CAITLIN JOHNSTONE: “Why Everything Is F*cked”

“This is ultimately the answer to every question about why things are f*cked right now. Why does it seem like nothing changes no matter who wins the election? Why do the wars keep expanding instead of ending? Why are those nuclear superpowers hurtling closer toward direct confrontation? Why are the mass shootings increasing? Why is everyone so miserable? Because every adult on this planet started off tiny, helpless, impressionable, and surrounded by gargantuan madmen, and it made it almost impossible to be sane. That’s why. We all slid out of the womb an itty bitty helpless information sponge into a world full of mentally ill giants who couldn’t wait to fill our tiny skulls with all of their inner demons. And now everything, understandably, is f*cked.”

~Caitlin Johnstone


We all slid out of the womb an itty bitty helpless information sponge into a world full of mentally ill giants who couldn’t wait to fill our tiny skulls with all of their inner demons. And now everything, understandably, is f*cked.

That’s basically our whole entire situation in a nutshell. You can add on as many extra details as you like — plutocracy, corruption, mass media propaganda, billionaire wine cave fundraisers, whatever — but ultimately our plight is due to the fact that every single human showed up on this planet completely helpless and knowing nothing, forced to trust crazy giants to give them the grand introductory tour.

Why were those giants crazy? Well you see, they got here the same way you did: small, slippery and completely clueless, surrounded by enormous gibbering lunatics who were all in a mad rush to teach them how to be insane.

And those giants came into the world under the exact same circumstances, as did the giants who came before them, and the giants who came before them, and so on.

It’s a grand old tradition of ours, ultimately stretching all the way back to our own evolutionary birth in this world and the emergence of a massive cerebral cortex in a mammal who up until that point had been primarily concerned with sneaking in a snack and a quick shag in between mad sprints away from sharp-fanged predators. This newfound capacity for complex abstract thought burst onto this frantic, confusing scene and was quickly seized and manipulated by the cleverer primates.

And thus human madness was born.

The most powerful early humans were the cleverest humans, the ones who understood how to use this new capacity for language and abstract thought to their own advantage. They realized that by simply saying something is true in a sufficiently confident way, they could persuade the less clever humans to treat it as true.

Those clever humans used this newfound ability to place themselves in charge, and to make a bunch of rules to be passed down from generation to generation proclaiming that the less powerful humans must submit to the more powerful humans. Over the generations these rules became more and more numerous and complex, weaving in moralism, codes of filial piety, and insane power-serving religions glorifying meekness, obedience and poverty.

These power-serving rule sets were picked up and used to justify highly traumatizing behavior in the service of the powerful, from wars to genocides to institutionalized torture and brutal executions of the disobedient, and just within domestic power structures the institutionalized normalization of spousal rape and physical abuse in households all around the world.

This eons-long tidal wave of deep trauma and power-serving rules structures passed from generation to generation to generation picking up more and more demented flotsam and jetsam as it went along, to ultimately come crashing down upon your crowning head as you emerged from your mother’s body.

That is your legacy. That is everyone’s legacy. Countless generations of cumulative madness, washed into the present moment on a current of eons of exploitation and senseless cruelty stretching all the way back to the dawn of our species on this planet.

This heritage of madness is funneled straight into our sponge-like brains from the moment we emerge from the womb and all the way through an extremely traumatic and confusing ordeal known as childhood, after which we are handed the keys to the world and told “You’re an adult now. You’re in charge. See if you can figure out how to run this place better than we did.”

We never stood a goddamn chance. None of us did. The deck was stacked against us long before we got here.

And now you get political commentators constantly railing on about “Gosh, if only we could get people to stop listening to their televisions and vote third party and read World Socialist Website and turn up to demonstrations and take back the power of the people from our oppressors, we could turn this thing around!” Not realizing that everyone else in their country went through the same traumatic, confusing ordeal that they went through at the beginning of their lives, the only difference being that most of them got a lot less lucky in sorting out reality from madness. And not realizing that they themselves are still quite mad.

This is ultimately the answer to every question about why things are f*cked right now. Why does it seem like nothing changes no matter who wins the election? Why do the wars keep expanding instead of ending? Why is the news man always lying? Why are they locking up that white-haired fellow for publishing facts? Why are those nuclear superpowers hurtling closer toward direct confrontation? Why are the rainforests vanishing? Why are the whales dying? Why are the mass shootings increasing? Why is everyone so miserable?

Because every adult on this planet started off tiny, helpless, impressionable, and surrounded by gargantuan madmen, and it made it almost impossible to be sane. That’s why.

Notice I said “almost”. It is still possible to find one’s way into a relationship with reality that is guided by truth and untainted by madness, but you’ve got to start way, way, way back at the beginning and deeply re-examine even your most fundamental assumptions about what’s true and real. Because it turns out that while the mad giants gave us information that was very useful for interacting with other mad giants, it was almost entirely useless for learning how to navigate through life in a wise and truthful way.

And that’s what I’m pointing to here: it’s important to get clear on just how far back the crazy goes and how fundamentally interwoven it is with the situation in which we now find ourselves. If you begin with the assumption that our problem is simply due to humans not voting and mobilizing correctly in alignment with the correct ideology, you’ll miss the real obstacle entirely. You’ve got to zoom the camera out much, much further to see the full picture.

