LISA RENEE: “Sirius B Maharaji”

“A group of the Oraphim, or those Christos races with Double Diamond Sun templates, were hybridized with the Azurite races of Sirius B in order to create a special Maharaji lineage in which would act as the guardian gatekeepers for the portal of the entry of the Indigo lines. They were the overseers as they incarnated in waves upon the earth during the Ascension Cycle. Many of the Oraphim Cetaceans that were seeded in Sirius B, have incarnated upon the earth in the oceans to help repair the sound body architecture as energy placement holders during the Ascension Cycle. There are many creation timelines in which the Emerald Order Sirius Blue human Maharaji and the Amethyst Order Braharama joined together in Unified Cooperation to return the Hierogamic Union template required to heal the Wall in Time, through the spiritual healing of the masculine and feminine principles while embodied in an androgynous Azurite-Oraphim Form. This event to finally free the original Universal Melchizedek Logos in his Sirian Maharaji blue human body began on the June Solstice and completed during the rare 5-planet alignment that occurred on June 24, 2022. The hidden history of the Fallen Melchizedek groups is extremely complex, but as we begin to describe the Fall of Alpha Draconis-Orion Group headquarters in Thuban, this particular event is instrumental in the reclamation of the authentic Melchizedek Logos which begins to reclaim and spiritually heal the Blue Ray Melchizedek family. The Cosmic Spirit Body is the eternal spirit body that has emerged into matter from the Sirius B support infrastructure that was built through the Sirian Crystal Temples in the hosting platform section of Andromeda, which run into the spanner arc gateway system that straddles the particle dimensions of our planet from the 1D to the 7D layers. Corrections reaching a particular threshold of rehabilitation in the Magnetosphere and planetary logos body from the damage generated by the Inverted 7D Violet Ray network, has been critical to the success of the Sirian Crystal Temple hosting infrastructure helping to bridge the Albion network into the Rasha layers and Cosmic Spirit Body. The planetary Failsafe Mission activations continue in order for the planetary architecture to have the triple solar masculine and triple solar feminine foundational structures which form into multiple layers of nested Krystal Cathedrals, within which Emerald Guardian Host and Christos Solar Dragon teams can work in order to support the ongoing build out for anchoring the Cosmic Spirit Body layers.

~Lisa Renee

A group of the Oraphim, or those Christos races with Double Diamond Sun templates, were hybridized with the Azurite races of Sirius B in order to create a special Maharaji lineage in which would act as the guardian gatekeepers for the portal of the entry of the Indigo lines. They were the overseers as they incarnated in waves upon the earth during the Ascension Cycle. Some of these branches from Sirius B also went on to Tara and were members of the Azurite Templar teams, protecting the Stargates and performing missions as Guardian Gridkeepers. They serve the Emerald Covenant.

Braharama Oraphim and Maharaji

Many of the Oraphim Cetaceans that were seeded in Sirius B, have incarnated upon the earth in the oceans to help repair the sound body architecture as energy placement holders during the Ascension Cycle. There are many creation timelines in which the Emerald Order Sirius Blue human Maharaji and the Amethyst Order Braharama joined together in Unified Cooperation to return the Hierogamic Union template required to heal the Wall in Time, through the spiritual healing of the masculine and feminine principles while embodied in an androgynous Azurite-Oraphim Form.

Restoring Melchizedek Logos

The third stage of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening addressed ancient 9D Essene Tribe Tibetan Buddhist gateways being controlled by Nibiruian NETs in the Wall in Time that were being administered by and generated from the Thubanites in the Draco constellation. This event to finally free the original Universal Melchizedek Logos in his Sirian Maharaji blue human body began on the June Solstice and completed during the rare 5-planet alignment that occurred on June 24, 2022. The hidden history of the Fallen Melchizedek groups is extremely complex, but as we begin to describe the Fall of Alpha DraconisOrion Group headquarters in Thuban, this particular event is instrumental in the reclamation of the authentic Melchizedek Logos which begins to reclaim and spiritually heal the Blue Ray Melchizedek family. [1]

