LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Planetary Gridworker”

“Most Planetary Gridworkers that are active now on the earth have come from the future time cycle from other Star systems, universes, planets and even from the future earth, in order to help the lowest density fields of the earth and humanity undergo Ascension and/or liberation from the NAA. As a result of the Starseed mission, many Star people are more aggressively targeted with psychotronic mind control, psychic attacks or dark interference from human or non human sources, in order to prevent that person from awakening and realizing their specific mission. Our service mission with the earth is generally co-created in pre-birth agreements that are written into our Lightbody via the core manifestation body template or 12 Tree Grid.”

~Lisa Renee


What an intense week it has been leading up to the lunar eclipse event. I’m hoping that sharing more about what defines a gridworker is supportive to help connect in with the many layers of emotional and spiritual processing that is occurring now, as the field is shifting and many of us are reclaiming our lost pieces of identity and undergoing deeper self realization. As we find that deep connection with our spiritual core, we stabilize our lightbody in that we can more gracefully endure some major shaking and quaking in the planetary grid network. This appears to be due to the accumulation of many ongoing gridworker projects coming to a head over the last week, leading up to the Lunar Eclipse on the 20th-21st, and a recent showdown for eviction that occured in a centralized hub for the Caduceus network that is located in the center of the United States. This week felt extremely important in the alignment of future timelines, meeting into a crossroads that presented as either anchoring in more deeply the descending AI phantom timelines, or rising into a better alternative or option beyond the mind control. This week was a shift in realities, changing of reality bubbles, and this may have been felt as deeply transformative, even life changing. This event is incredibly impactful in the change of the bodily functions, shifting metabolism, shifting bio-rhythms, the intense pressure that is exerted when a physical thing has to transform and shift into another format, another option, another direction. Sometimes, we need a major spiritual catalyst that provides intense heat and pressure, in order to provoke major changes that impact our lives and transform our consciousness forever.

The planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of our mission as Starseeds is to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct, siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of our planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of our Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos. When we are describing planetary grid work, we are describing the consciousness body (holographic geography) which is representing the map of the Galaxy on earth. When we consciously understand this interplay, we can help support consciousness evolution by dedicating ourselves as conduits to express the divine plan for planet earth. We currently refer to this level of participation or conduit, as a Planetary Gridworker. Over the ages the spiritual science of gridworking has also been referred to as the “Templar”. Templar defines a person who comprehends planetary architecture, and the math behind the geometries of earth consciousness that is built in the geomantic structures. Templars can sense how the spiritual-energy current moves in the earth and how to create or work with the geomantic structures to help increase or direct that energy for the greater good of the whole planet.

Planet Grid Shifts

Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the Earth Elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.

Gridworker Mission

As a Planetary Gridworker there are a variety of possible tasks and jobs that may be presented during phases of the Starseed mission that are relative to the current planetary crisis or issues that are directly impacting the earth body and collective consciousness, at any given time. Many of us work with past, present and future timelines simultaneously, to effect positive changes in the future evolutionary direction of humanity on the earth, and beyond. We each have a personal mission directive based on our special talents and skills, and those skill sets fit into the position we have that connects our service work with the larger group in the Starseed and Indigo mission. Most Planetary Gridworkers that are active now on the earth have come from the future time cycle from other Star systems, universes, planets and even from the future earth, in order to help the lowest density fields of the earth and humanity undergo Ascension and/or liberation from the NAA. As a result of the Starseed mission, many Star people are more aggressively targeted with psychotronic mind control, psychic attacks or dark interference from human or non human sources, in order to prevent that person from awakening and realizing their specific mission. Our service mission with the earth is generally co-created in pre-birth agreements that are written into our Lightbody via the core manifestation body template or 12 Tree Grid. To activate the Starseed potential, many of us will be led to the Law of One, 12D Ray platinum white or rainbow field, Alien Implant removal as well as studying the 12 Tree Grid, in order to stimulate our spiritual awakening and consciousness memory to activate our higher potentials or skill sets. The written instruction set included in our Lightbody contains the information that defines our Consciousness history, Blueprint, star origins, spiritual purpose and role with the earth to serve the divine source plan for activating the higher evolution potentials for all of humanity. As an example, a Planetary Gridworker mission may include such tasks as:

