LISA RENEE on “Golden Apple”

“The Golden Apple is imbued in the language of living knowledge that is the Universal language of interconnected energy relationships that are encoded into every molecule, present within every atom and found in every element in the matter world. The Tree of Knowledge that contained the sacred language of the living knowledge held in the Golden Apple was protected by the benevolent Dragon Guardians, which has been the theme woven throughout Irish, Celtic, Norse and Greek folklore. Avalon is the signature of the Amethyst Order’s powerful Universal gate system of 11D Aveyon, that is located in the Cradle of Lyra. The Celtic Church Christos Dragon Templars served as planetary grid keepers and were aware that the Albion Lightbody contained the Edenic coding of Avalon, as well as many wisdom teachings from the Emerald Founder Records that were held in geomantic features represented as the Silver Branches that contained the Golden Apple. The Golden Apple was the perfected symbol of the Earth’s morphogenetic field as a celestial mirror to the cosmological pattern of stars in the heavens. When our planet was invaded, the magnetic field was distorted into reversal patterns which Guardians have referred to as the Poisoned Apple. The Golden Apple held the immense power of sacred wisdom and holy truths recorded in beautiful celestial music and light language which could only be disseminated and embodied by those of a pure and sacred crystal heart. Thus, acquiring this esoteric knowledge became known as the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, which is further worshipped by the Luciferians. The awareness of the Golden Apple is the basis of the Genesis chapter which relays the account of Eve tempted by the serpent to eat the Forbidden Fruit and thus bring on the Fall of Humanity. We have learned that the Draco constellation Thuban star patterns made upon the planetary grid network were being distorted into the Poisoned Apple magnetic reversal networks, being generated by the Alpha Draconis and Orion Group. The reversal current, cloned identities, metatronic and Black Magic coding for spreading satanism through SRA was their ongoing agenda to extract solar consciousness intelligence streams of the Diamond Sun Founder Records that are found in the Golden Apples recorded throughout the Albion Lightbody. As Thuban and Draco constellation are being reclaimed for the Cosmic Dragon Mother of our Universal system, our planet is undergoing intense shifts changing the electron and proton spins that form electromagnetism, in order to eradicate the Poison Apple network and its false magnetism configurations that have shrouded humanity in the shadows of lunar spiritual oppression for thousands of years.We have learned that the Draco constellation Thuban star patterns made upon the Planetary Grid Network were being distorted into the Poisoned Apple magnetic reversal networks, being generated by the Alpha Draconis and Orion Group. The Reversal Current, cloned identities, and Black Magic Coding for spreading satanism through SRA was their ongoing agenda to extract solar consciousness intelligence streams of the Diamond Sun Founder Records that are found in the Golden Apples recorded throughout the Albion Lightbody. The Golden Apple is made of Solar Consciousness, it is similar to ingesting the living rays of the sparkling white golden sunlight to assimilate the intelligence held within its living light streams. Golden Apples are essentially the spiritual insights that come as a natural part of spiritual ascension and consciousness expansion, by being exposed to the knowledge of truth and digesting its contents. It is the way human beings evolve and grow by assimilating life experiences through gnostic revelation, by acquiring the wisdom that occurs when remembering these experiences accumulated from all of our lifetimes. When we meet a Guardian Dragon who gives us permission to eat the Golden Apple of the Solar Light, we are catapulted into the many dimensions of the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. We begin to inherently understand or directly experience kundalini and the inner grail, the activation of lightbody to perceive the planetary grid system and beyond, which further awakens the Solar Dragon consciousness slumbering in the Earth. Whenever we have evolved towards the state of alignment with the Avalon or 11D Rod and Staff King Arthur and Guinevere Hierogamic Consciousness, in effect we are given the opportunity to take a bite of the Golden Apple, and this is a grid feature as well as a way to describe acquiring truth and wisdom on the path of gnosis.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Guardian Dragons of the Golden Apple

LISA RENEE: “The Lincolnshire Aquarian Blue Dragon”