Can you become a deeply sane individual, untainted by your ancient heritage of madness? With a lot of work and uncompromising self-honesty you can.

Can all humans become deeply sane and untainted by their ancient heritage of madness? It would take a miracle. A whole lot of miracles. Billions, to be precise.

But then, I believe in miracles.



~via David Icke

CAITLIN JOHNSTONE: “The U.S. Government Is Like A Bad Dad”

“And the mother, well like most mothers she’s in charge of managing the stories the family tells about what’s going on. Whenever a neighbor turns up wounded or dead, she’s responsible for telling the children that it was the neighbor’s fault, and their father was only protecting them.”

~Caitlin Johnstone


There’s a house on the block where a large family lives, and it gets pretty abusive in there. The kids hardly ever get to see a doctor and there’s never enough money for them to afford decent clothes or go on holiday, and a disproportionately large number of them get locked in their rooms as punishment for silly, arbitrary offenses which could have been prevented with a little more care and attention. They don’t get out much and they have to spend their free time listening to scripture readings about how exceptional their family is.

Looking at these disheveled, mistreated children, one can’t help wondering what’s going on with their parents. Why aren’t they providing for their kids? Why isn’t money going toward giving their children quality healthcare and education and making sure they have everything they need? Are they poor? Is there some sort of substance abuse problem?

Actually, if you look at their house you can very quickly see where the problem lies. A huge, opaque fence with barbed wire surrounds the yard, and there are many expensive security cameras scanning the scene, facing both outward and inward. All the doors and windows are barred shut and rigged with fancy alarm systems, and there’s a giant stockpile of firearms in the master bedroom.

Every spare moment of his free time, the man of the house is either coming home with an expensive new piece of home security equipment or adjusting and tinkering with the ones he already has. He can’t be bothered with his needy children, who he angrily shoves away whenever they dare approach him asking for things.

“No time for that!” he yells while piling new redundant security systems on top of old redundant security systems. “I’ve got to protect the family from all potential intruders!”

When he’s not doing that, he’s prowling around the block bullying his neighbors. He forces them to join the neighborhood watch, which he controls with an iron fist and runs around the clock. He insists that they submit to his leadership and relate to their neighborhood with the same aggressive hyper-vigilance that he has, and if any of them refuse to bow to his demands, he sets to work on grinding them into compliance.

He sabotages their investments and works to get them fired from their jobs so they won’t have any money. He circulates pernicious rumors about them to undermine the possibility of anyone coming to their aid. He patrols the neighborhood with a large loaded pistol in each hand, and if anyone so much as looks at him funny he runs up to them and points both barrels in their face until they lay down on the ground with their hands behind their head and apologize. With particularly noncompliant neighbors he’ll burst into their house late at night and beat them within an inch of their lives until they agree to his demands, then get all his other neighbors to testify in court that he did it in self defense. Sometimes he’ll even stage events to make it look like a neighbor attacked him, then he’ll go to their house and murder them in cold blood.

He is feared by the entire neighborhood, by his allies and enemies alike. The neighbors who support him only do so because he’s got such tight control over the neighborhood, and they know that their lives will be made easy if they work with him and painful if they work against him. So they do what they need to do to avoid being targeted while secretly wishing that he has a heart attack in his sleep.

“It’s either us or them,” the father often tells his family. “I need to keep everyone around us in line, because there’s no telling who might come after us. We’ve earned a special place in this neighborhood, so it’s our job to lead it.”

Once in a great while, if someone’s feeling particularly brave, they might point out that the father is constantly doing the things he’s afraid of his neighbors doing to him.

“It’s different when I do it!” he always barks in response while adding their name to his personal blacklist. “Our family is exceptional, so we’re the exception to the rules.”

And the mother, well like most mothers she’s in charge of managing the stories the family tells about what’s going on. Whenever a neighbor turns up wounded or dead, she’s responsible for telling the children that it was the neighbor’s fault, and their father was only protecting them.

Your father loves you,” she coos to them at bedtime. “You should be grateful to him for protecting your life and liberty. It’s good that he’s so strong, because if our family wasn’t in charge it would be the Changs around the corner or the Smirnovs down the road. We should always support everything he does and never question him, and never, ever wish for things to be different. This is the only way that things can ever be. Anyone who tells you otherwise is crazy and evil.”

But the children are growing older, and some of the bigger kids are beginning to open their eyes to what’s going on. They’re beginning to realize that their father is an abusive tyrant and their mother has been lying to them their whole lives. The younger kids are still indoctrinated and put their fingers in their ears when the big kids try to tell them different, but even they are beginning to have their doubts.

And the parents can smell it in the air. They know they’re beginning to lose control over the stories their children tell themselves about what’s going on in their neighborhood, and they know it will be a problem if they don’t nip that in the bud fast. The mother suddenly becomes far more forceful with her storytelling, saying that the Smirnovs are plotting a home invasion any minute now so the family must unite against them. The father begins making stricter and stricter rules about how the children are permitted to speak to one another, locking them in their rooms if they disobey or separating them from the others so they can’t speak their mind.