  • Providing conduit while in a body for higher frequency transmission or for the direction of running energetic currents, working to align the multidimensional connection and correction of the many planetary grid networks. The physical body acts as an acupuncture point for the earth to run higher frequencies and DNA star coding for a variety of positive applications.
  • Traveling to assigned locations or remote viewing to observe consciousness records or energetic signatures that manifest impacts in the earth’s holographic Lightbody, to view false or real Timelines inserted into the field that reveal the historical record of the planet, track the source of major trigger events in the timelines, such as tragedies, war, holocaust, genocide, Blood Sacrifice, Alien Implants, abduction, breeding-hybridization programs, to recollect accurate historical records, reorganize the time fields, measure energetic impacts, and track the causality of events that manifested destructive or harmful events in time.
  • Survey energetic current and spiral forces, recode EMF ray spectrum, observe how energetic current is running in horizontal Ley Lines and vertical Axiatonal Lines that impact the black and white hole spin and their systems of energy. Many of us are recoding the planetary grid network from running bi-wave code to elevate into tri-wave code or to run Trinity Wave frequency sets that feedback into the source fields.
  • Reconnect Geomantic Structures, holographic geography or build light networks to help open portal systems, activate power vortices or hubs in megalithic or ancient builder race structures hidden throughout the earth, reconnect to celestial bodies and stars in collaboration with the Guardian Host. Clear black magic grids and alien technological abuse of these systems.
  • Inspect, recon work or take inventory of extremely damaged planetary grid networks, damaged areas of the earth field, dormant or inactive portal systems, Alien Machinery, Holographic Inserts, and artificial intelligence technology networks used by NAA or human military organizations working with the NAA. Examples: Crucifixion Implants, Anubian Black Heart, Metatronic Reversal, Black Magic Grids, Thothian Grid, GEG, Alien Machinery.
  • Identify, locate, remove and repair false records implanted in the timelines, clear out destructive events that have manifested DNA damage, as well as biological and neurological damage to the earth and humanity.
  • Provide transit services for many human and non human entities that must be moved out from that time space continuum, or sent back to the Mother. Many people have been stuck in Consciousness Traps or are confused souls that do not know how to leave or evolve beyond where they have been trapped in time.
  • Provide reading of rights, eviction notice and transit services for Imposter Spirits, Negative Aliens and other entities.

You may not feel you are a planetary gridworker, but are experiencing some of the major effects that have occured in the field over the last week. We all act as acupuncture points for the ascending earth, as she rises in frequency, when she shifts timelines, when she sheds alien machinery and evicts entities, so do we. Take good care of your physical body, and know you are not alone in this process.

Much Love,


(Source: Ascension Glossary – Gridworker)


~via – Time Shift Blog – January 22, 2019

SAMANTHA FEY: “Could Our Birthmarks Be The Wounds We Suffered In Past Lives?”

Reincarnation researchers have discovered that some people who died a traumatic death in a past life bear the scars of those injuries in the form of a birthmark. A birthmark is defined as a “benign irregularity on the skin which exists at birth.”

Doctors believe they are caused by an excess of pigment cells or blood vessels grouped in one area of the skin. But today, doctors still don’t know what caused these pigment cells and blood vessels to group this way and form birth marks.

In the 1960’s Dr. Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist from the University of Virginia, began studying children between the ages of 2 – 4 who remembered their past lives. In hundreds of cases he documented, Dr. Stevenson was able to show a direct correlation between how a person died in a prior life and their birthmark now.

Could our birthmarks be an imprint of memories our soul carries from a prior lifetime?