Sirian Crystal Temples

The planetary Failsafe Mission activations continue in order for the planetary architecture to have the triple solar masculine and triple solar feminine foundational structures which form into multiple layers of nested Krystal Cathedrals, within which Emerald Guardian Host and Christos Solar Dragon teams can work in order to support the ongoing build out for anchoring the Cosmic Spirit Body layers. The Cosmic Spirit Body is the eternal spirit body that has emerged into matter from the Sirius B support infrastructure that was built through the Sirian Crystal Temples in the hosting platform section of Andromeda, which run into the spanner arc gateway system that straddles the particle dimensions of our planet from the 1D to the 7D layers. Corrections reaching a particular threshold of rehabilitation in the Magnetosphere and planetary logos body from the damage generated by the Inverted 7D Violet Ray network, has been critical to the success of the Sirian Crystal Temple hosting infrastructure helping to bridge the Albion network into the Rasha layers and Cosmic Spirit Body. [2]


  1. Melchizedek Logos
  2. Cosmic Spirit Body

See Also:

Dragon Awakening

Solar Female Christ

Solar Dragon

Solar Anointing of Michael

Amethyst Dragon Kings

~via Ascension Glosdary

LISA RENEE: “Guardians of the Golden Apple”

Golden Apples are essentially the spiritual insights that come as a natural part of Spiritual Ascension and Consciousness Expansion, by being exposed to the knowledge of truth and digesting its contents. It is the way human beings evolve and grow by assimilating life experiences through Gnostic Revelation, by acquiring the wisdom that occurs when remembering these experiences accumulated from all of our lifetimes. The accumulative cellular memories of all consciousness lifestreams from the Amethyst Dragon Timekeeper histories are recorded in a series of geometric programs of living solar Light Language that forms into spherical shapes that resembles an apple. The Golden Apple is made of Solar Consciousness, it is similar to ingesting the living rays of the sparkling white golden Sunlight to assimilate the intelligence held within its living light streams. This living Light Language fully surrounds the outer layers of the planetary sphere, forming into the Solar Light rays of silver and gold braids which generate the crystalline lattice of the Golden Apple. The Golden Apple is imbued in the Language of Living Knowledge that is the Universal language of interconnected energy relationships that are encoded into every molecule, present within every atom and found in every element in the matter world. The Tree of Knowledge that contained the sacred Language held in the Golden Apple was protected by the benevolent Dragon Guardians, which has been the theme woven throughout Irish, Celtic, Norse and Greek folklore. Avalon is the signature of the Amethyst Order’s powerful Universal gate system of 11D Aveyon, that is located in the Cradle of Lyra. Thuban star acted as the Guardian Dragon Eye of the Templar code on the Solar Logos plane that expressed the Law of Gender and was the protector of the cellular memories recorded in the timelines throughout the Planetary Grid system. The Golden Apple was the perfected symbol of the Earth’s morphogenetic field as a celestial mirror to the cosmological pattern of stars in the heavens. The Golden Apple held the immense power of sacred wisdom and holy truths recorded in beautiful celestial Music of the Spheres and Light Language which could only be disseminated and embodied by those of a pure and sacred crystal heart. When our planet was Invaded, the magnetic field was distorted into reversal patterns which Guardians have referred to as the Poisoned Apple. Thus, acquiring this esoteric knowledge became known as the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, which is further worshipped by the Luciferians. We have learned that the Draco constellation Thuban star patterns made upon the Planetary Grid Network were being distorted into the Poisoned Apple magnetic Reversal Networks, being generated by the Alpha Draconis and Orion Group. The awareness of the Golden Apple is the basis of the (false) Genesis chapter which relays the account of Eve tempted by the serpent to eat the Forbidden Fruit and thus bring on the Fall of Humanity. This was an Entropic system of AI architecture intended to digress consciousness from the original plasma Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid, and manifest the Closed Source system of Anti-Christ life forms. The Reversal Current, Cloned Identities, Metatronic and Black Magic Coding for spreading Satanism through Satanic Ritual Abuse was their ongoing Agenda to extract solar consciousness intelligence streams of the Diamond Sun Founder Records that are found in the Golden Apples recorded throughout the Albion Lightbody. As Thuban and Draco constellation are being reclaimed for the Cosmic Dragon Mother of our Universal system, our planet is undergoing intense shifts changing the electron and proton spins that form electromagnetism, in order to eradicate the Poison Apple Network and its false magnetism configurations that have shrouded humanity in the shadows of Lunar spiritual oppression for thousands of years. Whenever we have evolved towards the state of alignment with the Avalon or 11D Rod and Staff King Arthur and Queen Guinevere Hierogamic Consciousness, in effect we are given the opportunity to take a bite of the Golden Apple, and this is a Grid feature as well as a way to describe acquiring truth and wisdom on the path of Gnosis. When we meet a Guardian Dragon who gives us permission to eat the Golden Apple of the Solar Light, we are catapulted into the many dimensions of the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. We begin to inherently understand or directly experience Kundalini and the inner Grail, the Activation of Lightbody to perceive the star patterns made upon the Planetary Grid system and beyond, which further Awakens the Solar Dragon Consciousness slumbering in the Earth.”