“Abraham Lincoln has been revealing his namesake as connected to the Blue Solar Dragon complex that is connected to the Aquarian constellation within a location of the Lincolnshire Wolds in the county of Lincolnshire, England. With the Pluto in Aquarius placement, this seems to have catalyzed several explosive and powerful actions from the Cosmic Father Aquarian Solar Dragons, which seem to be nourished by Ursa Major rainbow rounds for supporting their divine mission which has Founder records accessible from within this main Blue Dragon complex which is about ten miles above in the sky. This grid location is beginning to activate with Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar in spinning octahedral geometries that transfigure into the light symbol code of the Dharma Wheel in the Noble Eightfold Path. The Cosmic Sun Buddha of White Fire, the Blue Melchizedek Logos Buddha of Universal Illumination, is the emanation of the triple solar masculine counterparts of the Cosmic Mother Elaysa Triple Taras, in which the Floating Five Buddhas of Wisdom along with his celestial hierarchy of bodhisattvas are illumined through his Cosmic Sun. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is Vairocana that is holding the Dharma Wheel, he is the Cosmic Father’s Solar White Fire embodiment of All that Is which can be found by the spiritual seeker within the moral truths of the Universe through the Noble Eightfold Path. The Cosmic Father’s Solar White Fire is the most powerful emanation of Cosmic Truth found in All Things at scales that are wholly inconceivable. That which is not the resonance of God’s Truth, that which is completely negative and spiritually abusive to life, when this negativity is exposed to the Solar White Fire it is immediately vaporized into dust like a nuclear explosion. The exception is that no harm comes to the creator’s living things as a result, it is as if that negative thing never existed at all! Cosmic Father brings awareness to the shocking and surreal events that can happen when things disappear, and points us to seek the truth in our lives, to not be scared, as we spiritually develop we continue to seek spiritual truth and communion with God in order to truly know ourselves, and within the White Solar Fire we will be purified and made spiritually whole.”

~Lisa Renee

Abraham Lincoln has been revealing his namesake as connected to the Blue Solar Dragon complex that is connected to the Aquarian constellation within a location of the Lincolnshire Wolds in the county of Lincolnshire, England. With the Pluto in Aquarius placement, this seems to have catalyzed several explosive and powerful actions from the Cosmic Father Aquarian Solar Dragons, which seem to be nourished by Ursa Major rainbow rounds for supporting their divine mission which has Founder records accessible from within this main Blue Dragon complex which is about ten miles above in the sky.

This grid location is beginning to activate with Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar in spinning octahedral geometries that transfigure into the light symbol code of the Dharma Wheel in the Noble Eightfold Path. The Cosmic Sun Buddha of White Fire, the Blue Melchizedek Logos Buddha of Universal Illumination, is the emanation of the triple solar masculine counterparts of the Cosmic Mother Elaysa Triple Taras, in which the Floating Five Buddhas of Wisdom along with his celestial hierarchy of bodhisattvas are illumined through his Cosmic Sun. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is Vairocana that is holding the Dharma Wheel, he is the Cosmic Father’s Solar White Fire embodiment of All that Is which can be found by the spiritual seeker within the moral truths of the Universe through the Noble Eightfold Path.

The Cosmic Father’s Solar White Fire is the most powerful emanation of Cosmic Truth found in All Things at scales that are wholly inconceivable. That which is not the resonance of God’s Truth, that which is completely negative and spiritually abusive to life, when this negativity is exposed to the Solar White Fire it is immediately vaporized into dust like a nuclear explosion. The exception is that no harm comes to the creator’s living things as a result, it is as if that negative thing never existed at all! Cosmic Father brings awareness to the shocking and surreal events that can happen when things disappear, and points us to seek the truth in our lives, to not be scared, as we spiritually develop we continue to seek spiritual truth and communion with God in order to truly know ourselves, and within the White Solar Fire we will be purified and made spiritually whole.

