REALLYGRACEFUL: “RIP American Dream: ‘You Will Own Nothing…’”

“This video is about the rise of build-to-rent neighborhoods, explaining how newly built, single-home developments are dominating the real estate market — and no, they’re not for sale. Goodbye American dream, hello corporate landlord.”

~Grace @ ReallyGraceful

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

Comment from the thread:

“It seems like 90% of the population is so oblivious to what’s going on. I try to educate people but they won’t listen. So frustrating.”

Comment replies:

“Most people will be oblivious.”

“And they look at you as if you were an idiot.”

“They’re sheep. They’re hive minded.”

~via ReallyGraceful

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Never Forget What FREEDOM Is! Do NOT Accept Their Offer!”

“Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this ‘sustainable’ totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is being used as a silly excuse to ramp up the costs of fuel, electricity, and food. Not to mention that they use these extreme increases in living costs to make new laws around the fake climate change hoax, limiting the means of heating your home, using wood for heating stoves, and limiting water consumption. It’s all coordinated and happening at the same time to keep people from grasping the entire scoop of it all. This is conditioning and programming on a very high level. Most people are worn out, simply reacting and accepting the almost weekly increases in expenses, all while the value of their currency is simultaneously plummeting. People are so stressed out and in such a reaction mode that they can not think ahead and see where all this leads. What it will look like in only a year from now if this continues as it has for the last year. What about three years? Five years? Due to the fake plandemic, most people are now conditioned to stay inside and avoid other people. They are conditioned to do everything from their phone, tablet, or computer instead of being outside or visiting stores and outlets. They managed to do this in only a couple of years. The modern day of ‘book-burning’ is in full swing as the infodemic is censoring everything. The next generation will not even be aware of any other way of living. For them, what we can expect in restrictions of living and freedom for the next five years will be their normal. Is that really the future you want? The future you want for your children and their children? Make a stand and remember what life actually is, what you want life to be before it is too late. Share it with friends on social media, save it for your kids to remind them what the bare minimum of life and freedom should be. Remind everyone that this is what we want back. Start remembering. Start visualizing the future you want. Start writing. Start sharing. And start living it!”

~Joachim Bartoll

I’ve covered Agenda 2030 numerous times on this website. Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this “sustainable” totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is being used as a silly excuse to ramp up the costs of fuel, electricity, and food. Not to mention that they use these extreme increases in living costs to make new laws around the fake climate change hoax, limiting the means of heating your home, using wood for heating stoves, and limiting water consumption. It’s all coordinated and happening at the same time to keep people from grasping the entire scoop of it all. This is conditioning and programming on a very high level. Most people are worn out, simply reacting and accepting the almost weekly increases in expenses, all while the value of their currency is simultaneously plummeting. People are so stressed out and in such a reaction mode that they can not think ahead and see where all this leads. What it will look like in only a year from now if this continues as it has for the last year. What about three years? Five years?

They have already conditioned most people to limit travel, to stop going on vacations. To stop going out to visit venues or simply going for a family drive over the weekend. Due to the fake plandemic, most people are now conditioned to stay inside and avoid other people. They are conditioned to do everything from their phone, tablet, or computer instead of being outside or visiting stores and outlets. They managed to do this in only a couple of years. The modern day of ‘book-burning’ is in full swing as the infodemic is censoring everything. The next generation will not even be aware of any other way of living. For them, what we can expect in restrictions of living and freedom for the next five years will be their normal. Is that really the future you want? The future you want for your children and their children?

Here is an idea. I would like you to think back on how life was before the staged and faked plandemic. How life looked like before 2020, or even further back. How relaxed it was at your workplace. What you did in your spare time. What venues you visited with your family and friends. The vacations you had or the spontaneous trips you made. All the fun stuff you did and what freedom actually meant. Write it all down. Write stories about how life was before the tyranny of Agenda 2030 began. Title them with “This is what life used to be, this is what we want to go back to,” or “Bring freedom back, I do not consent to your future,” or something similar. Make a stand and remember what life actually is, what you want life to be before it is too late. Share it with friends on social media, save it for your kids to remind them what the bare minimum of life and freedom should be. Remind everyone that this is what we want back. We do not want their future of living within restricted zones in ‘smart cities’ with the only means of travel being high-speed trains for those with an accepted social credit score.

We do not want to be slaves to a digital ID, a social credit score system, or a Universal Basic Income that is only guaranteed as long as you behave like a good little sheep and consume your kibble, take tour sterilization shots, and never question your government or any fake authority.

Start remembering. Start visualizing the future you want. Start writing. Start sharing. And start living it!

