LISA RENEE: “Over-Identifying with Material Reality”

“Over-identification with the material plane can polarize our thinking into creating misperceptions of what is right or wrong, which increases division and separation between groups of people. Be in this world and not of it. Take care of your body. Practice loving kindness, which are the Krystic spiritual principles in your life and know that you are protected and safe in this Love. Have no fear. Many will be fooled by what is transpiring as if the darkness is advancing its control over the world. Some people are succumbing to that dark illusion. However, that which was always hidden must surface to be revealed for an accounting, as well as a purging and exit. Humanity will perceive these signs in the material world through their own level of developed spiritual consciousness or through the controlled narrative in the masses, which in the large majority, is limited to the negative ego rhetoric. Keep the Spirit of Patience close to your heart, persevere in collecting the pearls of truth on your spiritual journey and never let your gaze sway from the Force of Love that is God.”

~Lisa Renee


Most of us completely misunderstand what we see or interpret as the nature of reality. The changing Architecture and plasma frequency activations increase the amplified polarities in the outer scape, which deconstruct portions of the 3D paradigm. If we only look to the physical events that are occurring, we are missing a big part of the overall picture in which an intelligent plan for planetary Ascension is unfolding.

Over-identification with the material plane can polarize our thinking into creating misperceptions of what is right or wrong, which increases division and separation between groups of people.

As we learn more about the natural cycles of life, we know that in order to be recreated into something new, the current form and its foundation must be deconstructed. The concept and eventual experience of resurrection illustrates this fact. For the alchemy of forces to work, a miracle is a byproduct of God’s natural laws, thus we must die an Ego Death in order to be reborn. This is transpiring rapidly now for many people. The death of the ego is the Phantom Death we experience as we face the desperation of the inner or outer darkness, and as we face the darkness, one must remember this shadow is not the real spiritual self. The stages of ego death may catapult us into the Dark Night of the Soul or even levels of psycho-spiritual crisis.

If we use the Negative Ego to perceive reality we suffer greatly, and so the great work is to let it all go. We must love and accept ourselves for who we are right now and not who we think we should be. This is a significant progression in the Ascension timeline for planet earth and what we are enduring is very complex, as it relates to transforming everything we have ever known as an earthling.

Be in this world and not of it. Take care of your body. Practice loving kindness, which are the Krystic spiritual principles in your life and know that you are protected and safe in this Love. Have no fear. Many will be fooled by what is transpiring as if the darkness is advancing its control over the world. Some people are succumbing to that dark illusion. However, that which was always hidden must surface to be revealed for an accounting, as well as a purging and exit. Humanity will perceive these signs in the material world through their own level of developed spiritual consciousness or through the controlled narrative in the masses, which in the large majority, is limited to the negative ego rhetoric. Keep the Spirit of Patience close to your heart, persevere in collecting the pearls of truth on your spiritual journey and never let your gaze sway from the Force of Love that is God. [1]



  1. Changing Architecture

See Also:

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

Timelines Shift

Bifurcation of Time

Dissolving Chakra Membrane


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Collective Consciousness Archetypes”

“Mental forms of individual and collective consciousness archetypal patterns are magnetically imprinted upon the Soul before it is born into the material world. These Collective Consciousness Archetypes will influence the individual for positive or negative depending on their level of Self Awareness and Consciousness. As we become more spiritually developed beings that expand our consciousness, we want to discern what thought patterns are programmed automatically that are inorganic and artificial to us, in order to free our mind to allow our inner spirit to recode our thoughts into patterns of Universal Love.”

~Lisa Renee


Collective conscious, Collective unconscious or collective conscience is the set of shared beliefs, ideas, archetypes and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within societal structures, that lends to share and influence the paradigm and its values set forth in social systems.