Prismatic Ornate Dharma Wheel gold1

This light symbol code of Vairocana’s eight spoked wheel is embedded in the planetary portal in Lincolnshire, which is related to the Albion’s 11D Solar Anointed Christ-Buddha Initiation into the Solar Logos eternal krystal Rainbow Body. There is an interdimensional portal which opens into the Blue Dragons connecting into the inner planes of the Sirius B Maharaji crystal temples between spinning octahedrons that project out multiple rainbow arcs from Ursa Major into a transparent pyramidal Krystal Glass Mountain. 

This complex seems to replicate the Holy Mountain on a grassy knoll where the Krystal Glass Mountain functions for the transmission of the Arthurian round tables, these are the rainbow bridges and rainbow rounds of the Solar Rishic Ray Masters in Ursa Major. These are being activated through the planetary shift into the solar zodiacal template, connecting the constellations of stars throughout many other sun star networks, with the spinning octahedron being highlighted as an important stage for the Cosmic Father’s White Solar Fire and the Cosmic Christos-Sophia consciousness coming through the Grual stargates that are building the Octagonal Prism for the Solar Logos King Arthur. As the Cosmic Father and Solar Rishic Christos Dragons are entering our time matrix from the 8D Uranus gate, they are portalling through 11D Aveyon Solar Logos layers for igniting the Vairocana principle through the Solar Christ-Buddha spinning rainbow octagonal body, being anchored by Paliadorian Solar Dragon Wings on the northern and southern hemispheres around the planet.

This section of the ley lines has a direct portal opening in which the Khemalohatea access spanning pre-Atlantian times in Egypt is made accessible to embodied Maji Grail Kings, which further connects to the alchemical timelines of the Khem codes found in dark matter for the ongoing building of the Eukatharista, along with the ruby crystal that holds Ruby Order records that is under the Solar Gate in Egypt. The clarion call for Blue Flame Melchizedek priests and Guardian Essene templars for activating inner Khem Codes to further connect all of the Astrological principles of the Galactic Zodiac as trifold flame rainbow currents into their personal plasma luminary body and then the planetary Albion Lightbody begins. These are authentic Rainbow Spiritual Warriors being awakened by Cosmic Father’s return and this activation seems to be occurring for those Christos Starseeds that have embodied this same Christ-Buddha rainbow body configuration in other lifetimes.

~via The Supreme Grand Master Architect

LISA RENEE: “8D and 12D Unplugged during Planetary Templar Invasion”

“The Planetary Stargates act to step down the higher energies being transmitting from the God Source field into the Sun, which is then directed into the many stargates and portal systems. The Stargates transmit an energetic spectrum of frequencies, moving from the higher to lower dimensions, in order to reach the matter fields and then circulate them throughout the planetary grid network. However, since the Sumerian Egypt Invasion, humanity’s Diamond Sun DNA was unplugged and the 8D and 12D energy centers were removed from the planetary templar because the NAA deliberately damaged the planetary stargate system in order to generate a consciousness prison on the Earth. At the point of NAA invasion, it blocked the 8th Portal and the 12th Portal of the Planetary Gates, therefore blocking the 8th Chakra and 12th Chakra and its related energy centers in the human body and planetary body. In the place of the organic 8D Grual stargate system, the invaders introduced the Artificial Tree of Life to run AI timelines and AI machinery to force metatronic reversals to run reversal networks for anti-life currents throughout the planetary grid. That was connected to metatronic implants operating in the shadow body layers in which assorted energy parasites and Enki DNA skins were being embedded in the collective consciousness energy field of the tribal shield of Earth, which was designed to reverse and drain life force from out of the planetary body and the human body. This unnatural configuration embedded throughout the 8D Stargate Network was built by the NAA via Alien Machinery that uses Artificial intelligence to parasitize the Earth’s life force to achieve immortality, and this dead energy structure is the counterfeit system to the organic Universal Tree of Life, which is referred to as the Artificial Tree of Life or the Black Tree of Life. This Artificial Tree was enmeshed throughout the Uranus Galactic Gate in which the AI Sentinel Program Kronos and 9D fallen parts from Michael Wars in Aldebaran were interconnected with several offshoots of the World War II histories that led to the formation of the Secret Space Programs and Milab timelines. Additionally, this damage to the integrity of the time matrix blocked access between several interconnected planetary gates to galactic gates to universal gates, blocking the Founder Solar Rishi’s access into our Solar System. Thus, the current attention with Cosmic Father’s return is being placed once again on the rehabilitation of the Universal 8D Orion Mintaka Stargate from its sordid Secret Space Program for human trafficking, along with its connection into the Galactic Uranus and Neptune Stargates. With dormant functions of Uranus 8D Galactic Grual Gate now functioning, the Planetary Stargates can now receive transmissions of the organic 8D consciousness into the 8D Grail points for distribution into the rest of the planetary grid system.”