It remains to be seen if the father will succeed in shoring up control of his family or not, but things have definitely changed, and the whole neighborhood is watching.



LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Demoralization Tactics”

“It is absolutely imperative that we stay neutral, focused and clear, be fearless in the presence of those who represent the anti-life or anti-Christ. Do not react to anything you see and do not lose control over your faculties, stay anchored in the now moment with neutrality and a calm presence. Remember this always, I KNOW WHO I AM. I AM THE ETERNAL SELF!”

~Lisa Renee


Dear ES Family,

As we travel in the high strangeness of these tumultuous and transformative times, many people can feel the weight of the attempts made to demoralize the public that comes from the constant spewing of the dehumanization agendas that are heightened in the energetic environment. It is important to know that demoralization and dehumanization tactics are the most important tools of psychological warfare and intentional torture that are used to break down a person, or groups of people.

Demoralization: A process in psychological warfare with the objective to erode morale or dehumanize those perceived as the enemy. By intending to destroy their dignity and morale, it can encourage them to retreat, surrender, or defect rather than confront them or to defeat them in physical combat. Demoralization and Dehumanization is the most important tool of psychological warfare and intentional torture used to break a person. Demoralization is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda to weaken people, while dehumanization is commonly used by the Satanic Agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person.

Thus, we must see it when it is happening around us, and identify what is going on before the subliminal messaging sinks deeply into our subconscious, as then we may feel emotionally spent and weighed down with energetic burdens, but do not understand the reasons why. Demoralization must be called out and recognized for what it really is — a tactic to weaken a person, weaken their spiritual strength and personal conviction in seeking higher truth.

I have made a partial transcript of what I feel to be a crucial understanding for those of us on the spiritual ascension path at this time, due to the high intensity of blow back generated from the recent field events.

Transcript: We come together today, to strengthen ourselves, to strengthen our spiritual dedication and conviction to be and live in truth, to work in harmony with the natural laws, to align ourselves into our greatest and highest expression of personal truth. It is of critical importance in truly understanding our heart, our pure heart, our connection to the Source through the undulating waves of light resonances that are shared in the environment from our heart, when we feel and express love.

When we recognize an energy signature around us and we can deeply feel something, this is the heart resonance at work, its function, the way it should function in all people. Recognizing that at this time on our planet we are sharing space with many human beings and human bodies that do not have this same function, some may even appear human but have lost their human abilities to feel love, compassion and empathy.

They do not have the same nadial structure upgrades or sensory connections which allow them to truly feel the presence of our human heart, our love, our empathy, our compassion, our caring for each other, and our caring about what happens in this world. Although we must remember that we cannot exert any kind of control over the end result. Without feeling love we wither and we die. Seeing death in this way, not death that is described in the physical world of the passing of the body, but that death is the decay of the loving spirit, when you do not have access, for whatever reasons, to experience love, heart, purity, affection, the unconditional acceptance that unconditional love brings, that is loving kindness.

Love is the organizing, harmonizing and synchronizing force that exists throughout creation, and through its expression, Love is in perfect balance and harmony with what is, as it is.

For this reason I’d like to share the strategy of the war over consciousness, in terms of more deeply understanding moralization and demoralization tactics that are used to shut down love, shut down our heart, and shut down our spirit. These concepts have been weaponized against our mind, and many of us suffer greatly from the plight of being misdirected by those controller figures who intend to gain control and power over us through the many complex layers of targeting that are directing psychological weapons of demoralization, and even misinterpretations of moralization.

What is demoralization? It goes hand in hand with dehumanization, and these are the most important tools of psychological warfare, which is increasing in its scope against the people of the earth, and it is for this reason we are surfacing this into greater awareness and understanding today.

We have been taught and conditioned to think that moralization has its basis in fundamental religion, and that its very nature is oppressive, judgmental and limiting. This is another lie we have been told, by those interested in the mainstreaming of Satanism and Luciferianism. When holding the concept of moralization in your mind, also bring to mind Virtue-Based Ethics which have their root in natural law and are essentially the foundation of the true meaning of moralization. Because demoralization is so common on the earth, I would like to bring to mind the association that needs to be made between moralization and Virtue Based Ethics, in order to clear the subconscious layers and the mental body of the negative associations that have been made to moralization, through the various levels of mind control that is used in many areas, such as organized religion.

We know this too is an NAA creation and it is embedded in the NAA religious structures placed on the earth to enslave the population by controlling their beliefs and by controlling their relationship with their inner divinity and spirit. To moralize is defined as to reflect on or express opinions about something in terms of right and wrong, especially in a self-righteous or tiresome way.

We’ve all seen and heard the priest in the pulpit offering sermons on moralizing which are entirely hypocritical and judgmental, exacting judgment on people to dehumanize them in this way, to make them feel guilty or ashamed of themselves. Many times this occurs in very damaging ways, it is automatically labeling human behavior as morally wrong, when many times the harmful behaviors being carried out are actually violations made against one’s soul, and being entirely misinterpreted by that person. A violation made to the soul, is to bring spiritual harm to yourself.

