LISA RENEE: “Suicide”

“Most persons committing suicide are in an intense, suffering and trauma, either physically, mentally and emotionally, which is ultimately, spiritual trauma. The person in taking their own Life, is forgetting the relationship they have made with their own spirit, which allows a natural consent to be given over to the material forces. A high percentage of Suicides are in tandem with a demonic possessing spirit, that is pressuring for the person to commit suicide in order to bind the soul or confuse the soul or take over the body. When a Suicide transpires the person is in high percentage of committing acts of great violence against the self, against the soul. The vibration or thoughts you have at the death passage, are the highly probably areas that one will automatically vibrate to or attract like-spirits at the moment of death of the body. One of the most important parts of passage when leaving the body in the case where a person does not have a direct relationship with their own spirit, is to leave the body and this world with peace, holding peace in your mind and heart. When we are called to help non-spiritually developed people to leave their body, this is the highest action one can do to support them in their departure. I also want to add that this issue of trapped or static beings is why we are returning at the end of the cycle to the earth. When I am called to help a spirit/human that is trapped, I have personally found that ‘God Spirit’, the forces of Christ utilize my body consciousness to get someone out of a space they cannot move out of. There are many of us in here that provide this service. Many times people are stuck somewhere when they have not cleared or resolved the pain or conflict they have with a person, place or thing. In the death process the 3 day period one can help release a lot of this kind of burden for them, its easier in the inbetween states, then they can move on to another reality. In fact many of us that are here on the earth now, this is why we are here on the Ascension Cycle, as we are capable while the portal is open to achieve things in consciousness power that were never previously available in this density of the material plane before. This is what was meant with the statement reference by Christ in ‘The works that I shall do, he/s/he shall do also; and greater works than these shall s/he do’.”

~Lisa Renee

To clarify, there is no absolutes in anything that is in regard to the death/spirit cords releasing from the body and the passage from this dimension into another. There are too many alternatives and variables to count in the potentials that are present. However, in making a general statement about Suicide this is a very high risk choice to leave the body because of the following reasons:

1. When a Suicide transpires the person is in high percentage of committing acts of great violence against the self, against the soul.

2. The person in taking their own Life, is forgetting the relationship they have made with their own spirit, which allows a natural consent to be given over to the material forces. This is especially so if the person is not consciously aware or has an understanding of how to be in peace when leaving the body.

3. Most persons committing Suicide are in an intense, suffering and trauma, either physically, mentally and emotionally, which is ultimately, spiritual trauma. This trauma level is the vibration that the heart seed and its spirit cord releases from the body, and that vibration is not the best nor for the highest evolution for that person The vibration or thoughts you have at the death passage, are the highly probably areas that one will automatically vibrate to or attract like-spirits at the moment of death of the body.

4. A high percentage of Suicides are in tandem with a demonic possessing spirit, that is pressuring for the person to commit suicide in order to bind the soul or confuse the soul or take over the body.

One of the most important parts of passage when leaving the body in the case where a person does not have a direct relationship with their own spirit, is to leave the body and this world with peace, holding peace in your mind and heart. When we are called to help non-spiritually developed people to leave their body, this is the highest action one can do to support them in their departure.

It is important to understand that we on the earth, have more consciousness power than any Ascended Master in the higher dimensions to help our Ancestors or people that have chosen Suicide. Our role here is to evolve and help to support the consciousness of our ancestors, especially the biological family members. There is a joke in the Starseed world, that every 3D family got at least one star being in the family line. This is because our role is a Genetic Pathcutter, to transmute karmic blockages and Miasma and help our biological lineages to evolve and ascend through the timelines before, during and after the death process.

What this means is that we are all time travelers and the more we are developed in our Consciousness in this Ascension Cycle in the now time on this earth, that translates to enlighten our family members, even the ones that in this moment are long gone and deceased.

Please do know that you inhabit the cellular memory of your parents and ancestors inside your body consciousness, and you have Consciousness power to help support his consciousness to achieve freedom. In fact many of us that are here on the earth now, this is why we are here on the Ascension Cycle, as we are capable while the portal is open to achieve things in consciousness power that were never previously available in this density of the material plane before. This is what was meant with the statement reference by Christ in “The works that I shall do, he/s/he shall do also; and greater works than these shall s/he do.”