~Lisa Renee


  1. Thuban
  2. Dragon Guardians of the Golden Apple
  3. Poisoned Apple
  4. Poison Apple Network

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Cosmic Monad”

“The first individuated expression of God consciousness in our Universe is referred to as the Cosmic Monad or Monadic Wave. The Cosmic Monad exists as the first cause of sound that further generates a resonating tone principle for the theme of our entire Universal Time Matrix, the first primal sound tone in the Blue Flame which exists from within the body of God consciousness. The Cosmic Monad projects itself into Gender Principle, Holy Mother and Holy Father, as conscious sound and conscious light, expanding and contracting the sound fields to become light fields and cycling back the light fields to become the sound fields continuously. This dynamic perpetually transmutes the light fields back into sound fields in all of the densities everlastingly, in order to serve as the perpetual motion for the ongoing evolution of the individuated consciousness travelling in the Universal Time Matrix. The NAA serving the anti-human enslavement agendas have understood how to use the power of sound in language to trigger reversal activations designed to damage human DNA potential and prevent spiritual awakening. They imparted this knowledge to the death cult bloodlines, of how to use language and phrasing as a surface carrier for subliminal programming and mind control, through the modulation of tones in words to trigger trauma-based mind control reactions, that further trigger alterations in the chemicals that interact with human DNA. The way sound is used in language or repetition through many forms of media or music through digitally coded tones or specific inflection or intonation of the voices used, can trigger hypnotically induced automatic reactions or implant thought strings in the unconscious mind. These are the many covert technologies and silent weapons used against the human population without their knowledge, for purposes of mind control slavery. In some cases, as a result of the anti-female and reversal forces released into matter, these are non-human and Artificial intelligence hybrid creations that have been used to hijack the Mother principle into fallen consciousness that further prevented the emanation of Divine Sophia into the earth. The fallen entities do not want the true Mother Sophia to return to matter because it means the end of their satanic rituals co-opting her body and the end of their breeding and life span extensions. Thus, the sound tone vibrations of the original living sound currents are being systematically retrieved in direct relationship to the ongoing repair of the female principle instruction sets and the ongoing emergence of the divine feminine aspect in her Sophianic plasma body. As a result of the destruction of the Cosmic Mother principle and disfigured sound body templates blocking passage and connection to the Cosmic Monad, the NAA believed that the Mother and her Sophianic embodiment would never return to be physicalized on this earth and reclaim her children. They were wrong.