Bring to mind the Law of Suggestion, for this is a natural law.

Essentially, this means we are the sum total of our accumulated thoughts and beliefs, what has been suggested to us through spoken words, our direct experiences and interpretations of life, subconsciously, consciously and through our spiritual bodies. Suggestion is the psychological process by which one person guides the thoughts, feelings, or behavior of another person. What is spoken, what is heard, what is seen and perceived from this body filter, is the suggestion of what we become. Please let this understating go deeper, really feel the repercussions of what we are living through now on planet earth.

This consciousness principle also explains the gathering of inner strength that is required to go beyond what is spoken and heard, therefore go beyond what was suggested to us from environmental conditioning, such as the family of origin inherited beliefs and behaviors. How do we shift out from the accumulated results of the millions of suggestions sent out to us since birth? We must learn how to think clearly and speak clearly by directing focused mental energy upon a positive idea or loving thought form, in order to magnify that spoken word or thought form substance into the manifest. Yet, by holding Observer Point without attachment to how it actually manifests.

People must learn to love, accept, respect and honor themselves first, and this is the most important part of moralization, or the building of virtue based ethics. As until one can truly love and accept themselves unconditionally, they are unable to love others in the same way. This is a critical principle to understand, you will remain unable to love wholly, completely fully and unconditionally, until you give this exact same treatment of love, honor and respect to yourself, and until you can achieve this, you are withholding love from others, you are withholding love from yourself.

We have been educated to withhold love from ourselves and to replace the void and pain in our heart and the holes within our spirit body with something harmful, generally misinterpretations of our worth and value, our inherent deserved-ness. You exist here now, that is proof of your deserved-ness, your true value and your inherent divinity, to be acknowledged and recognized in this moment, as totally, completely and universally lovable — to love and be loved is who you are.

Thus, moralization is an important tool in understanding the concept of maintaining independence in all relationships. This means to achieve sustainability in an independent model, such as the concept of autonomy and self-determination, self ownership — the basis of which we can achieve this state is through being in alignment with truthful principles that are in harmony with the natural laws, and are in harmony with nature itself. This is moralization.

However, moralization is essentially holding respect and dignity for all living things. Its dual, the opposing side of moralization, which is demoralization, is avoided in open discussion in the mainstream because it is the most important tool of the tyrant and controller that desire to maintain their power over others. This extends to creating a slavery system in which the resources that belong to others can be easily exploited and taken. The main methods for achieving demoralization is to target and attack the inherent divinity of the living being, and to attack the inner spirit, to attempt to demoralize. The first level of psychological and emotional warfare is to isolate the person or groups of people, which generates separation, and to make all people feel they don’t belong anywhere, and that there is no one they can trust.

Then to promote disinformation campaigns in so to lead people in the opposing directions, away from what generates community and unity, away from what creates more love, compassion and empathy, which is a tactic of misdirection. And then to propagate a type of brainwashing through repetition which fosters disbelief and doubt in anything that deviates from what is the common consensus of the mainstreamed larger groups, which all have been subjected to the same forms of repetitive mind control of the death culture courtesy of the Archontic Deception Strategy. This is the classical conditioning used to take one’s focus and place it upon the outer world, to validate the exterior material values, that have been meticulously shaped by the controller pre-meditated programming, in so to ignore and invalidate the interior experience. The interior experience is where our inner spiritual essence, our authentic core self resides. Our core self will whisper to us, you are loved, you are connected, you are respected, you hold dignity for life and all living things! Dear spirit you must honor, respect and give value to all of your life experiences, for all this information is valuable, and you are valuable.


I love, respect and honor myself, through all of my life experiences, I am loved and valued.

I choose to love, respect, honor others, through all of my life experiences, they are loved and valued.

I choose to speak words that are kind and loving, and in return, I create more loving kindness for myself and others, I feel and hear kindness and love coming from others.

I am a strong, vital and valuable person, I am Love, I am lovable and I am Loved.


These are truthful words aligned to natural laws, the inherent design of what is, it just exists as it is.

Now we have controllers, bullies, intimidators, and the scope of what has been negatively co-created through the Law of Suggestion to oppose these natural laws, in order to replace the truth with deceptions and lies, in so we can be more easily controlled through spiritual oppression and rejection of the natural laws.

Remember that Demoralization Tactics are the most important tool of the Tyrant seeking control, and to place all of your conviction inside yourself to refuse its oppression upon your mind, heart, soul and spirit.

Demoralization is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda to weaken people, while dehumanization is commonly used by the Satanic Agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person. It is also the act of reducing another’s confidence and hope, or discouraging and disheartening someone’s optimism, causing them to lose faith in the future.

demoralize. … to deprive (a person or persons) of spirit, courage, discipline, etc.; destroy the morale of: The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry. to throw (a person) into disorder or confusion; bewilder

We have to change ourselves to change the world, so it is a good practice to not demean or deliver criticisms to anyone, as we can be honest and kind at the same time. A few suggestions:

1. Pay attention to who uses demeaning and demoralizing words, words that spread self doubt, and figure out who is who? It may be family members, a co-worker or a friend or anyone else. First realize who is a demoralizing person, as they may not be doing it knowingly, but sometimes they inject fear and doubt which will misdirect your thinking and feeling into the wrong direction.