~Lisa Renee

The Planetary Stargates act to step down the higher energies being transmitting from the God Source field into the Sun, which is then directed into the many stargates and portal systems. The Stargates transmit an energetic spectrum of frequencies, moving from the higher to lower dimensions, in order to reach the matter fields and then circulate them throughout the planetary grid network. However, since the Sumerian Egypt Invasion, humanity’s Diamond Sun DNA was unplugged and the 8D and 12D energy centers were removed from the planetary templar because the NAA deliberately damaged the planetary stargate system in order to generate a consciousness prison on the Earth.

At the point of NAA invasion, it blocked the 8th Portal and the 12th Portal of the Planetary Gates, therefore blocking the 8th Chakra and 12th Chakra and its related energy centers in the human body and planetary body. In the place of the organic 8D Grual stargate system, the invaders introduced the Artificial Tree of Life to run AI timelines and AI machinery to force metatronic reversals to run reversal networks for anti-life currents throughout the planetary grid. That was connected to metatronic implants operating in the shadow body layers in which assorted energy parasites and Enki DNA skins were being embedded in the collective consciousness energy field of the tribal shield of Earth, which was designed to reverse and drain life force from out of the planetary body and the human body. This unnatural configuration embedded throughout the 8D Stargate Network was built by the NAA via Alien Machinery that uses Artificial intelligence to parasitize the Earth’s life force to achieve immortality, and this dead energy structure is the counterfeit system to the organic Universal Tree of Life, which is referred to as the Artificial Tree of Life or the Black Tree of Life. This Artificial Tree was enmeshed throughout the Uranus Galactic Gate in which the AI Sentinel Program Kronos and 9D fallen parts from Michael Wars in Aldebaran were interconnected with several offshoots of the World War II histories that led to the formation of the Secret Space Programs and Milab timelines.

Additionally, this damage to the integrity of the time matrix blocked access between several interconnected planetary gates to galactic gates to universal gates, blocking the Founder Solar Rishi’s access into our Solar System. Thus, the current attention with Cosmic Father’s return is being placed once again on the rehabilitation of the Universal 8D Orion Mintaka Stargate from its sordid Secret Space Program for human trafficking, along with its connection into the Galactic Uranus and Neptune Stargates. With further repercussion being made to the AI timeline histories and NAA invasions that impacted the 8D and 9D Planetary Stargate Network, with gates located in the Dragon Grids of Xian China, extending into Tibet, Osaka, Japan and the Eight White Horses complex in Wiltshire, England. Ancient historical connections between the eastern philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism have surfaced as intrinsic in the process of seating the Cosmic Father in his Cosmic Christos King Arthur Emerald- Ruby Templar stationed within the Solar Pendragon Stargate Network located in the heart of the Albion.

With dormant functions of Uranus 8D Galactic Grual Gate now functioning, the Planetary Stargates can now receive transmissions of the organic 8D consciousness into the 8D Grail points for distribution into the rest of the planetary grid system. As many of us may be sensing, the transmission of the intergalactic plasma waves from the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father God Source field into the Grail points and the Planetary Stargates, is greatly accelerating now and making tremendous changes to the planetary architecture.