You may want to peacefully consider and meditate on your feelings about this matter. If you are at unrest with the situation, then it may be supportive for you to dedicate some processes for any relative that chose suicide, and that you may feel direct relief in your own body because of that shift. Many times the pain we have is “inherited” from our family of origin or ancestors.[1]

Soul Retrieval Case Studies

I also want to add that this issue of trapped or static beings is why we are returning at the end of the cycle to the earth.

When I am called to help a spirit/human that is trapped, I have personally found that “God Spirit”, the forces of Christ utilize my body consciousness to get someone out of a space they cannot move out of.

There are many of us in here that provide this service. This has become easier with Mother Arc.

As example what I have seen in my experience in soul retrievals:

1. A person or people that died suddenly or traumatically. Sometimes they do not know they are ” passed over”. Sometimes they act similar to a Alzheimer patient, they are disoriented and confused, they have no idea where they are. We lead them out.

2. Sometimes a belief system group “believes” that they have offended God and that makes them scared to move. I have encountered Indigenous Indians that were killed in a group and thought they displeased God, and were terrified of making God angry again.

3. A child that died a violent death at the hand of an adult that was possessed. Such as an intentional killing after a rape to hide the evidence.

4. A person that was satanically bound without knowing it, is of the Christ-Michael lines but did not know how to contact them while on the earth. The Christ Michaels came and got him, but they needed my help in the process, because the person that was killed did not know how to find them and was disoriented from the trauma of a sudden death.

5. People that were incinerated by the Atom Bomb in Nagasaki/Hiroshima. They had no idea what had happened, they were incinerated instantly, and displaced by the extreme pain and trauma. When they gained some consciousness they were enraged and needed rehabilitation and re-education to life events.

6. People that were in holocausts across time, especially the Nazi camps, horrible Satanic bindings involved there. This is when intentional occult ritual is used to kill many people in the name of God, which is a horrible energy, this kind of hatred is beyond gruesome to look at.

7. People that were stuck in servitude to entities that they thought were Temple Guardians, they were serving the “Temple” becasue they felt they were ” sinners” and had to repent. This is a type of “Stockholm Syndrome” where they fight us tooth and nail like a feral animal, they have no idea what they are doing, they are like robots performing endless rituals. This happens a lot with religion, the damage of mind controlled religion is beyond belief incredible.

8. Actual SRA where children and animals where sacrificed and killed, and stuck to the group satanic body, like Moloch tanks.

9. People in incredible pain from losing a loved one on earth, like a spouse or child, and their grief overtook them into a thoughtform possession. These are the usual disincarnates that roam the earth in the inter dimensional areas, and can be manipulated by lower spirits.

10. ET’s that crashed on this earth, perished and could not get out of the planetary fields without some kind of help.

11. People that were executed, like from mafia scenarios, and they are attracted to a house or building and refuse to leave. Generally they are attracted to areas with drug/prostitution or organized crime areas, and they are pretty “macho” and not happy when I show up.

12. People that have extensive burdens they carried in secret, they die and then they ask for help in resolving the burden, so they can leave who/what they are bound to until they resolve the energy between them. Many times people are stuck somewhere when they have not cleared or resolved the pain or conflict they have with a person, place or thing. In the death process the 3 day period one can help release a lot of this kind of burden for them, its easier in the inbetween states, then they can move on to another reality.

There are many more , however for now this gives some examples on the importance of soul retrieval and transit work on this earth now.


ES Suggestions for Family/Group Clearing once you have consent or permission from that human being:

  • Core Soul Protection Prayer for Family Line
  • Opening Shadow Vortex in your home for Ancestral Entity Transit
  • Setting Personal Space Treatment (long version)
  • Health Upgrade dedicated to Sick Family members
  • Alpha Omega Clearing Audio (Clear 911 implants from Family)
  • Etheric Body Rewiring Treatment (Use with Family or Friend Body as Stand In)


  1. ES Forum: Suicide

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Second Death”

