LISA RENEE on “Being a Spiritual Catalyst”

“Once you become seasoned on the Ascension path, or as a Starseed person, one will start to recognize that you have the role of being a Spiritual Catalyst for others, whether you want to or not. A Spiritual Catalyst instigates potential Awakening or consciousness shifts in the people, places and things that become connected with or exposed to your personal sphere of influence. We may observe how the current events and psychological operations have instigated a lot of mental confusion and chaos, and sometimes, this instigates aggravated fear and violence in the unawake people and 3D based organizations around us. When people’s identity are fully enmeshed or connected to a mental position or belief system, taking sides in the polarity of forces, they can become mentally rigid and emotionally dependent on that specific belief system or mental point of view. As example, the archetypes of Hero-Savior and Enemy are really the same position in the bi-wave of duality and exaggerated by those playing its archetypal game in order to create sides for division. This is the main divide and conquer tactic by the NAA mind control that is used to keep people arguing and killing each other over petty disagreements that are being taken as major offenses. Recent events with the Amnesiac Barriers dissolving, rises up subconscious contents which for many have been deeply internalized and personalized by people’s sense of identity, and they easily take offense or feel hurt or slighted, because their 3D point of view or mental belief system is being threatened in a big way. Sometimes being a Spiritual Catalyst can be very difficult because the people being triggered rarely see you as you are, but they form an image that they have projected upon you, many times completely false. Being perceived as a threat by those who are still asleep, is a common pattern for many of us here. This pattern is more prevalent in 3D people that are still asleep to Ascension and are travelling on a different timeline than you are. This person will suddenly disappear from communication or their responsibilities with you, because for some reason they refuse to talk to you anymore to confront whatever their emotional issue or conflict may be. Maybe they just completely disappear, and you have no idea what has even happened except that they are missing in action for reasons unknown. For those enduring attacking behaviors from loved ones because you are in the role as the spiritual catalyst, I am so sorry as I know how much that can really hurt! Many of us here have experienced that pain of isolation, persecution, ostracism and attacking from uninformed and unaware people many times over. You are not alone in this! Many people are emotionally devastated, trying to figure out what’s happening to them and these chaotic events are bringing the reality of that shadow to play out on the surface all around us. May we all do the best we can to be kind, and do the best with what we have to work with right now.”

Lisa Renee

~via Being the Spiritual Catalyst