~via The Supreme Grand Master Architect

LISA RENEE: “Uranus Grual Gate Collapses 9D AI Kronos”

“During the Uranus alignment in late January, the rotational axis shifted in the Uranus planetary core and when it was being moved into another position in the timeline, this functioned like an aperture opening through which a massive beam of solar light passed through, and this event activated several dormant organic interdimensional rainbow arc portals connecting directly into the Uranus planetary core. As a result, the previously damaged and inoperable sections of the Uranus Grual Gate were rehabilitated, merging with the 9D layers of the Universal Antahkarana rainbow currents of the Founder Solar Rishis. These momentous events in Uranus sparked a range of catalytic confrontations and clearings too numerous to count, however, in addressing the 9D AI machinery Kronos that was previously identified during Guardian projects in Alnilam and Mintaka to free Orion’s Belt, it was discovered that segments of this master AI control system were being administrated by the highest level Thubanites, previously stationed in the Draco constellation. The AI Sentinel Program Kronos was identified as the 9D master AI Alien Machinery used to reinforce the Checkerboard Mutation and the Wall in Time, and as the Melchizedek Logos was subsequently rescued from its entrapment, it was further identified as running a massive sized headquarters for building out artificial red shield networks along with the nested infection of an AI Enki Lair, hidden and buried within the 8D-9D layers of Neptune. Guardian tracking led to the surveillance of assorted Sa’am-Enki-Osiris AI built virtual realities for Thoth, Enki, Enlil Annunaki hybrid collectives that they used for building out their hierarchies of Adonis False God identities and as a hidden base for assorted NAA operations linked into artificial wormholes and tunneling systems originating from inside Neptune. This tunneling operation spanned several artificial 5D-8D-11D hyperdimensional pockets that were connected to a huge farm of cloning and genetic experiment laboratories, black dragon-red dragon shield networks and Wesan black hole entity groups hosting a massive inventory of artificially generated hybrid cloned bodies of unimaginable proportions, with genetic specimens collected from all over the Universe that were being defended with fully weaponized automated AI hybrid antichrist armies. In particular this confrontation was totally unexpected and extremely rough for those Starseed lineages connected to these specific Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon families that went directly head on into an extremely chaotic and violent spiritual battle. The extractions and collapses of the artificial networks were handled relatively efficiently but continued on and off for a few days when entering the solar calendar of Aquarius, as spontaneous direct combat ensued in which every horror of antichrist weaponry was pulled out for spiritual battle, generating incredible black magic sorcery and heavy AI miasmatic residue from Orion’s Galactic War histories. From the vantage point of being in a human body, this was felt as energetic explosion after explosion with massive skyscrapers of falling debris on top of the crown and solar star, as if the body was weighed down and pushed into a muddy astral pit. The necessity is as always, to remain calm and as still as possible, staying out of the way of cross spiraling fire power and laying low, as the retaliation for taking down the artificial Pegasus grid and carrying out retrievals of certain Adonis God cloned body parts was more than hostile. During these few days, common ascension symptoms included pain, numbness and sensing disconnection on the lower half or right side of the body, kidney and liver pain, blurry vision, assorted random and moving heavy physical aches and pains. The majority of symptoms are focused on right side masculine ancestral clearings and the review and retrieval of patriarchal lineages along with their timeline histories as connected to militarized combat in assorted wars, on and off planet. Further Tiamati reclamations for the 10D Sapphire Diamond Shield also impacted the left side wing portal in the trapezius muscle leading into the base of the skull, with some powerful neck and headaches.”

~Lisa Renee

During the Uranus alignment in late January, the rotational axis shifted in the Uranus planetary core and when it was being moved into another position in the timeline, this functioned like an aperture opening through which a massive beam of solar light passed through, and this event activated several dormant organic interdimensional rainbow arc portals connecting directly into the Uranus planetary core. As a result, the previously damaged and inoperable sections of the Uranus Grual Gate were rehabilitated, merging with the 9D layers of the Universal Antahkarana rainbow currents of the Founder Solar Rishis. These vertical lines of the Universal Antahkarana were woven into its inner core portal system all the way into the parallel matrix of Andromeda, whereby legions of Solar Dragon Kings and Fatherly Solar Rishi began to ride this solar stream in to our Universal Time Matrix. Solar Rishi travel through centripetal and centrifugal force, thus masses of Solar Dragon Rings spanning into orbital positions in the enormous size of planets began to appear and station themselves around the Solar System, along with the indication they are here with the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar as the Universal Christ Red Rose energy signature which appears to be flooding into our system.