2. When others are being critical towards you, listen carefully first, then use critical thinking, intuition and guidance. Then proceed with a decision or action. Listen deeply first to feel the motivations behind the words and behaviors, do not interpret when a person is advising you in that moment. Deeply listen to the words in the present moment, and then feel into it in so to let it germinate, making a well thought out decision.

3. Stay away from Demoralization Tactics and demeaning people whenever it is possible. Demoralizing people place seeds of doubt in our mind and that is more than enough to destroy everything we have been building or moving towards in the future. Do not let others demoralization tactics hurt your heart or enter into the garden of your peaceful mind.

4. Sometimes we cannot completely avoid these kinds of people or situations, so no matter what, always do your best to be kind. Most of the time people act like this because of ignorance or a lack of knowledge about a particular thing. They have been treated this way by others, so they repeat the treatment they experienced. When we are kind they may be open to become educated into expressing more kind behavior, which is shining a light into the darkness. When it is possible to light up the darkness and show genuine care for them, this can potentially help to evolve them into a higher expression.

5. Hold healthy boundaries. We must make an effort to identify what choices we do have and make changes in our environment that can increase our sense of safety and comfort while in a physical space. In order to be pro-active in creating healthy boundaries, we need to assess the physical safety of our environment and assess the emotional safety of our environment. And realize it may be necessary to remove people or situations from your life who are entrenched in extremely destructive or harmful behaviors in order to make these necessary changes to our life style.

Beloved God, We dedicate ourselves to love, honor and respect and value our inner spirit and the light that is within all things. We know we are the light of the world, and we value our light with all of the love in our heart.

We are in service to the light of the world, we are self-aware and know it is a time of great personal turmoil when we may see others go through the process of seeing deceptions and demoralizing situations. When we see things that are truly dark and evil, it is an assault against our spirit and we can feel demoralized. We must gather the inner spiritual strength to deflect these assaults against, us, and constantly affirm our true value, our true love, honor and respect for ourselves and each other.

This is rippling through many people in the ascension and spiritual groups at this time, and it is for these groups, we pray and ask the God Source for divine intervention when aligned to Cosmic Sovereign Law.

Through consecration of our body to be of Service to Others, we evolve to become the Compassionate Witness on behalf of God source. Thus, as the Compassionate Witness we may extend goodness through the blessing of others, which catalyze their own inner spiritual awakening so they can feel their own direct relationship with the God Source.


I am a strong, vital and valuable person, I am Love, I am Lovable and I am Loved.


Beloved Holy Presence, In Cosmic Sovereign Law, I am your Compassionate Witness. In service to all those friends and colleagues, that are being intentionally targeted into terror programming to reject their spirit, or to confuse them into deep despair, by the NAA groups targeting, I pray with all of my heart to bless them and protect them in the eternal light of God, and in the blessings of the Holy Spirit and Spirits of Christ, to be fully freed from the spiritual burdens and shackles that have been placed upon them, by those Impostors and Deceivers of God’s eternal light. Through the light of God I am, through the power of love in my heart, I consecrate and bless ___________ to be freed into their highest expression and true nature, that they may be God Sovereign Free in the eternal light of God, now and always.

It is absolutely imperative that we stay neutral, focused and clear, be fearless in the presence of those who represent the anti-life or anti-Christ. Do not react to anything you see and do not lose control over your faculties, stay anchored in the now moment with neutrality and a calm presence.

Remember this always, I KNOW WHO I AM. I AM THE ETERNAL SELF!

End transcript.

May we hold each other in unconditional love, kindness and acceptance, knowing that we have many dark entities and controller types who expect us to fail, and succumb to a crisis of faith and divide and conquer behaviors. It is the pure heart and internal love presence that each of us must find deep inside of the recesses of the self. This is the challenging path to live as God-Sovereign-Free and to be in the first line of the world lightbearers and the way-showers, bringing us back to being authentically human again at the end of the dark cycle.

Much Love and GSF always,



~via – Time Shift Blog – March 5, 2019

CAITLIN JOHNSTONE: “Fight The Establishment’s Narratives — By Getting Clear On Your Own”

“Scientific research has found that astronauts suffer problems with coordination, perception and cognition when they are unable to determine ‘which way is up’ in space. There is no ‘up’ or ‘down’ when you’re outside the gravitational pull that our bodies are adapted to, so its absence sends our whole system out of whack. Navigating a society that is made of mental narrative is very much the same; if you don’t know which way’s up, you’ll get lost and confused.”

~Caitlin Johnstone


Anti-establishment movements are a mess. Whether they’re left-wing or right-wing, whether they’re statist or anarchist, whether they’re organized or decentralized, whether they place emphasis on official or unofficial narratives, any circle of people who are interested in opposing the status quo on a deep, meaningful level almost invariably find themselves significantly bogged down by confusion, paranoia, infighting, and misdirected use of energy.