According to Stevenson’s work, about 35 percent of children who claim to remember past lives have birthmarks that can be linked to the wounds of the person they were in a past life. He looked primarily at children between the ages of 2 – 4 so that their memories wouldn’t be sullied by family stories and lore.

He had strict guidelines for his research and only looked at cases where the past life memory would be verified with names, dates and in some cases the autopsy report. Stevenson only included cases in his research where the birthmark appeared within 10 centimeters of the wound from a prior life.

Dr. Stevenson began his research by visiting areas of the world that believed in reincarnation and therefore the children felt comfortable discussing their past life memories with their parents. Reports came in from Buddhists and Hindus in South Asia, the Shiites of Lebanon and Turkey, and the tribes of West Africa. But he also found several credible cases in Europe and North America. For example, in Alaska he studied the cases of Charles Porter and Henry Elkin who had birthmarks which corresponded to a fatal stabbing with a spear and a gunshot wound.

Dr. Stevenson published his findings in a book called Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect: Birthmarks and Birth Defects. He studied the case of Anurak – a young boy from Thailand who had a birthmark on his right elbow. It’s believed he was the reincarnation of his brother who died in a drowning accident.

Before his cremation, a family member made a charcoal mark on his right elbow – a custom done so the soul will be recognized when it’s reincarnated. At a very young age, Anurak recognized and called by his nickname his deceased brother’s best friend. He found his brother’s formerly lost scout uniform. Most notably, he had a significant fear of water.

Dr. Stevenson investigated 18 cases of children who had memories of being shot to death in a past life and had 2 birthmarks which correlated to the entry and exit wounds from the past life in which they were shot.

A Burmese child he researched said she was her aunt reincarnated who had died from congenital heart disease. The little girl had a birthmark in the middle of her chest which corresponded to her aunt’s scar from heart surgery.

One of the cases Dr. Stevenson researched involved a boy from India named Maha Ram who recalled being killed with a shotgun. His past life memories were so detailed, Dr. Stevenson was able to find the family of the man Maha Ram said he’d been and was able to see the man’s autopsy report. The results showed the gunshot wound and the boy’s birthmark were a match.

Another boy he researched said he was a washer man who’d been bitten by a snake on his thigh and had died. His father thought this was a very specific memory and decided to research it. He went to the part of the village where several washer men lived and was told that a washer man had died of a snake bite to his thigh several years ago but that the family had moved away.

In 1980, a young fruit seller named Mushir Ali collided with a tractor and died from injuries to his right side when he suffered several fractured ribs. Less than a year later, Naresh Kumar was born. He had a significant mark and depressed area on the right side of his body where his ribs were located. As soon as he learned to talk, he spoke of memories of selling fruit and driving a cart.

He was born into a Hindu family but would speak about being a Muslim and would kneel for prayers when no one was watching. He recalled selling mangoes and even talked about dying in a collision when he was just 4 years old. When Naresh saw Mushir Ali’s father in the village, he ran up to him calling him father.

This was very difficult for the fruit seller’s family as they didn’t believe in reincarnation, but when the young boy was taken to the fruit seller’s home, he recognized all the family members by name and even mentioned a man who had owed him money. The family of the deceased fruit seller then accepted Naresh as the reincarnation of their son.

Dr. Jim Tucker, a psychiatrist from UVA, is continuing Dr. Stevenson’s work. Tucker reports an old woman who died in Thailand with a desire to be reborn as a boy. Her daughter marked her mom’s neck with a white paste so she’d be recognized when she was reincarnated.

Soon after, the daughter gave birth to a son with a birthmark on the back of his neck exactly where she’d put the white paste on her mom’s neck. Dr. Tucker has written several books on his findings including Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives and Life Before Life: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives.

In several languages, the word birthmark means “cravings” or “unfulfilled wishes.” Birthmarks were believed to be reflections of the unsatisfied wishes of the mom during her pregnancy. Other folklore suggests they are from a pregnant mother food cravings, so if she ate a lot of strawberries, her child would have a strawberry shaped birthmark.