The Uranus 8D Grual Stargate is connected to the Aquarian sun star network in the 12D Solar Logos gate of Aramatena, and the Royal Star Fomalhaut’s southern position in the Cosmic Clock that directs the Ruby Diamond Pillar and Ruby Spirals. Thus, with previous adventures with the Cosmic Christos Solar Rishic Dragons of Aquarius, such as Christ Zarathustra working tirelessly making repairs in Fomalhaut’s star matrix, it begins to make sense as to why the Cosmic Father from the 1st God World Creation has returned through Uranus Grual portal system. Consequently, the Cosmic Father and his Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons seem to be organizing themselves into strategic positions around recently opened 8D interdimensional portals that appear as eight sided octahedral geometries, such as spinning Octahedral Prisms with rainbow lights and other colors of roundish octagonal shapes that are spreading rainbow rays into the planetary grid system.

These momentous events in Uranus sparked a range of catalytic confrontations and clearings too numerous to count, however, in addressing the 9D AI machinery Kronos that was previously identified during Guardian projects in Alnilam and Mintaka to free Orion’s Belt, it was discovered that segments of this master AI control system were being administrated by the highest level Thubanites, previously stationed in the Draco constellation. The AI Sentinel Program Kronos was identified as the 9D master AI Alien Machinery used to reinforce the Checkerboard Mutation and the Wall in Time, and as the Melchizedek Logos was subsequently rescued from its entrapment, it was further identified as running a massive sized headquarters for building out artificial red shield networks along with the nested infection of an AI Enki Lair, hidden and buried within the 8D-9D layers of Neptune.

Guardian tracking led to the surveillance of assorted Sa’am-Enki-Osiris AI built virtual realities for Thoth, Enki, Enlil Annunaki hybrid collectives that they used for building out their hierarchies of Adonis False God identities and as a hidden base for assorted NAA operations linked into artificial wormholes and tunneling systems originating from inside Neptune. This tunneling operation spanned several artificial 5D-8D-11D hyperdimensional pockets that were connected to a huge farm of cloning and genetic experiment laboratories, black dragon-red dragon shield networks and Wesan black hole entity groups hosting a massive inventory of artificially generated hybrid cloned bodies of unimaginable proportions, with genetic specimens collected from all over the Universe that were being defended with fully weaponized automated AI hybrid antichrist armies. In particular this confrontation was totally unexpected and extremely rough for those Starseed lineages connected to these specific Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon families that went directly head on into an extremely chaotic and violent spiritual battle. It was a massive Emerald Templar – Ruby Templar – Amethyst Templar collective effort, assorted Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Sun Mer-Lion lineages, Dark Matter Elohei and Pegasus Michael-Merlin Azurites came to remove the artificial 11D Pegasus Grid System, 8D Metatronic fallen timekeeper mechanism and Artificial Lunar Rods and Caduceus implants sending out assorted phase disruption and time dilation technologies to distort organic time fields. This Christos Solar Dragon group translated into the Celtic Druid Maji Grail Kings in the ancestral lineages of the Order of the Thistle upon the Earth, was the means of which more information became available to understand the spiritual architecture of the Amethyst Dragon Kings that are connected to the Cosmic Ruby Order Christos Universal Bloodline.