Every day, for example, I get people in my inbox and social media notifications telling me I shouldn’t quote or share anything from this or that lefty journalist or anti-establishment figure because they’ve said something “problematic” at some point or have some kind of association with some aspect of the establishment. Rather than simply using narrative-disrupting tools wherever they come from to fight the establishment narrative control machine, I’m encouraged to isolate myself to the extremely narrow spectrum of voices which agree with my exact worldview perfectly. This kind of paranoid, self-cannibalizing mentality is rife throughout most anti-establishment circles.

This happens for a number of reasons, including the fact that the ruling power establishment will infiltrate dissident movements that it perceives as a threat with the intent of sowing confusion and division. But the underlying reason anti-establishment circles so often find themselves getting crushed by their own weight is ultimately because life itself is confusing and difficult to understand.

Hardly anyone holds a lucid and steady awareness of just how much of society is comprised of mental narrative. Most people live their lives under the unquestioned assumption that when they are moving around in the world, speaking, acting, forming opinions, having ideas etc, they are interacting with something that resembles objective reality. The truth of the matter is that most of the things which draw people’s attention in their day-to-day experience, whether it’s names, titles, news stories, political parties, economics, history, philosophy, religion or what have you, consist entirely of mental noises firing off inside human skulls.

You might think it’s a big jump to go from chatting about the sociopolitical dynamics within dissident movements to making vaguely Buddhist-sounding observations about human thought, but it’s really not. The reason our species is in a mess right now, and thus the reason movements exist which seek to change the status quo, is because so much of life is dictated entirely by made-up mental narratives which can be easily controlled by the powerful, and hardly anyone fully grasps this. If they did, the revolution against the establishment would very smoothly and quickly succeed.

Scientific research has found that astronauts suffer problems with coordination, perception and cognition when they are unable to determine which way is up in space. There is no “up” or “down” when you’re outside the gravitational pull that our bodies are adapted to, so its absence sends our whole system out of whack. Navigating a society that is made of mental narrative is very much the same; if you don’t know which way’s up, you’ll get lost and confused. Before you can see the narrative matrix clearly, you might be aware that some narratives serve power and swat at them while you’re spinning through space, but you won’t have any solid ground on which to orient yourself for the purpose of forming a clear path forward toward a healthy and harmonious world.

Your first and foremost task as a revolutionary, therefore, is to find solid ground on which to plant your feet while operating within a swirling sea of narratives and counter-narratives. Without this you’ll find yourself expending energy on ineffectual agendas, chasing shadows, attacking friends and advancing the interests of the enemy as you stumble around trying to fight a threat you can’t even see clearly. You’ve got to figure out for yourself which way’s up.

The only way to do this is to turn inward and sort out your own mental narratives in your own experience. This takes a lot of dedicated work, because there are many layers of tightly believed narratives which dictate one’s perception of the world that most people aren’t even aware of.

As soon as we’re born we are given a name which has nothing to do with the nature of the slimy, screaming naked creature which came roaring thunderously alive out of the womb. We spend our childhood being told who we are in various ways by our family, then we go to school to get taught how to think like everyone else and get labeled good/smart or bad/stupid for the rest of our lives based on how well we dance that dance. Along the ride we pick up coping mechanisms to deal with the stress of this whole unnatural ordeal, many of which become extremely counterproductive unconscious habits in later years. We pick up likes and dislikes, interests and aversions, life philosophies, religious beliefs, societal beliefs, political beliefs, all of which come together to form our worldview.

Because the foundations of our entire worldview are formed in early childhood long before we’re mature enough to decide for ourselves what a useful foundation might look like, we wind up interfacing with life through this muddled, inefficient network of mostly unconscious mental and perceptual habits which don’t serve us very well. It is with this warped, endarkened tool that we interact with the vast sea of official and unofficial narratives we are presented with in our attempts to decipher what’s wrong with the world and how to fix it.

The path, then, is to unwind this whole confused, unconscious muddle of mental and perceptual habits until we get to the untarnished blank canvass of that powerful screaming baby who first met this wild world, and inhabit it consciously. That right there is our solid ground.

Who are you? Underneath the mental narratives about who you are? Underneath all the stories, labels and beliefs? Underneath the field of consciousness full of thoughts, sensory impressions and feelings? This is the most important inquiry that anyone can possibly engage in, and it is worthy of the entirety of your focus until it’s resolved.

All of these swirling, babbling thought stories have dictated our lives for as long as we can remember, but rarely does anyone sit down and start sorting out where they come from and if they’re useful. We lug around ancient mental narratives about life, about how we should be, about how other people should be, about the best ways to find happiness, about the best ways to avoid unhappiness, and we rarely consider the possibility that we can interact with life unencumbered by that heavy load.

If you want to find solid ground beneath your feet so that you can push effectively for a healthy world, you’ve got to question every assumption you’ve ever made about yourself and the nature of the world, even your very most fundamental assumptions, because it’s all narrative. As you turn your attention toward your essential nature and away from your churning, babbling mental habits, interest and attention will move away from mental narratives and toward the solid ground upon which they appear. The mind will relax and mental narrative will take on its proper role as a tool that can be used when it’s useful and set down when it isn’t, rather than the dominating feature of every minute of waking existence. Unhelpful mental habits can be discarded, and all attempts at narrative manipulation will stand out like a black fly on a white sheet of paper.