~via Joachim Bartoll Official


Can I relate to this guy, or WHAT! 🤬

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Just as I Predicted — Dow Falls 1,120 Points on 5/5 — It Connects with the ‘666 Mark of the Beast’ One-World Currency Agenda”

“On April 27, after the Dow fell 810 points on April 26, I predicted that it would fall again on either May 5 or May 6, since these dates will be exactly 144 months since the previous big crash on May 6, 2010. And here we are, on May 5, a span of 144-months after that Flash Crash of 2010, and the Dow falls 1120 points in a new record low. It’s all rigged folks, all done by the numbers. Keep in mind that they want to destroy the economy and the FIAT currencies as we know it, so they can introduce a ‘One World Digital Currency’ that will be tied to your new Digital ID, aka., the Mark of the Beast. And with the looming Social Credit Score Systems, it will be the Mark of the Beast in the truest sense of the word. In Revelation 13, only those who have the Mark of the Beast will be able to buy and sell goods or food. If you decode ‘Mark of the Beast’, it sums to 144. ‘Jesuit Order’ = 144. ‘Mark of the Beast’ = 144. In Revelation 7:4, and Revelation 14:1, the number 144,000 is referenced, as in the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel to be sealed on their foreheads as the servants of ‘our God.’ May 5 is written as 5/5, as in 55. The lord they worship, as in Satan, sums to 55. Everything by the numbers! If you count the first 144 decimal points of Pi, and add them together, they equate to 666. A hint in the riddle of what is to come. And what they really want, their end-game, is a one-world currency that is fully traceable and connected to your digital ID, giving them total control over your funds and your life. They call it Wallstreet’s ‘worst day of the year’ in the headlines. And yes, the day a One-World Currency is introduced, it will surely be the worst day of the year, if not your life.”

~Joachim Bartoll

On April 27, after the Dow fell 810 points on April 26, I predicted that it would fall again on either May 5 or May 6, since these dates will be exactly 144 months since the previous big crash on May 6, 2010.

And here we are, on May 5, a span of 144-months after that Flash Crash of 2010, and the Dow falls 1120 points in a new record low. It’s all rigged folks, all done by the numbers.

Jesuit Order = 144
Mark of the Beast = 144

Keep in mind that they want to destroy the economy and the FIAT currencies as we know it, so they can introduce a ‘One World Digital Currency’ that will be tied to your new Digital ID, aka., the Mark of the Beast. And with the looming Social Credit Score Systems, it will be the Mark of the Beast in the truest sense of the word.

If you count the first 144 decimal points of Pi, and add them together, they equate to 666. In Revelation 13, only those who have the Mark of the Beast will be able to buy and sell goods or food. If you decode ‘Mark of the Beast’, it sums to 144. In Revelation 7:4, and Revelation 14:1, the number 144,000 is referenced, as in the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel to be sealed on their foreheads as the servants of ‘our God.’

The 144-Thousand = 144

May 5 is written as 5/5, as in 55. The lord they worship, as in Satan, sums to 55. And, of course, the Freemasonic order of Order 322, aka., Skull and Bones, reduces to 55, as does ‘The Jesuits.’

This drop of 1,120 points is of course 3,3%, as in the Freemasonic number 33. The 33 degrees within The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which connects perfectly to Skull and Bones, Order 322.

1,120 points can be written as ‘112,’ and the octal (8-base counting) of 112 is 74, another dear number to the Freemasons. Masonic and Jewish sums to 74, and you write ‘God’ as G-d in Jewish tradition, as in 7-4, or 74.

May 5 also comes with a 52-date numerology. And fittingly they say that the Nasdaq Composite tumbled 5.2%, as in 52. Everything by the numbers!
5/5/2022 = 5 + 5 + 20 + 22 = 52

And the S&P 500 fell 3.7%, as in 37. Order 322 reduces to 37, so there we go again.

They call it Wallstreet’s ‘worst day of the year’ in the headlines. And what they really want, their end-game, is a one-world currency that is fully traceable and connected to your digital ID, giving them total control over your funds and your life.

Worst Day of the Year = 84, 87, 66
One-World Currency = 84, 87, 66

Notice that they sum to ‘66’ in Chaldean, the oldest cipher. 66 is tied to ‘the number of the beast.’ Another connection in this riddle. And remember 74? Yes, ‘riddle’ is the only word that is ‘74’ in all Kabbalah ciphers, and it’s also 660 in Sumerian, or ‘66’ as you drop the zero. That is why they love riddles. And that is why you have silly characters as ‘the riddle’ in satanic comics such as Batman.
And yes, the day a One-World Currency is introduced, it will surely be the worst day of the year, if not your life.

Then they quote some CEO who has been in the markets for ‘25’ years, the reflection of 52, on a day with 52-date numerology, and she said, “It’s violent not just volatile.”

It’s Violent not Just Volatile = 112
One World Digital Currency = 112

It’s Violent not Just Volatile = 117
Central Bank Digital Currency = 117

A hint in the riddle of what is to come.

Prepare for more about this on May 6, the date that spells ’56.’

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

‘YOU’LL OWN NOTHING. AND YOU’LL BE HAPPY.’ ~ Joachim Bartoll: “What Exactly Is Agenda 2030, The Great Reset, The New World Order?”

“Mind control is a terrible thing to taste…”

A lot of people seem to have difficulties with grasping the entire concept of what is written in plain sight in Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 – what is also referred to as The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, and The New World Order.