Mental forms of individual and collective consciousness archetypal patterns are magnetically imprinted upon the Soul before it is born into the material world. These Collective Consciousness Archetypes will influence the individual for positive or negative depending on their level of Self Awareness and Consciousness. The artificial technologies of Mind Control being pulsed into planet are to influence these archetypes in negative ways to advance and accelerate fear based thoughts of the Predator Mind or Negative Ego in the human population. When we develop our spiritual consciousness we can access the knowledge of archetypal Blueprint that influence our thoughts and mental energies in order to utilize them to master our internal spiritual forces. When technology is used to direct mental patterns through archetypes into the minds of the collective consciousness, these are called “Forced Identities” and are inorganic consciousness or AI consciousness. As we become more spiritually developed beings that expand our consciousness, we want to discern what thought patterns are programmed automatically that are inorganic and artificial to us, in order to free our mind to allow our inner spirit to recode our thoughts into patterns of Universal Love. This is the eternal nature of source and the substance of our inner God spirit.


The concept of an archetype is found in areas relating to human behavior, modern psychological theory, and literary analysis.

An archetype can be:

  • a statement, pattern of behavior, or prototype which other statements, patterns of behavior, and objects copy or emulate;
  • a Platonic philosophical idea referring to pure forms which embody the fundamental characteristics of a thing;
  • a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present in individual psyches, as in Jungian psychology;
  • or a constantly recurring symbol or motif in literature, painting, or mythology (this usage of the term draws from both comparative anthropology and Jungian archetypal theory).

In the first sense, many more informal terms are frequently used instead, such as “standard example” or “basic example”, and the longer form “archetypal example” is also found. In mathematics, an archetype is often called a “canonical example”. [1]

Collective Consciousness Influences

  • Now Self
  • Other Selves
  • Collective Mind
  • Ancestral/Genetic
  • Attachments
  • Fragments
  • All Combinations
  • Mind Slides
  • Obfuscator
  • Mind Control
  • Inorganic
  • Replace Organic Matrix

Collective Consciousness Influences is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [2]

Destroyer Archetype

  • Devil
  • Betrayer
  • Dominator
  • Raper
  • Tyrant
  • Enemy
  • Evil Doer
  • Murderer
  • Despot
  • War Monger

Destroyer Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [3]

Fool Archetype

  • Clown
  • Crazy
  • Joker
  • Lunatic
  • Flake
  • Philanderer
  • Scatterbrain
  • Dunce
  • Untrustworthy
  • Erratic

Fool Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [4]

Innocent Archetype

  • Artist
  • Child
  • Lover
  • Harmless
  • Meek
  • Gullible
  • Naive
  • Nubile
  • Waif
  • Fairy

Innocent Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [5]

Magician Archetype

  • Merlin
  • Priest/Priestess
  • Shaman
  • Trickster
  • Sorcerer
  • Witch/Wizard
  • Black Magician
  • Wiccan/Pagan/Druid
  • Ritualist

Magician Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [6]

Martyr Archetype

  • Loser
  • Saint
  • Savior
  • Sacrificial Lamb
  • Struggler
  • Redeemer
  • Victim
  • Destitute

Martyr Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [7]


  • Ancestor
  • Mother
  • Father
  • Ancients
  • Great Mother Spirit
  • Great Father Spirit
  • Family

Patriarch/Matriarch Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [8]

Ruler Archetype

  • Aristocrat
  • Monarchy
  • King/Queen
  • Prince/Princess
  • Judge
  • Blueblood
  • Power Elite
  • Dictator
  • Leader
  • Controller

Ruler Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [9]

Seducer Archetype

  • Abandoner
  • Deceiver
  • Enchanter
  • Liar
  • Manipulator
  • Prostitute
  • Philanderer
  • Tempter/Temptress
  • Fantasizer

Seducer Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [10]

Seeker Archetype

  • Adventurer
  • Explorer
  • Hunter
  • Hermit
  • Monk
  • Pioneer
  • Wanderer
  • Inventor
  • Loner

Seeker Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [11]

Servant Archetype

  • Assistant
  • Attendant
  • Right Hand person
  • Subject
  • Slave
  • Subordinate
  • Worker
  • Follower

Servant Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [12]