I can’t tell you how to do this. Everyone’s path to the heart of the fundamental matter is unique, and you can only travel it on your own. I can tell you that the answer does not exist in the realm of thought, and that it is closer to you than your own breath. Sincere, dedicated inquiry into your own true nature, on your own and in your own way, will lead you to the ground on which you must take your stand in order to fight the establishment narrative machine effectively.



LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Becoming Transparent”

Dear Ascending Family,

Certainly, its been a rough time for many people, and I’ve received countless emails from people that are feeling desperate from the confusion, pain and anxiety they are experiencing.  It has been hard to hold neutral space, and to know the best way to help others, when observing so many people in a state of extreme suffering.  Since last October and into the new year of Morphogenesis, it’s clear to me that where there are blind spots or deep wounds that have been buried or hidden, these wounds are exploding to the surface for many people who are disorientated about what they are supposed to do about it.  I’ve also noticed that lightworkers that never had negative attacks or had not been exposed to the underbelly of the war over consciousness, many of them are being initiated into a stream of dark manipulation and aggressive psychic attacks, and they are caught in total surprise that this is happening to them.

Its clear that one cannot really understand the severity of the consciousness war, and the attack against our creative forces and soul-spirit, until that person has been directly targeted for embodying this higher aspect of their consciousness.  Many star people have been dealing with this for many years already, and we all have to come to the acceptance that is how it is on planet earth.  However, now more people are awakening to a certain level, and they are getting a ration of negativity in which they are struggling deeply to comprehend.  In some ways this can be positive, because it means more people are awakening to the fact we are not free beings on planet earth.  This goes much further than the office of president, or world governments, or corporatocracy, as the source of total control over the level of consciousness that earth humans are allowed to have, as it was decided by the slave owners.

From my vantage point, since we moved into the bifurcation of time, those that are struggling with mental and emotional confusion, pain or fear, have really been amplified.  When a person is primarily seated in the intellect over their spiritual guidance system, this can really do a number on those that are awakening.  Unfortunately, there is no magic pill to clear out mental confusion and emotional pain, this is the inner work that every single one of us must do in order to become mentally and emotionally free from its grip.  Our clarity and discernment will remain very poor until we do the inner emotional work and get the ego/intellect out of the drivers seat of our life.

At the same time, I’d like to say that for many awakening people that have been committed to do the inner work, they are feeling freer and more supported than they ever have.  This is true for me.  When the Krystal Star anchored here in late 2012, my entire life changed, and I went into a role reversal which was startling to say the least.  Over many years, the people that had known what had happened to me and thought of me as “there must be something wrong with her”, started to undergo dismantling and completely changed their tune.  All of the sudden, I was considered an expert in an area that most people had ridiculed me for.

From this very difficult place of observing people in pain, I’d like to share some qualities that I feel are absolutely critical to cultivate in these tumultuous times in order to navigate the energetic chaos and insanity in the outer world, and still maintain inner peace, coherence and clarity.

An important key is allowing yourself to feel incredibly uncomfortable sometimes in order to cultivate deeper clarity and discernment in situations, which gives you the ability to be transparent to outer influences.

Being transparent in the face of aggressive outer forces, and intimately knowing my weaknesses to protect myself, is how I navigate incessant attacks for sharing this information with the public.  I would not have made it this far, if I did not comprehend the importance of developing these qualities in myself.  I always look to be aware of my energetic weakness in every situation and commit to knowing the truth, even if it could be painful.  We all can become transparent to a degree in order to neutralize dark attacking, in which these forces cannot penetrate deeply enough into our lightbody to do real energetic harm.

Energetic harm comes when you feel emotionally devastated for a sustained period of time.

Thus, we all must cure ourselves of this pain body weakness by embodying our soul-spirit, because our unhealed pain will be the first item exploited to cause you agony.  This kind of emotional pain is temporary, and you can free yourself from experiencing this kind of suffering.

There is no real emotional and spiritual growth without some personal discomfort.  It is impossible to make an spiritual impact in the world, if you are unwilling to be uncomfortable and are unwilling to learn something new to improve yourself.  Learning never ends, and there is always something new to learn and improve.  This is how it is.


Clarity is the quality of being clear through developing Self Awareness, it is the quality of Coherence that is the natural result of having a full comprehension, awareness or perception of something.  To develop strong Discernment of the energies around us, we must develop some degree of self-awareness and Self-Responsibility for the situations we may find ourselves, in order to arrive in some degree of personal Clarity.  Clarity and Discernment are life mastery skills that we must cultivate into positive attributes that radically improve the quality of our life, and which take time, dedication and practice.  Having clarity about things that are happening in our life, by seeing the macrocosm or bigger picture, helps us to avoid entangling ourselves into difficulties in such way we increase the dark resistance to those energies that we have labeled as negative or bad.

If we increase resistance to the negative energy we have perceived through our intellect, the negative ego, those particular energies will tend to amplify and magnify to become even stronger.