The extractions and collapses of the artificial networks were handled relatively efficiently but continued on and off for a few days when entering the solar calendar of Aquarius, as spontaneous direct combat ensued in which every horror of antichrist weaponry was pulled out for spiritual battle, generating incredible black magic sorcery and heavy AI miasmatic residue from Orion’s Galactic War histories. From the vantage point of being in a human body, this was felt as energetic explosion after explosion with massive skyscrapers of falling debris on top of the crown and solar star, as if the body was weighed down and pushed into a muddy astral pit. The necessity is as always, to remain calm and as still as possible, staying out of the way of cross spiraling fire power and laying low, as the retaliation for taking down the artificial Pegasus grid and carrying out retrievals of certain Adonis God cloned body parts was more than hostile. During these few days, common ascension symptoms included pain, numbness and sensing disconnection on the lower half or right side of the body, kidney and liver pain, blurry vision, assorted random and moving heavy physical aches and pains. The majority of symptoms are focused on right side masculine ancestral clearings and the review and retrieval of patriarchal lineages along with their timeline histories as connected to militarized combat in assorted wars, on and off planet. Further Tiamati reclamations for the 10D Sapphire Diamond Shield also impacted the left side wing portal in the trapezius muscle leading into the base of the skull, with some powerful neck and headaches.

To better comprehend why the unexpected and magical opening of the 8D Grual portal in Uranus is a major revelation in the shifting architecture of our Universal and Galactic Stargate system, we must be aware of the massive damage caused by the Metatronic Flower of Death generated by the Orion Wars. This is why as Starseeds we note the constant repeating of having to clear out the same miasmatic issues again and again, in order to spiritually heal from the NAA invasion and Orion War themes, as every time we revisit these same clearing themes, we are transmuting the negative historical records and the artificial timelines used to re-traumatize humanity in the NAA set up of never-ending genocidal wars.

The NAA takeover of the Universal 8D Stargate in Orion was thought to have destroyed the Uranus portal system. When considering the Greek tragic religious mythology surrounding the Titans Kronos and Uranus, in which Kronos (identified with Saturn) used a sickle to castrate and depose his father Uranus, the mysteries behind the origin of this ancient narrative compared to recent interdimensional spiritual warfare, becomes quite compelling.

~via The Supreme Grand Master Architect

LISA RENEE: “Guardian Yeshua and Mary — 8D Realmkeepers”

“The Temple of Khemalohatea represents the Alchemical Laws encoded in the merge of the Emerald Templar and Ruby Templar within Cosmic Father’s Book of the Law located in the rainbow diamond capstone of Addondra and Addondra Rha in the parallels, in which the spiritual transfiguration within the holy sepulcher for sacred marriage with God or hierogamic union between the primary gender twins is made possible throughout the timelines and lower dimensions. The Khem Codes hold the esoteric knowledge of alchemical manifestation secrets of the Cosmic Father’s Temple of Solomon and Ruby Templar Zephyr Shield bass tones, which are also being transmitted through the King Arthur emerald-ruby capstone of Ar-Tha-Ur-Hum rainbow rounds. These seem to be specific tones for Cosmic Father’s Ruby Rose diamond heart geometries constructing the Universal Diamond Pillar Krystal Cathedrals in selected Avalon portals and throughout sections of the Albion Lightbody. These sacred tones of the tantric khem code flowerings were embodied by the authentic Ascended Masters Guardian Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Sophia, who were revealed to be the 8D Rod and Staff holders of the Emerald Order’s Aeonic Pairing for seating in the 8D section of the Khemalohatea, which have been retrieving their Cosmic Dragon Starhuman Templar body parts in preparation for their return to the planet for many years. Last November, they ignited corrected 8D Khem codes in the eight-sided Octagonal shaped Temple of Khemalohatea on the Monadic plane or third harmonic universe, completing the Astrological Ages of the Yeshua-Mary Magdalene historical rounds through the 8D Rod and Staff sun star networks as recorded in the histories of the Gaian metagalactic core. Avalon key coded portal systems are located in the intersection points of the diagonal lines of functioning crystal hearts across the planet, where the sophianic diamond grids, flowering sophianic pillars and chalice points for running Mother’s Stream are found throughout the planetary grid system. Considering that the Temple of the Khemalot is synonymous with comprehending the ancient folklore and mythologies of King Arthur’s Camelot in the Albion, the Edenic principle of Avalon is also a sacred mathematical sound tone mantrum resonating at the matched frequency of the sovereign Christos-Sophia gematria of triple eights (888). Thus, this gematria value of 888 initiates to build the solar anointed Christ-Buddha body through which to build the complete diamond sun template, as well as represent the infinity symbol of the eternal life currents of the anointed Christos-Sophia as the Solar Logos, as the 8D Rod and Staff timekeepers of the Universe’s primary gender twins are taking their hierogamic seat in the Temple of the Khemalohatea.”