Warrior Archetype

  • Fighter
  • Hero
  • Knight
  • Rival
  • Survivor
  • Gladiator
  • Soldier
  • Protector
  • Enforcer

Warrior Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [13]

Wise One Archetype

  • Holy One
  • Master
  • Mystic
  • Oracle
  • Prophet
  • Teacher
  • Great Thinker
  • Sage
  • Peacekeeper
  • Revealer

Wise One Archetype is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [14]



  2. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  3. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  4. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  5. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  6. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  7. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  8. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  9. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  10. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 88
  11. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 89
  12. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 89
  13. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 89
  14. Collective Mind in HGS Manual: Page 89

See also:

Collective Consciousness Archetypes is listed in the HGS Manual under the Collective Mind clearing under Collective Consciousness Influences. [1]


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar (August 13, 2019)

“Wizards In The Sky…”


FRACTAL ENLIGHTENMENT: “The Art of Value Without Attachment”

Spirituality seems to have a stigma attached to it that has undoubtedly turned many people in today’s modern world off from exploring it in more depth.

Even for those who have embraced some sort of spiritual practice in their life, they may find themselves unable to reconcile their modern day life, filled with the latest phones, and laptops, and clothes and the need for money with this certain “image” one thinks of when they think of someone who is ‘spiritual.’

The stigma I am speaking of is the concept of being completely un-attached — not relying on material objects, personal belongings, and relationships as the source of our identity.

When we think of some of the spiritual teachers that shape what we think of as spirituality today, such as Jesus or Buddha, we see seekers who have given up all personal belongings, left their homes and their families, and survived on meek rations all in hopes of seeking and or spreading the ‘truth’.

So of course, in our modern world where it is pretty much imperative that one needs some sort of money flow coming to them in order to survive, one may turn away from delving too deep into any spiritual practice for fear of having to do the same, meaning, give up all of their belongings and be ok without, their, gasp, phone.

It’s almost as if one thinks to themselves, “yes that spirituality stuff seems interesting and there is definitely something to it, but I’m not going to, like, sell all of my stuff and move to a cave in India somewhere and meditate for the rest of my life or anything.”

The good news I am here to share with you however is… drumroll please… no one is asking you to!

It’s about time we re-visit the age old teaching of not being “attached” to anything and explore how we can extract the purpose of this teaching while also marrying it with the fact that in today’s world, stuff is kind of required, money is kind of needed, not to mention we enjoy our clothes and our families and going to the theater and shopping and posting on instagram… so why do we have to stop?

What value does the material world hold for the spiritual seeker?



TOM MONTALK: “Five Critical Human Weaknesses”

Why does history keep repeating itself? Why can’t mankind get its act together and put an end to physical, financial, and spiritual slavery? Maybe it’s because every attempted solution has failed to address some very fundamental human weaknesses. Until these critical flaws are overcome, change will remain superficial as the old problems keep resurfacing.

The first weakness is that our perception is limited to only the five physical senses.

In being unable to see anything beyond the material universe, we are lured into emulating its ways, into acting like animals or machines even though at the core we are spirit.

It also blinds us from seeing our occult enemies and the nonphysical control structures and energies that they employ. Like an iceberg, most of the Matrix Control System is hidden from view. For that reason, humans are like puppets being pulled by invisible strings.

Sooner or later, mankind must develop clairvoyant powers. Through proper esoteric training, it will become possible to perform miraculous healing, remote viewing, psychic self-defense, perception and removal of etheric parasites, precognition, telekinesis, probability influencing, telepathy, and quick detection of agent saboteurs. Imagine how significantly this would level the playing field. If we could see beyond the flesh, it would be game over for those psychopaths driven by alien and demonic forces.

But for now, mainstream institutions don’t even believe in extrasensory perception, let alone try to develop it. You never hear it mentioned by social or political movements either, which goes to show just how deeply our society has been had by the Control System.

Our second weakness stems from science staying firmly in the realm of physical matter, physical energy, 3D space, and linear time.

This holds back the necessary revolutions in technology that would overcome scarcity and environmental destruction. Our primitive technology also makes Earth physically defenseless against alien forces, giving them the strategic upper hand.