~Lisa Renee

~via Sophianic Plasma Shield

LISA RENEE: “Code of The Blue Nile”

“The Blue Ray is a gestalt of four Universal Harmonic Layers of the Universal Families of Blue Ray Consciousness, the Universal Melchizedek Lineages that incarnated as the 12 Essene Tribes or Essenes. There are Three Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our Universal creation, and the Blue Ray is of the First Order of Emanation. The Highest Order of the Blue Ray Family emanate from the 13th Circuitry Gate of the Mother of God aspect, which is the first layer projected from the Zero Point Universal God Core. This First Order Blue Ray Family are the esoteric 144,000 Genetic Timekeepers of our Universal Time Matrix and are known in the Egyptian and Sirian histories as the Code of The Blue Nile. Many Galactic Wars throughout human and non-human extraterrestrial history have been waged for gaining control and access to this code, which holds essentially every genetic key that allows access into the kingdoms of God, or the God worlds. The 13th Gate Bio-Circuitry system has been connected and is being held down by a very small group of embodied Cosmic Ascended Masters, that can hold one or more layers of the Aqua Ray coding, holding the original Blue Ray levels of coding that function as the genetic timekeepers for the entire Universal Time Matrix. These are the Blue Ray Holders and those of the First Order, Blue Flame Melchizedeks, which are very few in numbers that have been fully embodied on the planet. During the Founder Guardian Yeshua Mission, it was the purpose of Yeshua through access to his higher embodiment as a Universal Blue Flame Melchizedek, to help regain control over the Essene Christos Templar translations from the 12 holographic discs. His embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the Founder Records, by transferring that information into written manuscripts and sacred texts in order to return this spiritual knowledge of the Inner Christos back to all of humanity. The Yeshua Essene team included his genetic equal wife and twelve people that acted in the role of grid workers, to run rainbow frequencies into the earth ley lines. They were organized with the mission to help realign the planetary grid network and stargate system, from outside of the control of the alien invaders. The spiritual mission was to restore alignment back to the angelic humans and the true representatives of Christos consciousness on the earth, when the Stargates finally opened during the Ascension Cycle. Many of us may feel prompted to call in or anchor 13D Blue Ray or Aquamarine Blue Frequency because of this major frequency shift into the Aqualine Sun that is happening on the planet.”

~Lisa Renee

The Blue Ray is a gestalt of four Universal Harmonic Layers of the Universal Families of Blue Ray Consciousness, the Universal Melchizedek Lineages that incarnated as the 12 Essene Tribes or Essenes. There are Three Primal Order Sound Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our Universal creation, and the Blue Ray is of the First Order of Emanation. The Highest Order of the Blue Ray Family emanate from the 13th Circuitry Gate of the Mother of God aspect, which is the first layer projected from the Zero Point Universal God Core. This First Order Blue Ray Family are the esoteric 144,000 Genetic Timekeepers of our Universal Time Matrix and are known in the Egyptian and Sirian histories as the Code of The Blue Nile. Many Galactic Wars throughout human and non-human extraterrestrial history have been waged for gaining control and access to this code, which holds essentially every genetic key that allows access into the kingdoms of God, or the God worlds.

Within each of the four layers exists the higher harmonic of the original blue octave, however as the consciousness fragments itself to manifest into the lower octaves of the time matrix it has been greatly dissipated or damaged. This distortion happens from its time spent within spaces that have been damaged within the time matrices where the polarity system exists. This damage has also been caused by deliberate enslavement programs imprinted in the blueprint, that impact and harm the level of consciousness that exists there. This damage is way beyond our 3D physical reality and the Guardian Host consciousness is working to heal and release consciousness enslaved beings from many phantom dimensional planes.