“We come to the awareness that the Second Death is a dissolution of levels of the Astral body and the physical body coming into a synthesized integration within the aura. Everything in existence is either female principle or male principle, the Monad is masculine and the soul is feminine and in order for the soul and monad to communicate with each other, they must unify and so they cease to exist as separate. They do become one, the soul and the spirit become one. It doesn’t mean the soul is being lost or fragmented. It means it is being integrated, it is being integrated into the Consciousness of the body and those membranes that were separate ceased to exist in so that they might become unified. If the person is on the descending path, this same process occurs but because they haven’t done the masculine and feminine principle integration that is required in order to have a positive result of the Second Death, the second death for them is a disconnection or an implosion of the Soul body, because the density of that descending arc creates a fragmentation where the physical body and the etheric body of that person is unable to connect, integrate or enmesh with their soul source.”

~Lisa Renee


There are a lot of challenging situations in our world that are coming into Energetic Balance and even though that shift may not look like balance, because there is a harmful intention that is flowing into these lower fields, our chakras membranes are being dissolved to become free of obsolete energies and things we were connected to that were trapped in time.

We have understood the necessity of clearing these lower frequencies from the Lightbody is to truly be liberated from Consciousness Traps in time. This holds something relevant to the Second Death with certain inhabitants of this earth. We have a situation that can go either way depending on the bifurcation that seems to be called the same thing, but it manifests in a different way depending on if you are on the arcing spiral or you are on the descending spiral. We come to the awareness that the Second Death is a dissolution of levels of the Astral body and the physical body coming into a synthesized integration within the aura.

The Soul is the feeling part of the female aspect of God of ourselves. Everything in existence is either female principle or male principle, the Monad is masculine and the soul is feminine and in order for the soul and monad to communicate with each other, they must unify and so they cease to exist as separate. They do become one, the soul and the spirit become one. Some people call this losing the soul. I don’t agree with that because the soul is our feeling body, it is our feminine aspect of the Lightbody and because it merges with the spirit and with the body, doesn’t mean the soul is dying so to speak. It doesn’t mean the soul is being lost or fragmented. It means it is being integrated, it is being integrated into the Consciousness of the body and those membranes that were separate ceased to exist in so that they might become unified.

If the person is on the descending path, this same process occurs but because they haven’t done the masculine and feminine principle integration that is required in order to have a positive result of the Second Death, the second death for them is a disconnection or an implosion of the Soul body, because the density of that descending arc creates a fragmentation where the physical body and the etheric body of that person is unable to connect, integrate or enmesh with their soul source.

We have an interesting event happening on the earth during this cycle, with what could be termed the Second Death. Something that is very positive on the ascending arc can be not so positive on the evolutionary journey of a being who is going in the opposite trajectory. Yet, we do know with Consciousness Corridors that when the body is dropped in this timeline, the rehabilitation and support to connect or build the soul body to be taught the eternal living structure, will be given to the consciousness, to the person, so that they will be able to rehabilitate themselves.

This feels to be a very important milestone with what’s happening in the cycle of the Magnum Opus right now. That schism in the bifurcation that is playing out in the world scape and recognizing that these lower first, second and third chakra membranes that were connected to first, second and third stargates are reconfiguring in us and the particle spectrum that was being interacted with in our consciousness, is going to cease to exist in the same way.

Many of us may have been experiencing collective consciousness processing or Planetary Miasma clearing more than usual because most of the collective consciousness is stuck on planet in those lower dimensions. As we know, that’s the primary areas of Mind Control. It is where the extremely low frequencies are sent out to the Unconscious Mind and so most human beings are still extremely reliant on what we call the false architecture, this mind control architecture that has taken advantage of the lower energy centers. People who become completely governed by the Three Layers of Ego and remain polarized in their lower energy centers, without understanding if they allow that to continue, they are in bondage and servitude to the Negative Ego consciousness. This means they are also in bondage and servitude to predator mind Archontic Deception Strategy which has placed this false architecture in these lower energy centers, that many people believe is their identity, when it’s not.

May we hold gratitude and appreciation for the privilege of Self Awareness, understanding our own responsibility and accountability to strengthen our inner spirit, to acknowledge and love our spirit, and to protect the light and highest consciousness within us. [1]



[Transcript Meeting 3/11/2016]



~via Ascension Glossary