Therefore we must move toward a higher type of science that makes use of energies and principles still unexplored by the orthodox. Examples include scalar physics and demiurgic technology, which employ zero point energy, longitudinal electromagnetic waves, force-free gauge potentials, and etheric energy to accomplish the seemingly impossible. They would allow for free energy, antigravity, invisibility, and time travel. Without such technology, the human race will continue being preoccupied with physical survival, competition over dwindling resources, and dependence on the few who control these resources.

Our third weakness is ego, the mental parasite that keeps us emotionally invested in the Matrix.

It is a foreign installation, grafted upon the soul through genetic imprinting and social conditioning. Ego functions as a mortal personality worn by spirit in order to operate smoothly within the Matrix, though at the risk of getting lost within it. When Spirit, the core of our being, over-identifies with Ego, it takes on its weaknesses and forgets its own purpose. The rider then becomes the horse and can be easily lead by the reigns. So long as the Ego rules our choices, we will always be acting in ways that reinforce the Matrix.

We must overcome the tyranny of the Ego and establish a personal connection with Spirit, with the higher Self. This can be done by recognizing what stems from the Ego, what stems from the higher Self, and through discipline and introspection always following the higher. Through consistent identification with the higher, it grows in influence over the lower. It becomes more firmly anchored within us until igniting like a star into full manifestation. We can augment that process through a cultivation of intuition, meaningful dreams, synchronicity, and deep contemplation. We can increase the clarity of the connection by nurturing noble feelings such as compassion, beauty, understanding, love and empathy. Without a connection to Spirit, we remain wanderers without compasses and lamps without fire, lost in the darkness as so many currently are.

The fourth weakness is ignorance, stupidity, and naiveté, which keep us from making informed decisions.

Deception succeeds only when invited in by lack of awareness. Mankind’s problem is not so much the forces who seek to control it, but the scourge of public ignorance that sustains and regenerates these forces.

Therefore we must increase awareness through a combination of study, observation, experience, contemplation, and most of all revelation. This requires a deep love for truth and learning. We must train our intellects without compromise and become very familiar with logical fallacies and the spiritual warfare strategies used against us. The intellect is not something to throw away in favor of the heart, rather both should be developed in parallel and brought to perfection. The more informed we are, the smarter our decisions. And the smarter our decisions, the better our future.

And the fifth weakness is humanity’s unquestioned faith in consensus reality.

Consensus reality is the way mainstream society perceives the world, the way it works, what every individual must do to survive in it, what is permissible and what is impossible. It is the map drawn by the Matrix to chart our course through life. We are taught to assume that the rules and limitations of the many apply to us without exception.

We must disentangle ourselves from consensus reality. This will only happen when we begin living by the principles of the secret divine reality that exists around and within us. Which jurisdiction you enter depends on where you are positioned on the sliding scale between Ego and the higher divine Self. It depends on where you place your root assumptions, your emotional center point, or your mental dwelling point. By entering the jurisdiction of the higher, we overcome the authority of the lower. What the mainstream deems foolish, risky, or impossible then becomes the norm. Anomalies and miracles become the new reality. The only way to beat a rigged game is to play by a different set of rules.

These unquestioned vulnerabilities all stem from the same fundamental problem, that of spirit being overcome by the darkness of the material universe. The transcendence we seek is not about escape and avoidance, it is about the mastery of the higher over the lower. The real solutions are rooted in the “above” whereas the weaknesses arise from “below.” We cannot defeat the “below” using only the tools and methods of the “below.” Attempting to do so merely replaces one Control System with another. And that is why all human revolutions, social experiments, and utopian attempts have failed, for they have ignored the fundamental problems I have outlined.

These weaknesses reinforce each other. Where three are overcome, the other two eventually produce defeat. All must be overcome together if mankind is to permanently secure its freedom. If the human race as a whole cannot do it, maybe the rest of us can. We shall accomplish it through the mastery of spirit over the mind, and mind over matter.