~Lisa Renee

The Khem Codes hold the esoteric knowledge of alchemical manifestation secrets of the Cosmic Father’s Temple of Solomon and Ruby Templar Zephyr Shield bass tones, which are also being transmitted through the King Arthur emerald-ruby capstone of Ar-Tha-Ur-Hum rainbow rounds. These seem to be specific tones for Cosmic Father’s Ruby Rose diamond heart geometries constructing the Universal Diamond Pillar Krystal Cathedrals in selected Avalon portals and throughout sections of the Albion Lightbody. These sacred tones of the tantric khem code flowerings were embodied by the authentic Ascended Masters Guardian Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Sophia, who were revealed to be the 8D Rod and Staff holders of the Emerald Order’s Aeonic Pairing for seating in the 8D section of the Khemalohatea, which have been retrieving their Cosmic Dragon Starhuman Templar body parts in preparation for their return to the planet for many years. Last November, they ignited corrected 8D Khem codes in the eight-sided Octagonal shaped Temple of Khemalohatea on the Monadic plane or third harmonic universe, completing the Astrological Ages of the Yeshua-Mary Magdalene historical rounds through the 8D Rod and Staff sun star networks as recorded in the histories of the Gaian metagalactic core.

The Temple of Khemalohatea represents the Alchemical Laws encoded in the merge of the Emerald Templar and Ruby Templar within Cosmic Father’s Book of the Law located in the rainbow diamond capstone of Addondra and Addondra Rha in the parallels, in which the spiritual transfiguration within the holy sepulcher for sacred marriage with God or hierogamic union between the primary gender twins is made possible throughout the timelines and lower dimensions.

When the carbon elemental physical body is under transfiguration to be merged with its inner spiritual sun, the body elemental transforms from the 666-carbon based atomic form to add 8 more electrons, 8 more protons and 8 more neutrons in order for the counter-rotating merkaba spirals in the lightbody to receive neutrinos that build the base 12 math of the Diamond Sun body. This seems to be why in certain gnostic texts the solar anointed Christos was considered the highest in the spiritual hierarchy of the Ogdoad, and represented through the Christos master number of triple eight (888). The concept of the Ogdoad is a feature of Gnostic Christianity adopted by the templars and freemasons in which the number eight plays an important part in the gnostic systems, as it was believed that there was a group of eight divine beings that functioned as the Aeons of time, in which they were seated in the dimensional realms to function as the ruler over that spiritual domain.

Thus, this gematria value of 888 initiates to build the solar anointed Christ-Buddha body through which to build the complete diamond sun template, as well as represent the infinity symbol of the eternal life currents of the anointed Christos-Sophia as the Solar Logos, as the 8D Rod and Staff timekeepers of the Universe’s primary gender twins are taking their hierogamic seat in the Temple of the Khemalohatea.

Considering that the Temple of the Khemalot is synonymous with comprehending the ancient folklore and mythologies of King Arthur’s Camelot in the Albion, the Edenic principle of Avalon is also a sacred mathematical sound tone mantrum resonating at the matched frequency of the sovereign Christos-Sophia gematria of triple eights (888). Avalon key coded portal systems are located in the intersection points of the diagonal lines of functioning crystal hearts across the planet, where the sophianic diamond grids, flowering sophianic pillars and chalice points for running Mother’s Stream are found throughout the planetary grid system.

~via – Shifting Timelines Newsletter – published February 24, 2024