Possibly, though, birthmarks have a much deeper meaning. They might be soul scars from wounds or surgeries suffered in a past life. Several people claim that after they recalled and healed the memory from the past life, the birthmark simply faded away. So take some to examine your birth mark. It just may give you a clue as to who you were in a past life.



HELEN ELIZABETH WILLIAMS: “Synchronicity Happens For A Reason — There Are No Accidents And No Coincidences”


Have you stumbled upon an old friend?  Seeing someone doing the same thing or speaking the same words as you?  Or maybe experienced an accident?  Are you thinking  ‘Oh! What a coincidence!’  or  ‘I could skip accidents like this…’  Well, you shouldn’t, because every single coincidence brings a message to you.  In fact, there are no coincidences and accidents — there’s only synchronicity, and everything happens for a reason.

Revealing Synchronicity — The Science Behind Coincidence

The truth is, everything in our life is linked.  From the past, to the present and future — every single coincidence or accident we stumble upon is linked.  No matter how small or big of a movement is, it is all about synchronicity.

Whether you feel like you are having a perfect day and everything goes smoothly, or experience a bad period in which ‘a lot of coincidences happen,’  the universe is sending you a message.  People and things happening in an exact moment is nothing but synchronicity and, fortunately, there is a way to accept it.

Do you know the saying  “When the student is ready, the master appears”?

That is exactly how synchronicity is explained.  Whenever you are synchronized with something you truly want, you are more likely to meet that thing, which is why similar people meet ‘accidentally’.  The thing is, they are tuned in to the exact same frequency, and synchronicity does its best to match them.

Yes, There Is A Way To Create Synchronicity

Now that you understand how the spiritual sync works, it’s time to tell you that…


‘How on Earth do I do that?’, you may be asking yourself.

Well, synchronicity works best for people who believe it to be true.  So, for starters, you should believe in it and stop saying that every event is an accident or a coincidence.  The thing is, if you are saying this, you are sending a weak spiritual signal to the universe, as opposed to the strong signal that the universe sends you by syncing everything around you.

By understanding synchronicity and seeing things not as an ordinary, but a committed person, you are able to connect more deeply with your inner sync, and actually don’t work hard to make the things you want happen.  Instead, you will just believe in them and let them happen, without any force whatsoever.

So, let’s face it…

Synchronicity is just like a mirror and whatever you commit to and believe in, will reflect back to you.

That being said, if you agree with the law of syncing, you will be able to connect deeply and send strong messages on a spiritual level.  Aside from this, you will be a better person, more confident and committed towards every action you bring.

In a nutshell, understanding synchronicity translates to establishing harmony in everything that you seek — and being ‘consciously aware’ of everything happening around you.

Turning The Tide — And See Chances Work For You Instead Of Against You

If you have ever heard of the Murphy’s Law and believe in it, you are on a good way to understanding synchronicity.  Yes, it’s a common fact that when something goes wrong, it may just continue going wrong over time.

The idea behind this is that synchronicity can also work against you.  However, if you expect bad things to happen and continue believing in the Murphy’s Law, you are syncing with your inner negativity.

The Science Behind The Chance Meeting — Not A ‘Coincidence’

Bumped into someone somewhere?  Thinking it’s a coincidence, luck or chance?  The real answer in this ‘accident’ is the science of chance meeting.

Moreover, it is the reason for something to happen.  There is always a reason and a connection to see someone and experience something.  Coincidence is only an illusion.

Our past, present and future are all linked.  And although we may not understand everything that happens to us, there is always a reason — and that reason becomes apparent at some point in time.

A Final Word

Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have the eyes to see.  ~Carl Jung

You can start notice synchronicities with people, numbers, events etc.  Remember to accept synchronicity in its real form, as a way of spiritual and universal intelligence constantly trying to teach us, reach us and share love, support and guidance.

Learn to be open to synchronicity and start living a meaningful life!