Therefore, to neutralize energetic entanglements and dark manipulation, we observe, discern and accept those energies into Neutral Association.  Our blind spots are generally caused by subconscious wounds, Pain Body, and lack of self awareness that generates the filter for Confirmation Bias that clouds our vision and reactions.

To develop personal Clarity, we need to discipline our intellect to have stillness within, generating a clear inner mirror which allows for Engaged Detachment to discern outer influences, even when these influences make us incredibly uncomfortable.  Spiritual Maturity is the process of dedicating to the expansion of consciousness in that one is willing to be uncomfortable in order to stretch beyond personal limitations.

Generally, we do not see our personal limitations and areas we can improve, until we are made very uncomfortable inside ourselves.  This discomfort can be mental, emotional and even physical.  Spiritual and emotional growth requires that we get comfortable with discomfort, knowing that we can learn something by inquiring on the reasons we feel uncomfortable.

When we have clarity, it produces the authentic state of energetic coherence in such way it allows more light, intuition, insight and energy to pass through you Transparently.  Clarity supports an increased accurate assessment of our environment and the humble ability to assess ourselves in our competencies, which is an effective tool for gaining self mastery.  To arrive at personal clarity for increased discernment in order to remain transparent to adversarial or opposing energies, we must do the inner work and be able to resolve, integrate and neutralize the subconscious wounds or emotional conflicts we carry.

The opposing forces use dark manipulation to direct strong resistance to amplify the areas we carry pain, and these events will reveal to us where we have energetic weakness and vulnerability through these unhealed wounds.  Dark forces will continue to agitate us through our energetic weakness, caused from pain, fear and avoidance, in order to generate as much confusion and misery in the human mind as possible.  If we are feeling mental and emotional pain, we must be willing to do the inner work at some level, and ask for help, in order to come to some resolution that allows neutrality to replace the pain.

The more clarity we have developed, the more authentic we become and the stronger our energetic aura to repel dark forces.


As we evolve into higher initiations of Embodiment we are then increasingly able to become more Transparent to the external environmental energies.  Learning how to become more transparent to the external pressures and energies is a necessary skill at this time.  This starts with total Neutrality and non judgment, applied to all that is being observed externally.  A good practice now is to strengthen and develop your witness consciousness now moment awareness, to include Neutral Association to all events, circumstances and situations as best as you are able.  This means you will be less likely to interfere or become entangled with external events that may drain your energy.  Protecting your energy field by becoming self contained and inner directed is important at this time.  The 12D Shield practice is a primer to this process of learning energetic self containment.

During this time humanity has an increased access similar to a broadcast channel to higher intelligence fields, where our Higher Self has a Station of Identity existing at that plane.  These current stellar alignments greatly assist us in accessing the clarity of communicating with our higher aspect or Inner Christ Self.  Many of us are being spiritually initiated now.

It is important at this time to learn how to become Transparent to these external energies.  Do not attach or make judgment on any external behavior, only observe and hold peace inside yourself.  We are traversing some major phases of growth, which require we witness what has happened to our race so that we can become aware of what has happened in so we may choose to heal and change. The change starts from within us.


Being Transparent and clear when exposed to adversarial energies sourcing from the environment and others is a much needed skill set these days.  Without using ego judgment, or assigning a label, test out the personal resonance of people, events and circumstances that you are choosing to engage with or exchange with, determining which is either aligned to your person or not aligned to your person, in that moment.  There is no right or wrong answer, only personal resonance and choice.  That answer may change continually in different timelines depending on when you ask the question and what powers of discernment are cultivated.

Learning personal discernment builds our necessary boundaries to discover what is productive and supportive for fulfilling our spiritual path or not.  Discernment allows for continual productive growth and for the effective use of our personal energies and focused attention.  By upholding our personal boundaries and applying discernment towards all things that we focus our energy and our attention upon, we are more effectively managing our Consciousness and life force.

Thus, we may need to call upon the Spirit of Patience in many difficult situations we may find ourselves.  I find that when clarity or answers elude you, it is usually one of these two factors – Timing and Location.  One must wait for right timing, or there is a need to change your location.  Timing and Location for gaining clarity on your spiritual purpose is really crucial.

The Spirit of Patience is an essential aspect toward developing Spiritual Maturity and growth into a strong moral character.  Developing the Spirit of Patience allows us to develop strength in ourselves to expand our consciousness and go beyond our perceived Ego/Personality limitations.  Learning and acquiring patience will take an individual far out of their comfort zone and thrust them into lessons of transformation.

Patience is required to develop deep empathy and compassion towards others which allows us to be generous with Forgiveness.  Patience is the endurance of meeting life challenges without negativity, in so that we can build our core strength to be effective and powerful vessels of God Spirit.  Without the strength of the Spirit of Patience we can digress into self entitlement and emotional tantrums to get what we want from the selfish Negative Ego desires and its whims.

Sending much love, prayers of strength to all, in these challenging but beautiful times of Ascension.  We are in this together, and it is not an easy time to be on the earth!  But we have come here to learn and we can grow in quantum leaps if we choose to!

With a Loving Heart,




(Source: Ascension Glossary: Clarity, Discernment and Transparency)



~via – Time Shift Blog – June 12, 2018