When mentioning buzz words such as ‘Digital ID,’ ‘One World Currency,’ ‘Social Credit Score,’ and ‘Universal Basic Income,’ most sheep seem oblivious to what impact it will actually have in real life. So, in this article I will break it down and give a few examples of how life will be before we reach the year 2030 unless we start to say NO.

“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”

That phrase was one of the slogans the World Economic Forum used it their campaigns a few years back. It sets the tone for their vision of our future, a future that will be in place by 2030. What it actually means is that owning your own property, your own home, your own car, and pretty much anything will be forbidden. The state will own everything to ‘lessen the carbon footprint’ and citizens will share and rent what they need. If you need to go somewhere where public transport is not available, you’ll have to rent a car from a car pool and it will self-navigate to your destination while you are tracked to prevent prohibited routes and areas.

All this will be tied into your Digital ID – something that is slowly being introduced at various places as you read this. A digital ID is the first step towards total identity control, as in biometric tattoos and microchip implants. Actually, they will not have to ‘chip’ you as they do cattle. They can introduce nano-technology by vaccines and by food, that once activated in your body it generates an identity-code based on your biology and that is picked up by your mobile phone and your Digital ID. You’ll be chipped and marked without even realizing it.

If you understand our real law, natural law, we are all free human beings and the ‘state’ or ‘government’ and all its evil institutions should be there to assist and serve us, to keep ‘society’ running. However, our world is now a big corporation and your name and your security number is a statement of ownership. The second you identify yourself with your ‘lawful’ name or your government-administered security number, you admit and consent to being a property of the state – a slave – and thus you accept their man-made and false laws.
Until now, if you understand Natural Law, you can navigate all this by refusing to play their games, by not giving your consent, by standing your ground. But a digital ID is issued by the state, it has your name, your security number, your medical history, your assets, and so on. Everything about you is stored in their databases and linked to that ID. And in order to do anything in society, you have to identify yourself with that ID, and that mean that every time you do that, you consent to their laws and governance. When you use it, you give up your freedom, your rights, and you enter a contract with them where you are at the bottom of the pyramid.

In their vision, and this is already happening, you will have to identify yourself for any little task and service imaginable. And these Digital ID’s will be online 24/7 and transmitting to the cloud wherever you go. Everything you do will be tracked. You want to visit a grocery store? Your ID will be scanned as you enter, and by entering you consent to their rules and regulations. You need to contact someone online or sign-up for something? You’ll have to identify yourself and bam, you enter yet another contract for that service. And if you don’t play by their rules, you will lose the ‘right’ to use that service.

And this is where the Social Credit System comes in. This is already up and running in some capacity in China, Ukraine, and some other countries. This system is simply a point-based rating system, the same way as you received grades in school. If you do things that are encouraged by the state (your slave masters,) you receive points. If you do things that are deemed bad, points are extracted. And there will be points for different areas of society, such as electricity, travel, services on the internet, medical care, entertainment, and so on.

If you read Agenda 2030, there are many things that are deemed ‘bad’ for the environment and the impact on society. One thing is something as natural and wonderful as having pets. They do not want any animals in their New World Order. If you want a pet, you will be fined with a reduction of your Social Credit Score, something you’ll have to make up for in other areas.

So, to simplify, you start out with a baseline, a weighted score of points that allow you access to everything you need in society. Now, as they continue with the virus and contagion lie, maiming and sterilizing vaccinations will become a requisite for your credit balance. If you refuse the shot, your credit score will drop and you will be cut-off from, for example, using public transport, from renting that car, and from entering businesses and buildings that has a high capacity for visitors, since you are now deemed a possible carrier of disease, and thus a threat to society.

If you happen to be upset about this and complain on social media, you will be flagged for ‘hate speech,’ and your score will drop again, shutting you off from using the Internet until you can improve your score by, for example, doing charity work, donating blood, or allowing people to use your home while you’re not home.

Tied into all this will be the new One World Currency. Today’s FIAT currency and economic model has been in band-aid since at least 2012. The economic crash is looming and they want to replace all current currencies with a One World Government controlled digital currency. For them, this means that they can control and trace every transaction. And it also means that they can cut your funds within seconds if you are deemed a terrorist or extremist by your social credit score.

This is also where the Universal Basic Income comes into play. Everyone will get a basic income to cover ‘essential needs’ – but only if your social score allows for it. If you don’t want to eat plant-based kibble full of toxins and fake lab-grown meat, or take your yearly dumbing-down and sterilizing ‘vaccine’ shots, there will be no monetary assistance for you. And adding to that, your low social score will limit your movement and ability to be part of the society as described earlier.

This is their vision for a New World Order. A complete slave society where you and your actions are tracked 24/7. They will say that it is for your protection; to end crime and wars. They will say it’s for the environment, and therefore everything will be rationed and you will own nothing and you will be happy. But will you?

~via Joachim Bartoll Official