The 13th Gate Bio-Circuitry system has been connected and is being held down by a very small group of embodied Cosmic Ascended Masters, that can hold one or more layers of the Aqua Ray coding, holding the original Blue Ray levels of coding that function as the genetic timekeepers for the entire Universal Time Matrix. These are the Blue Ray Holders and those of the First Order, Blue Flame Melchizedeks, which are very few in numbers that have been fully embodied on the planet. Systematically Indigos with the genetic coding capability to regenerate their Silicate Matrix are being circuited and linked to become conduits of holders of the blue flames of the Aqua Ray, out of necessity to stabilize it permanently into the planetary field and the Earth Core. Many of us may feel prompted to call in or anchor 13D Blue Ray or Aquamarine Blue Frequency because of this major frequency shift into the Aqualine Sun that is happening on the planet. This process of recoding the 6D Indigo chakra wave spectrum is a massive Guardian Gridworker project underway that began with a major planetary power grid takeover-conflict made by the NAA that was designed to prevent Indigo awakening. Small amounts of Christos Starseed beings that are in agreement to help with this project have been experimenting with the Guardian Host on how to recode the Indigo harmonic structure with the Aqua Ray to override reversal distortions that are running within the 6D spectrum and dimensional field. Recent blue flame transmissions from the Emerald Order are designed to activate the Essene tribal shield coding in the incarnated Indigo lines, and is currently underway. [1]

Universal Melchizedek Lineages

With the current activation cycle there are new opportunities for repair and rehabilitation at higher dimensional levels, effecting Universal Melchizedek Lineages, the Blue Flame Melchizedeks. This is also awakening new levels of memory recovery, to identify factions that have historically and are currently working against humanity and the Ascension process. We are looking at who these factions are behind current attempts to hijack collective awakening, as well as the weaknesses they play on. As the veils that hide the NAA agendas are getting thinner, many of us are recollecting more pieces of our true history, while simultaneously activating more aspects of our original blueprints and consciousness coding. [2]

Yeshua Essene Manuscripts

During the Founder Guardian Yeshua Mission, it was the purpose of Yeshua through access to his higher embodiment as a Universal Blue Flame Melchizedek, to help regain control over the Essene Christos Templar translations from the 12 holographic discs. His embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the Founder Records, by transferring that information into written manuscripts and sacred texts in order to return this spiritual knowledge of the Inner Christos back to all of humanity. This knowledge included humanities true origins from the planet Tara that extended from other Universes, and the historical accounts from the Luciferian Rebellion and Atlantian Cataclysm as directly given to him from the Emerald Founder records. The Yeshua Essene team included his genetic equal wife and twelve people that acted in the role of grid workers, to run rainbow frequencies into the earth ley lines. They were organized with the mission to help realign the planetary grid network and stargate system, from outside of the control of the alien invaders. The spiritual mission was to restore alignment back to the angelic humans and the true representatives of Christos consciousness on the earth, when the Stargates finally opened during the Ascension Cycle. [3]


  1. Code of Blue Nile
  2. New Age, Ascension and Disclosure Hijack
  3. Emerald Founder Records

See Also:

Emerald Order

Atlantian Mystery Schools


Sirian High Council

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Soul-Monad Extensions”

“When we intend to connect with the organic architecture of our Christos Blueprint, this helps to heal and integrate our soul extensions and monadic extensions. Our Soul and Monad is a family of consciousness that contains extensions that are existing simultaneously in other dimensional timelines. The first level of spiritual Awakening is connecting with our soul consciousness and extensions, our soul family is comprised of 12 different individual personalities. As we integrate our Soul consciousness, we integrate these 12 aspects within our consciousness body, and this unifies the triad of the entire Soul Matrix, so that we experience our emotions and the forces of love in entirely new ways. Complete soul integration leads us to the higher integration of our Monadic matrix or Oversoul Matrix, which contains 12 oversouls, each containing 12 souls within them, for a total of 144 monadic or oversoul extensions. With each stage of monadic integration there are significant expansions of consciousness that unify the monadic matrix in our consciousness body, and then we find that we are connected to everything, living in a massive Universe that is filled with many possibilities to explore. The process of soul extension and monadic family reintegration is happening at an accelerated rate at this time, because this has been made possible when the transduction birth records were shifted into organic Timelines.

~Lisa Renee

~via The Heart-Brain Complex