces of factual evidence that portray these conspiracies throughout history that are fully documented throughout governmental agencies in black and white. Many despot leaders and military strategists throughout history have acknowledged the use of False Flags as a psychological weapon against their own country. The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror, and the NAA use these tactics well. To understand what we are actually looking at, we first have to decode the methods used in psychological warfare to see how deep down the rabbit hole the psychological manipulation and exploitation of humanity goes, and the main reasons behind it.

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “False Flag”

“When gaining clarity about the Controller motivations to maintain and advance power and control in the global scape, to dominate world economies and further the master-slave narrative, the concept of carrying out covert military operations or False Flag Events to serve these agendas becomes increasingly evident. False flag operations are designed to create a false narrative designed to deceive the masses, while disguising the actual source of responsibility, in order to hide the real organization behind the attack or operation. False Flag attacks are a method of psychological warfare in which the public reaction is led to follow the bread crumb trail, to be much more likely to support their own government and military forces, especially if the operation is blamed on outsiders. Without full disclosure, however, most of the general public does not understand that a small band of Power Elite families coordinated a plan to declare war on the rest of the earth population many years ago, with the greater assistance of non-terrestrial entities exploiting their power and greed. Earth humans have been sold out by a small power elite group of Psychopaths. Currently, our world governments are embroiled in a hidden war between these cabal factions, that include off planet and on planet groups. They are using every strategy of Psychological Manipulation and emotional exploitation against the public, and they are using every media forum, in order to gain full spectrum dominance over the timelines in the future. As we gain more understanding about Conspiracy is fact on planet earth, and there are many pieces of factual evidence that portray these conspiracies throughout history that are fully documented throughout governmental agencies in black and white. Many despot leaders and military strategists throughout history have acknowledged the use of False Flags as a psychological weapon against their own country. The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror, and the NAA use these tactics well.”

~Lisa Renee

When gaining clarity about the Controller motivations to maintain and advance power and control in the global scape, to dominate world economies and further the master-slave narrative, the concept of carrying out covert military operations or False Flag Events to serve these agendas becomes increasingly evident. False flag operations are designed to create a false narrative designed to deceive the masses, while disguising the actual source of responsibility, in order to hide the real organization behind the attack or operation. In warfare, false flags are generally considered acceptable to deceive the enemy and to gain strategic advantage. False Flag attacks are a method of psychological warfare in which the public reaction is led to follow the bread crumb trail, to be much more likely to support their own government and military forces, especially if the operation is blamed on outsiders.

Without full disclosure, however, most of the general public does not understand that a small band of Power Elite families coordinated a plan to declare war on the rest of the earth population many years ago, with the greater assistance of non-terrestrial entities exploiting their power and greed. Earth humans have been sold out by a small power elite group of Psychopaths. Currently, our world governments are embroiled in a hidden war between these cabal factions, that include off planet and on planet groups. They are using every strategy of Psychological Manipulation and emotional exploitation against the public, and they are using every media forum, in order to gain full spectrum dominance over the timelines in the future.

As we gain more understanding about The Propaganda Model and how it is used to manipulate and manufacture consent, we can avoid the pitfalls and open ourselves to promote open discussion and informed debate on many topics that are labeled as unapproved or conspiracy theory in the mainstream. Conspiracy is fact on planet earth, and there are many pieces of factual evidence that portray these conspiracies throughout history that are fully documented throughout governmental agencies in black and white. Many despot leaders and military strategists throughout history have acknowledged the use of False Flags as a psychological weapon against their own country. The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror, and the NAA use these tactics well. To understand what we are actually looking at, we first have to decode the methods used in psychological warfare to see how deep down the rabbit hole the Psychological Manipulation and exploitation of humanity goes, and the main reasons behind it. [1]


  1. Propaganda

See Also:

Psychological Operations

Mind Control

~via Ascension Glossary

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Auto-Hoaxing, Staged Events, False Flags and Psy-Ops — What Is Real, What Is Fake?”

I’ve touched briefly on this several times in various articles. Still, there seem to be a lot of confusion about all these scripted events presented by the media.

First, any event that is being covered by the media can either be totally fake, as in made up by the police and government officials, it can also be staged, like a drill, using police, military, and crisis actors. And finally, it can all be real using a patsy who is part of CIA or other agencies Mind Control programs. However, whether they are real (people die) or fake (crisis actors), they are all pre-planned, ritualistic and done by the numbers. And that is what I and other truthers expose. We expose the ritual, the symbolism, and the numbers behind it. We expose the fact that they are planned and carried out by your government, by officials, and the secret societies behind them. That is all.

In other words, I can not tell you with 100% certainty if an event was staged by actors (most of them are,) or if it was carried out by a mind-controlled agent and people actually got hurt or died. Most of the time you can see it from the bad acting if video footage is available, but you can never be 100% sure not even if you were there and saw it.

However, you can be 100% sure that it was pre-planned and carried out by the numbers, as they never lie. There is no such thing as an infinite number of coincidences in every single event. Not possible.

So, with all that in mind, I prefer to “auto-hoax,” that is, I prefer to think that any horrific event was staged by using crisis actors and that no one got hurt or died. I prefer to stay as positive as possible in this wicked world. On the other side of the spectrum, you have people who get offended when you take that stance, as if they want people to get hurt and die; that all horrific things in this world must be real. That is a terrible way to live and look at things.

Again, I prefer to think that most events are staged theatre until proven otherwise. And from what I and other decoders have seen, at least 95% of everything in the headlines are staged by actors, and all serve their rituals and agendas.
All we do is exposing the lies, the deceit, and the rituals behind them. How you interpret that information, and what you do with it, is up to you.

~via Joachim Bartoll Official